
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 281: 9 snakes in action

Thor, the **** of thunder, has not yet returned to Asgard, so he also participated in the siege of the dark elves and the cursed warriors.

Then he was beaten into a dog by the cursed warrior.

Zod nodded secretly. No wonder God's Domain had to rely on the Rainbow Bridge Jumping tactics to win surprisingly. After all, the dark elves had an army of cursed warriors, let alone sweeping the nine worlds and returning to the darkness. It is estimated that even if it is to fight in the universe. Can lay a large area.

In fact, the dark elves are the race that fits the most realistic gems. The most important reason is not just that they were born with them, but the problems that others have overlooked.

That is the terrible life span of the dark elves!

You know, since the first dark elves were born, they have always been that group of guys, and they have never changed.

At the beginning, Odin's father dealt with them, but now Odin is dying, and the dark elves are still alive.

It can be said that the life span of the dark elves is really exaggerated to incredible, it is a race that is quite close to immortality.

Because of this, the so-called cursed warrior is so terrible, even if it is a cursed warrior that consumes life force and turns into invincible power, the cursed warrior will not stop fighting until the life force is exhausted.

But the result is that most of the cursed warriors did not hear that they were killed because of their lifespan. On the contrary, they were killed by other means.

The reason is that the life span of the dark elf is too exaggerated.

Just when the superhero and Thor were fighting hard, a blonde approached the battlefield.

She has a delicate face like a doll, bright golden curly hair, a smile if there is nothing but a big sword that is out of place behind her back.

"Madam, it's dangerous here, not where you should be."

Stark's eyes lit up when he saw the blonde, and he hurriedly flew in front of her and said.

The other party was unheard of, but she passed Stark and the superheroes at an unimaginable speed, but she looked like she was pacing in a leisurely courtyard. This strange feeling of speed and slowness made everyone Everyone feels uncomfortable.

The cursed warrior punched the blonde girl.

"It's over!"

Stark and others said that such a beautiful woman would be gone.

As a result, the blonde and the cursed warrior passed by, and the cursed warrior's body froze in place. After a while, she fell to the ground torn apart.

And the blonde had already left.

"Who is she?"

Stark couldn't help asking Jarvis.

"Sir, the umbrella company just updated their information, and the goal is consistent with the information."

Jarvis dropped the screen, and Tony Stark saw the blonde's profile.

Name: Dinesha

Grade: no.1

Position: Special Forces

A super soldier made by Umbrella Company's new No. 1 compound!

"She is a special soldier of the umbrella company..."

Stark thought about the group of people who had been fighting for a long time and they were beaten all over to find teeth, and then think about that Dinessa killed the Cursed Warrior easily, and suddenly he also had the urge to join the umbrella company.

Dinessa was able to kill the cursed warrior so easily. In addition to her being a Kryptonian soldier gene, Zodhis also added Saiyan gene to her with reality gems. Of course, this is just an attempt, Saiyan. Gene doesn't know if it is 100% reproduced.

However, it is enough for Dinesha to use high-speed swords and other techniques. Weapons are made by dwarves. Ulu metal + vibrating gold + Edman alloy + krypton gold, which will have the ability of subatomic cutting. , Almost any substance can be cut.

At the same time indestructible, it is very suitable for Dinesha.

When other superheroes heard Stark say this, they felt mixed.

Umbrella company is just a special soldier so powerful, then what is the significance of their existence?

Even so, there are some superheroes who don't take it seriously.

The cursed warrior was beheaded, and the remaining dark elves were put in prison. Human beings were greedy and couldn't wait to get their everything from the dark elves.

For example, the black hole grenade that almost killed most superheroes, and their Reaper spacecraft technology.

"came back."

Zod looked at the incoming Dinesha, she might be the strongest person under her, the combination of Kryptonian and Saiyan double genes.

"The cursed warrior is very strong. If it wasn't for a good weapon, I might not be able to kill it directly."

Dinesha said modestly.

"Well, I believe you."

Zod nodded slightly.

Then Dinessa naturally lay down in Zod's arms.

Dinesha's height is 180cm, which most women can't match, but Zod himself is 1.9 meters tall, so it's okay for her to nestle in her arms like a human.

More importantly, the 1.8-meter Denisa has long legs that is beyond imagination and can even apply for a world record.

Another special soldier, Sephiroth, was sent by Zod to deal with the coincidence of the nine worlds and monsters from other worlds. ~www.mtlnovel.com~ Although the Excalibur Bureau will also be resolved, Zod has planned to step down as God The post of the head of the sword bureau.

Because it is more fun to turn the umbrella company into a super company in a wealthy country.

After this incident, although the civilians did not feel panic, the major forces panicked.

The earth has just been invaded by aliens, and now there is such a big crisis again, I really don't know what kind of disasters will happen in the future.

Therefore, the World Council wants to immediately promote the insight plan.

The so-called insight plan is the continuation of the second phase of the Sky Carrier Project.

First, launch three insight satellites to form a positioning network above the earth, and then send three second-generation sky aircraft carriers to the sky.

The insight aircraft carrier has powerful firepower, which can destroy thousands of enemies every minute, and the insight satellite will monitor all enemies.

In this way, before the danger appears, it will be completely eliminated. Even if aliens attack again, the earth can let it taste the power of the earthlings!

However, although the insight plan is good, it is easy to be used by others.

The so-called insight plan is actually only part of the grand plan of Hydra.

And in the temporary headquarters of Hydra, a hidden secret location--

Facing the heavy rain, the new American Hydra leader came out of the black Mercedes. Agent Sitwell quickly opened the umbrella and led the new American Hydra leader to the depths of the Hydra headquarters. .

"How is the insight project going?"

Inside the elevator, the new American Hydra leader wiped his glasses and asked.

"The insight program has been 80% completed, and it won't take long before the flight test can be carried out."

Sitwell replied.

"Very good." The new American Hydra leader nodded in satisfaction.