
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 286: The deserving **** of destruction and destruction in the material universe

Esdes rubs the energy ball with his hands. Saiyans are different from Kryptonians. Saiyans are equivalent to mages. They have very strong energy, but their bodies are very fragile, so that they will be killed by laser guns when they become Super Saiyan.

Captain Marvel hit the energy ball in a punch, but the energy ball was not absorbed by her, and the remaining energy went straight to the distance.

Along the way, the aftermath of energy created a deep and long trench on the ground, and eventually exploded in the distance, raising smoke and dust in the sky.

Plasma plasma and cosmic energy **** are flying around, explosions on the edge of the battlefield one after another, and small mushroom clouds rise.

"Don't fight! Don't fight!"

"Don't fight, we surrender!"

The people from this planet ran over, thinking that Captain Marvel was the savior, killed Ultraman and repelled the Krypton Empire, but I didn't expect this to be a savior, it was clearly a disaster.

The destruction caused by their two battles almost destroyed the planet. I knew that, so I might as well surrender at the beginning.

But Esdes did not hear about it, Captain Marvel heard it, but she couldn't get out of her body and was entangled by Esdes.

With a low drink from Esdes, a vast expanse of energy was emitted, and the golden light turned into waves and whizzed in all directions in the form of waves.

A strong momentum stirred the surrounding air, and the people who ran over instantly evaporated and disappeared.

The energy cyclone was turbulent, the magnetic field was reversed and chaotic, and the space was torn into pieces when it was pulled.

The end of the planet came, and the ground and the ocean shook violently. Natural disasters such as tsunamis, storms, earthquakes, etc. erupted at the same time, and the surface of the planet became a mess.

The earth's crust splits piece by piece, with cracks as the boundary, some rise and some sink, magma rises and surges, and a brain fills these cracks.

Rumble ————

The thunder suddenly exploded, and the whole planet became chaotic and out of shape.

The space was crushed and re-corrected under the force of gravity and other forces, exiled Esther and Captain Marvel, together with the small half of the planet's crust~www.mtlnovel.com~Welfare] Pay attention to the public.. Number [Book Friends Base Camp] , Read books every day to get cash/points!

But soon, Esdes directly shook off the various forces and rushed towards Captain Marvel. When the two sides collided, they fell into the already fragmented planet.

Then confronted each other, the powerful aura collided in one place, the ground vibrated, and the small gravel was pulled out of gravity by the energy, floated slowly and was crushed into dust.

Captain Marvel's whole body was radiant, and the photon energy doubled and exploded, fierce air waves swelled like mountains and oceans, and blasted Esdes out.

Esdes didn't even fly a meter, so he stood firmly and made Captain Marvel yelled at him.

This is the first time she has been in the universe for so long... Not counting the previous time, the Krypton Empire's technological power is only strong, but as far as the individual is strong, Esdes is the first time she has seen such a strong.

You must know that even the crazy Titan Thanos of the Dark Order has been hunted down by Captain Marvel, fighting all over.

The results of it?

Esther was hit without any scars, and her clothes were not damaged. Although she had no injuries, her clothes were already scarred.

Driving the dual-star state can't crush Esdes, but she is evenly matched?

The Krypton Empire's biological transformation technology is too strong, at least much stronger than the Kerry Empire.

Although the white military uniform on Esthers looks weak, it is not weak at all. The double alloy clothes made of Edman alloy fiber and vibrating fiber, plus Esther's powerful biological force field. , Even if Thanos holds the Infinite Gems and wants to break through her defenses, it's hard enough.

Captain Marvel saw that the planet she originally wanted to protect was almost exploded by the battle between the two of them. Even if it didn't explode, it would become a life restricted zone. The extreme anger made her rush towards Esdes regardless of her anger.

Esdes sneered, his whole body exploded, but he used a hot sight.

Captain Marvel ignored the hot gaze and smashed Esdes's face with a punch.

Esthers did not move, not even a centimeter back, but the powerful counter shock caused Captain Marvel's five fingers to comminuted fracture.

Even if she recovered in the blink of an eye, she felt a sharp pain.

At the same time, he was puzzled why he couldn't shake Esders.

"That's what you can do?"

Asides gave Captain Marvel a punch, and the kinetic energy was completely absorbed by her, but the air wrapped around her fist hurt Captain Marvel.

At this moment, Zordhis appeared.

Captain Marvel was surprised because she hadn't noticed how Zordhis appeared.

"It doesn't look like the pie face in the movie, it's much more beautiful."

Zod looked at Captain Marvel and said.

"Don't intervene in my battle!"

Esther wanted to stop Zod.

"Let you fight again, and she will defeat you. Let's stop here for today."

Zordhis said to Esthers.

He held a black hole singularity in his hand, and the endless gravity had already captured the body of Captain Marvel in an instant, and dragged her to fly in the direction of the singularity.

Space, time, and all matter cannot escape the fate of being decomposed and swallowed under the gravitational pull of this singularity. Captain Marvel can see all of this clearly, and naturally it is impossible to have any fluke in this. I can survive the gravitational pull of this singularity.

Because she discovered that the mass of this black hole singularity is much larger than the black hole celestial body she has seen in the universe, and it is a supergravity mass that far exceeds the black hole celestial body!

How could it be...there will be a matter of greater mass than a black hole!

Can the material universe carry such matter? Shouldn't it destroy everything around it instantly as soon as it appears?

Captain Marvel was unimaginable, and then she saw Zodhis stretched out her hand, and the whole body's power seemed to be taken away, instantly vanishing ~www.mtlnovel.com~ She collapsed to the ground and watched. This unimaginable existence in front of me.

Zodhis held the black hole singularity with one hand, and held the power taken from Captain Marvel with one hand.

It wasn't that Captain Marvel was deprived of the power, she was still able to recover, but Zodhis was more thorough, making it difficult for her to recover quickly in a short period of time.

"who are you?"

Captain Marvel asked unwillingly, why would he allow such an existence beyond imagination and a well-deserved **** of destruction in the material universe?

There can be no one who can defeat him in the material universe.

"Krypton Emperor."

Zodhis didn't mind answering Captain Marvel's questions.

Although Captain Marvel had an answer in his heart, he couldn't help but smile after hearing it.

No wonder the Krypton Empire is developing so rapidly, there is such an invincible emperor...