
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 285: Asides VS Captain Marvel

"what's the situation?"

The other Ultraman didn't react until Captain Marvel rushed towards him.

This time Ultraman saw the attacker's palm directly lit up, and a hand knife smashed at Captain Marvel.


After the two sides contacted, Captain Marvel grabbed Otto's hand knife, and then threw Altman to the ground with one over the shoulder.


Altman, who had just been knocked down, was already up at this time, he painted ten with both hands, and then shot out a destructive death light.

The dazzling light flew towards Captain Marvel. Captain Marvel had no intention of avoiding him. He stood still and ate the destruction death light, and then she absorbed the destruction death light and strengthened her power.

Then Captain Marvel burst into photon energy in his hands and pushed towards Ultraman.

The photon energy spews like crazy, and the surrounding space encounters energy pressure and twists into a spiral.

Altman, who was hit by the photon energy, let out a scream, exploded a lot of sparks and lightning all over his body, and fell to the ground.

Another Ultraman also fired the destruction death light, Captain Marvel snorted coldly, palms the knife, and the photon energy is like a hot knife cutting butter, splitting the destruction death light in half, bullying the body close, and rushing to Ultraman .

The fist screamed and approached, squeezing the surrounding space slightly distorted, Ultraman panicked and greeted him with a punch.

boom! !

Two powerful forces collided head-on, exploding a turbulent flow of mutually exclusive energy, venting frantically towards the surroundings.

The kilometer air wave caused an impact of hundreds of millions of tons and shattered most of the city.

boom! !

The white wave of air glides from a distance, and the moment it hits the ground, a powerful aura erupts like a mountain torrent, spreading to the surroundings rapidly.

The shaking caused a series of hurricanes, and the messy stone pillars on the ground broke instantly, and were swept away by the following hurricanes.

Ultraman was trapped deep in the cliffs, and Captain Marvel condensed photon energy with his arms, turned his fists into phantoms, and launched a storm-like offensive, hitting him with punch after punch.

Under the explosion of photon energy, Captain Marvel pressed Ultraman to dig through the mountain a little bit, and finally broke through the back of the mountain!

Altman also made an unwilling voice, fell to the ground, and the light particles disappeared.

The remaining Ultraman saw this scene and chose to escape.

Where did Captain Marvel dared to let him go? He is gone. I'm afraid that it will be the female lunatic of the Krypton Empire or the sword fighting, or Delius.

These three guys are all super powers of the Krypton Empire, even if there are so many powers in the universe, they can all be in the forefront.

Although Captain Marvel is confident, he is not arrogant.

However, before Ultraman escaped successfully, or Captain Marvel succeeded in catching up, the colorful rays of light descended again.

"Finally see you."

Asides walked out of the light of the Rainbow Bridge, sneered at Captain Marvel and said.

Although the Krypton Empire does not have the clairvoyance of Heimdall, Zordhis solved this problem with reality gems.

He directly copied a Krypton Empire version of Heimdall, and the opponent was even stronger than the genuine Heimdall. Therefore, when these two Ultramans had an accident, they were directly seen by the "God Eye" Galadia. .

After all, if there is a choice, Zod will of course choose a beautiful female character instead of Heimdall's old ink.

After quickly informing the Krypton Empire of the three people capable of solving Captain Marvel, Dreyus said that he was hacking people and had no time to pass.

Doujian said that he would protect the safety of Krypton and not leave his post without authorization.

So Esther came over.


Captain Marvel recognized this woman, white military uniform, waist-length icy blue long hair, with an aura of disdain for a group of heroes.

It is said that this woman, when faced with a civilization that does not surrender, will choose to massacre the entire civilization of the other party, and she is a sheer female lunatic.

Although in the universe, people like Esders are not uncommon.

Asides can't wait to fight Captain Marvel.

Because Zod updated her configuration, just like Dinesha, they are all Kryptonians + Saiyan genes, and then Esdes felt that he had not become stronger and became stronger all at once.

Captain Marvel and Esders each flashed and disappeared, and when they reappeared, they were already close at hand!

The loud bang was earth-shattering, and from the deep space of the universe, a cluster of light spots expanded rapidly, like a flare burst, causing a corner of the entire planet to gradually glow with a brilliant white light.

Rumble ————

A fist that destroys the stars scoured the surface of the planet, and the central area where the energy bursts, a huge gully that is bottomless and stretched for several kilometers tore to the distance.

The aftermath swept the surroundings, scraping the surface of the ground abruptly, and burning lava spewed from the cracks in the ground, and the volcano in the distance spewed black smoke.

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The earth's crust is shaking more and more frequently, and a natural disaster sweeping the entire planet is inevitable. The scorching high temperature exacerbates the black cloud cover, and inexplicable explosions can be seen everywhere, and the clouds in the sky even flashed strangely colored lightning from time to time.

Asides climbed up from the magma torrent. The Kryptonian's steel body and biological force field made Asdes's skin almost indestructible. When faced with attacks such as high temperature, cold, lightning, radiation, and poison, it resisted attacks such as heat, cold, lightning, radiation, and poison. The **** is amazing.

She grinned and struck the ground with a fist. The terrifying energy was instilled deep underground, and the ground exploded and broke into pieces.

The Captain Marvel, who had just appeared, was suddenly covered by countless smoke and dust, and lava emerged, accompanied by the high temperature and flames, which caused a big explosion, which lifted her into the air.

Captain Marvel is also unscathed. She is so strong that she is inhuman in the double star state. If Esdes wants to win her, she needs a fierce battle~www.mtlnovel.com~ Captain Marvel, who is standing still in the air again, is fully released. The golden light of photon energy shocked the wave with magnificent power, crushing the air and shattering it, causing mirror-like cracks to appear in the space around her.

Esdes laughed wildly, pouring one hand into the photon energy rushing toward his face, oppressing the golden light a little bit.

When Captain Marvel saw this scene, she cursed the monster secretly and suppressed the photon energy with her bare hands. This was the first time she saw it.

blue! Golden! purple!

Under the dim sky, three colors swayed endless light curtains, swaying back and forth with the hurricane, and each shaking caused the space to sway.

The air hummed violently, and the arc sparks flickered occasionally, like a laser blade cutting back and forth, unparalleled sharpness and extremely high temperature.

The high-temperature plasma bombarded the two men like a plasma cannon.

Esther didn't care at all. She had a biological force field and a body of steel, and she couldn't even break her clothes. Not to mention Captain Marvel, she absorbed it directly.