
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 28: Super Beastized Soldier

   But it was enough. With the Black Queen's current ability, even Ultron would be directly blocked on the Internet by her.

   "The calculation is over..."

   It is convenient to have the Black Queen. Zod only drank a few cans of Coke, and the Black Queen had already worked out several formulas for super animal soldiers.

   "Taking all the genes of the world's species into account, there are only ten formulas for super animal soldiers."

Although Zod knew that there were some species that were too difficult to obtain and could not collect their genes, a planet could only produce ten kinds of super animalized soldiers including Bronsky. That would be too much. .

   "So I still need to find the mutant type of Hulk and Golem."

Zod thought for a while, Peter Parker can actually be said to be a kind of lycanthrope, but his spider gene is recessively chimerized into his gene fragment, instead of adjusting the gene to become like Zod Can be dominant, and then gain the ability to transform.

   So Peter Parker's genes are not helpful to the animalized soldiers, because in the calculation, the Black Queen has already integrated various spider genes.

   Apart from anything else, the Bronsky's standard super animalized soldiers are all capable of fighting the normal Hulk in hand-to-hand combat, and ordinary animalized soldiers are also capable of fighting against tanks.

   But they still have no way to fight against the human army, so they still need to hide.

   Until raiding the world like Knoss, but Zod has no interest in ruling the world, his goal is the universe!

   That's why I studied animalized soldiers and war machines, in order to occupy a place in the universe and grab the resources of a planet with the billions of people on the earth who have not been able to get out of their own star system?

   Sorry, when Zod in the previous life was a Kryptonian, his own research base was based on planetary calculations.

   The underground world all over the world suddenly received a message.

   There is a big man who will hold an underground irregular fighting contest in New York, USA. He wants to choose some powerful fighting experts. It is said that the champion or the fancy will get a very good reward.

   The so-called irregular fighting is actually the official term of the underground black boxing. In addition to not being able to bring weapons, you can only step down after being in the ring.

   Black Fist was all the rage, but it quickly faded away.

  Because the regular matches have complete rules and can be broadcast live worldwide, the casualty rate is also low, and the income is definitely much higher than that of the sparsely popular black boxing events.

   There are few people watching the black boxing, so the boxer's income is naturally low.

   Even if the black boxing income is high, it still has to bear extremely high disability or even death threats. If you are not careful, you will not be able to play the game for a lifetime.

   It's not that you can eat for a lifetime in one game, so why do you work hard for that little money?

   Obviously, only the low-level poor ghosts will fight black punches for money, and the problem comes again. Professional players have teams such as specialized dietitians, personal trainers, specialized public relations and agents.

   Boxers basically don't have to worry about anything, just practice their boxing wholeheartedly. And what the poor ghost who hit the black boxing had, obviously there was nothing but a life.

   In such a comparison, how can the strength of the black boxing players be better than the regular players.

   And most people who watch Black Boxing actually just want to see the **** scene. Only the desperate guys will choose to become Black Boxing fighters.

   But it's not without exception. The so-called interests are supreme. Isn't it that not many people are willing to work hard because the interests are not enough? Are the interests large enough?

  When the benefits are large enough, even professional players will turn black. Maybe there is no way to attract some determined people, but most people will definitely be moved.

   just like this time.

After getting the new formula of the super animal warrior, Zod wanted to choose excellent materials to become the super animal warrior, and there is no material more suitable than the guy who fights life and death, so he came to New York. The underground emperor Jin Bin, Jin Bin was surprised that Zod would find himself. After all, who is Zod, a super genius and big man who is out of reach all over the world, even if the United States treats him very much in selling war machines. It was dissatisfaction, but they didn't dare to do anything with him, because they were also worried that they would force Zod away. What if Zod left the United States?

As for the black hands to arrest Zod and serve the United States... Believe it or not, most capitalists will riot, because they will not allow this, as long as they start a head, then others can do it to them. This is A bottom line that is not allowed to be crossed, whoever dares to cross must die.

   Not to mention, several large consortiums and big families in the United States who cannot be named have all taken a fancy to Zod and are preparing to arrange for their daughters or women to approach Zod.

It is no exaggeration to say that Zod only needs to say a word. The power of Jin Bin may be gone the next day. The gap between the two sides is too large. This villain who makes Spider-Man and Daredevil their life-long rivals with great embarrassment and pain Zod here is a role that can be sent casually no matter what. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

   However, gold has no use value, so Zod would not do this.

"Involving irregular fighting around the world, we must inform everyone who is capable of participating. It doesn't matter if they come or not, but we must let them know that there is such a competition. The champion I will give a hundred war machines. "

Just finished Zod's words, Jin He couldn't help but want to participate. Given his strength, it's easy to win the championship. Unless there is an 18-line villain who imitates the master, otherwise Jin is not at all. Not afraid of ordinary fighters, because in order to maintain his fighting power, he would find ten boxers to besiege him every day, and then he would beat them all into the hospital.

What is the concept of a hundred war machines? That is an army. The United States has only one hundred war machines. Although we have increased orders now, because some time ago, terrorist war machines appeared in the Middle East to stop them. The "Justice Action" of the United States.

Regarding the fact that terrorists have war machines, although the United States really wants to make a name, it's fine in the end. After all, even the Stark industry is not clean. This group of arms dealers will only act for their own benefit, and all of them should be hanged. station!

At the same time, war machines appeared on Mao Xiong's side. The red-painted war machines were equipped with various weapons and armors. They looked hideous and heavy. Each war machine became a mobile firepower point. Can you fly?

   Knowing that Teddy Bear and Rabbit have each ordered more than one hundred war machines, and other rich countries have paid their orders, the United States had to increase the order.