
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 282: resignation

"Although these days are not peaceful, everything is still under our control."


Agent Sitwell nodded and said yes.

Afterwards, Agent Sitwell and the new Hydra leader came to the depths of the earth...

In fact, the real inside story of the Insight Plan is to predict whether or not he will pose a threat to stability and order in the future by analyzing everyone's experience and information.

If there is a threat, it will use the air carrier to destroy the opponent before the threat occurs.

In detail, it is through a person's past behaviors, including words spoken, books read, music heard, movies watched, clubs joined, Weibo posted, liked, reposted, and electronically sent. Mail, every phone call, every day's text messages, activity circle, professional attributes, education experience, medical situation, blood type constellation, etc., to predict the future of this person.

In today's society, nothing can escape the detection of satellites and cameras, and many things will be recorded on the Internet. This is the horror of big data.

The Star of Lemuria, in fact, is a satellite launcher, which can be called part of the insight plan.

The key to the insight plan is the three insight satellites, and the satellite launcher is used here.

Why does S.H.I.E.L.D. launch satellites from the sea?

This is actually because ships can go to the equator. If they launch satellites from the equator, they only need less fuel to get into orbit.

This is a more efficient method, and the satellite can stay in the sky longer.

In this way, after the insight project started, Excalibur Bureau had already launched two insight satellites. Zordhis did not stop this project, after all, it was the last carnival of Hydra.

As they were preparing to launch the last satellite, Agent Sitwell arrived.

For this period of time, he has been waiting for the satellite to launch, and now he has finally reached the last step.

Agent Sitwell, as a member of the Excalibur Bureau, he is also a spy for Hydra.

Because of this, he wants to import a secret program into the satellite program.

This program is very important, it is about the real insight plan, which can be called the future of Hydra.

This is the task assigned to him by the new Hydra American leader, and he must complete it himself because of the special task.

It was not until Agent Sitwell saw the last insight satellite flying into the sky with his own eyes that he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

But right now, even the arrogant Hydra knows that it is not the best time to launch an insight project.

After all, the brilliant Zodhis is still there, and no one thinks that there is a possibility for insight into whether the spacecraft can kill him.

Otherwise Zordhis would have died in the invasion of the Zetaris.

At this moment, Zodhis brought up something shocking and pleasantly surprised by Hydra.

"I am going to step down as the director of the Excalibur Bureau."

This shocked the United Nations. Why did it do a good job and suddenly resigned?

We didn't embarrass or squat you, but you embarrassed and squatted us, okay?

The representatives of Atlantis civilization and the representatives of Wakanda also tried their best to keep Zordhis.

Just kidding, if Zodhis resigned, the newly appointed Director of the Excalibur Bureau would not know how to target them.

Faced with the retention and appeals of the whole world, as well as the various promises of the United Nations, Zodhis refused, and then neatly handed over the authority of the director of the Excalibur Bureau.

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It was sold to them Zagu's body anyway, and Zordhis now feels that he can escape from the burden of a superhero.

In desperation, the hidden Hydra began to exert its strength. The position of Director of the Excalibur Bureau, but a powerful position beyond imagination!

It is no exaggeration to say that even the President of the United States cannot match the position of Director of the Excalibur Bureau. This is the most powerful position in the world!

Unexpectedly, at this time, Zordhis announced that he had found the sleeping Captain Steve Rogers.

Then the battleship-class superman Steve Rogers jumped out, and under the recommendation of Zord, Steve Rogers became the new director of the Excalibur Bureau!

No way, although Steve's popularity has been basically crushed by Zordheath, but besides Zordheath, he is really an idol in the hearts of Americans.

Many, many Americans grew up listening to the story of Captain America, and apart from Stark who might have opinions, no one else had any opinions.

Superheroes are also willing to follow Captain America's command.

This is also the tone set by Zodhis at the time. The Captain America he has shaped can be perfectly qualified for the post of Director of Excalibur Bureau. He will not have any selfishness, and he will be dedicated to humanity and justice.

Coupled with Nick Fury as the assistant of the deputy director, Stark as the superhero leader is responsible for the management of the trinity in the egg!

Hydra was robbed of an important position with such a daunting expression.

The problem was that it was too sudden, and they were caught off guard. The opponents originally expected were Nick Fury and Tony Stark, plus General Ross.

In the end, he didn't expect an old guy who had been dead for more than seventy years to jump out to grab a position with them, so he succeeded all at once.

If you say that Hydra is reconciled, it must be reconciled.

However, the problem has also come, and they seem to have nothing to do if they are not reconciled.

After Zod made arrangements, he began to study the corpse of the cursed warrior who had become fragments.

The reality gem is now in his hands. If he could replicate the cursed warrior, would it seem good?

Although Hydra wanted to get the body of the cursed warrior, he refused to give it to Zodhith.

However, Zordheath Yuwei was still at ~www.mtlnovel.com~ so the United Nations defaulted that the body was recovered by Zordheath.

Anyway, they caught a large group of living dark elves, should they be able to get the technology to make that kind of powerful warrior?

It's a pity that they didn't know that the cursed warrior was made with celestial fragments. Malekis had already used the last fragment of the cursed stone on Algorim.

Zod studied for a while and understood the principle of the cursed stone.

In fact, it was only when Malkis made a wish to the reality gem to get its fragments.

The cursed warrior who consumes the most vitality, even the dark elves can only maintain this state for a while, and then they have to die.

Fortunately, Zod has power gems and can supply energy to real gems.

Power gems are the basis for satisfying other infinite gems' ability to activate and reduce user consumption. Although Zod himself is sufficient to supply all the infinite gems, it is also good to have power gems to share.