
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 284: Ultraman of the Krypton Empire

Then the rebels saw the three giants posing in strange poses, then released light, and then they didn't know anything.

The Ultraman created by Zod is almost a foolish operation, even how to release light, and it appears in his mind like the manual.

Without a transforming device, you can transform directly, that is, Ultraman is equal to the human body.

And it's not a mass-produced Ultraman, it doesn't look exactly the same, plus an Ultraman can basically suppress a planet, and there is no need to make too many Ultramans.

After all, the Krypton Empire now rules only a few thousand planets. Although these are all life planets, those resource planets are not counted.

Put three Ultramans on each planet, which is only nearly 10,000 Ultramans, which is not as good as the 60 million Ultramans in the Kingdom of Light.

People have been formally trained, Zod's these can only be regarded as high imitations.

However, it's just that the high imitation is powerful enough.

[Shocked, the Krypton Empire has developed a new super soldier-Giant! ]

[Shocked, the giant developed by the Krypton Empire destroyed dozens of battleships in the nearby Skok civilization! ]

[The new weapon of the Krypton Empire-Giant! ]

The speed of information dissemination in the universe is very fast. After all, they have already played quantum entanglement communication technology, and everyone knows that a new war weapon has appeared in the Krypton Empire, a giant with a height of 100 meters.

And some ancient civilizations almost thought it was the Celestial Group, after all, they were too similar.

Altman's form is really so similar to Marvel's Celestial Group.

The cosmic **** group is called "interstellar giants" by many races, precisely because of their exaggerated huge size.

They often wear armor when they show up, and no one knows what their armor looks like.

The shape of the armor of the Celestial Group is also bizarre, and there is no rule to follow. Perhaps in their opinion, the Ultraman of the Krypton Empire is almost similar to the armor of the Celestial Group.

This is also excusable. After all, the Universe Celestial Group is a very large and mysterious race, with various abilities, not to mention the differences between individuals.

Moreover, the various detailed settings of its race have never been clearly explained in any comic publications, and even the Marvel editors have not thought about it visually.

It's just that, generally speaking, the size of the Celestial Group is more than 100 meters high.

They are generally 2,000 feet tall, which is about 600 meters tall, which is much taller than the Ultraman of the Krypton Empire.

It's just that it's about the general height, even different individuals in the Celestial Group have differences, and there are even Celestial Gods who have the ability to adjust their body shape, so the 100-meter-high Celestial Group is actually not surprising.

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Originally, they thought that they were thinking too much. What is the Universe Celestial Group? Although the Krypton Empire is powerful, it is impossible for all members of the Universe-level Celestial Group to be able to do it?

But seeing the Ultraman's powerful light attack, they shook again.

Each of the cosmic gods has the ability to manipulate the energy of the universe, and the light technique happens to be a special skill of the cosmic gods.

Not to mention that someone uploaded a video of Ultraman vs. Space Battleship.

Originally able to do such an arrogant heads-up fleet is only Esders and Doujian, plus a hand of Noxus at most.

But now it's different, Ultraman can single out a fleet, and it even feels easier.

In front of Ultraman, those battleships were like targets, waiting to be attacked by the other side with light.

As for the warship's counterattack, in the vast battlefield of the universe, Ultraman can easily avoid their attacks.

Their attack was too slow for Ultraman.

Although the interstellar civilizations in the universe felt that the Krypton Empire was very strong and had a rapid rise, they did not have a fleet so far. They all rely on the Rainbow Bridge to jump and beat people. Although powerful, they are not to be feared.

However, after Ultraman came out, everything changed. One Ultraman can top an unknown number of fleets, and Ultraman can also directly descend on the planet through the Rainbow Bridge to destroy it.

Basically, there are only a few that can defeat Ultraman, and even the whiteboard Thanos of the sub-heavenly father level is not enough.

After all, Thanos is only 1,500 tons of strength with a single arm, and each Ultraman has a grip strength of 100,000 tons.

Pioneer civilizations can invade dozens of civilizations by relying on huge monsters and polluting the environment, not to mention a more powerful giant unit like Ultraman?

"No, it's Ultraman from the Krypton Empire, run!"

On a planet, accompanied by colorful rainbow rays, two huge giants appeared in front of everyone on this planet.

The one-hundred-meter-tall giant frightened the civilization of this planet. Even though the horror of Ultraman has been known from the interstellar network, many fighters still resisted desperately in order to protect their homeland.

"Why do stupid guys resist after witnessing our divine power?"

One Ultraman of the blue race waved out super shock waves, which directly blasted the flying fighter plane, while the other Ultraman of the red race condensed light with his right hand and launched a large number of destructive light bombs.

Each destructive light bomb hits the ground to cause an energy output equivalent to three terawatts. It is important to know that in the EVA, the positron cannon of the first unit only has one terawatt of energy.

Just when the civilization of this planet was about to be destroyed by two Ultramans, a golden figure rushed towards the two Ultramans.

Captain Marvel, Danfoss, who had dealt with the gray knights of the Krypton Empire at the beginning, was deflated by the strength of two materials!

It's not the big pie face in the movie~www.mtlnovel.com~ but a hot blonde.

Captain Marvel was deflated in the siege of the Grey Knights and the Black Knights, and he did not care about the Krypton Empire. It was obvious that the technology of the Krypton Empire was so high that even she could not help the Krypton Empire. Soldiers.

It's just that you can always avoid all the problems if you want to hide. Captain Marvel Danvers is also the case. She happens to be performing justice on this planet, and then Ultraman from the Krypton Empire suddenly appears, making her think I can't even go.

After seeing two Ultraman killing off and destroying a large number of cities, Danvers took a deep breath and decided not to escape the Krypton Empire anymore.

The golden figure hit an Ultraman directly.

With a mass of more than 100,000 tons of Ultraman, there are few powers that can shake them.

But Captain Marvel is obviously not in this list.

As a result, a seemingly ridiculous scene appeared, the extremely huge Ultraman was directly knocked down by the much smaller golden figure!