
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 279: The Dark Elves Strike

The latest masterpiece of the umbrella company!

The super soldier created by Compound One!

No.1 Special Force of the Umbrella Company-Sephiroth!

It just so happened that Zod got a dragon-level weirdo to set up a stage for Sephiroth, so Sephiroth was in full view, and easily used eight knives to kill the dragon-level weird!

All this shocked the world, but Zordhis still said that the No.1 compound will not be sold, and he will only reward the outstanding talents within the company.

So this has attracted the attention of many talents.

If joining the umbrella company before was trying to make it comparable to the strength of the country, now, after seeing the performance of Sephiroth, even if it is just for the purpose of throwing tiles, there are a lot of people who are willing to give the umbrella company their lives.

At the same time, there are many unkind people who want to get Compound No. 1, but they soon learned that Compound No. 1 is not readily available. They were all made by Zordhess himself. No one except him knew how. Research and development.

Although the No. 1 compound does not exist, it is just to make the umbrella company justify the emergence of various super fighters.


There was darkness long before the light appeared, and darkness gave birth to the dark elves. Thousands of years ago, the most brutal dark elves, Malekiss, intended to return the universe to endless darkness, and the etheric particles could destroy everything in this way. His ancient weapon can easily help him achieve this evil purpose.

At that time, the space due to the nine kingdoms was about to be connected. As long as Malekis was able to release the ether particles, there would be no light in the universe. Here, the former king of Asgard, the father of the gods, Bor king.

When Malekis was about to achieve his goal, he led the Holy Army in the fairy palace to launch a war against these evil dark elves. Using the convenience of the rainbow bridge, he easily snatched the etheric particles from the dark elves' eyes. After losing a weapon like the etheric particle, the dark elves retreated steadily in front of Asgard's holy army's blade.

But Malekiss is not a great king. He can only hope if he survives, and he can realize his ambition if he is alive.

Whether he sacrificed his subordinates to drag Asgard's Holy Army forcibly, or let them all die together, Malekiss will not feel any reluctance because of this. It would be better to say that Asgard took his weapon. Such anger must be cleansed by blood after all.

This war will not end because of this, but their deaths will be exchanged for a longer intermission.

The king of Asgard gave the soldiers a declaration that the ether particles had been destroyed. In fact, the ether particles were only buried deep where no one could find them.

"The etheric particles have awakened us."

The universe of the solar system is not dark in space, but there is a dark light somewhere. It is a flagship that has been drifting in this area. I don't know how many years it has been. Some old flagship power furnaces are gradually heating up. , The flashing light inside, someone wakes up from thousands of years of sleep.

No, it can't be said to be a human being, it should be a primate to be precise, after all, its race is a dark elf born in the darkness.

Thousands of years ago, the dark elf's plan to return the universe to darkness was severely broken by Asgard with a rainbow bridge. Malekith sacrificed his men and fled into the pan-stellar region to escape the pursuit of the Asgard Holy Army. , But obviously that was not the end, the dark elf woke up at this moment, in order to re-promote the plan.

By the way, I would also like to thank the person who sealed the etheric particles in Asgard.

Malekith woke up from the darkness and saw the light of disgust in his eyes.

"Damn Asgard, **** Bor!"

Looking at the dark elves gradually awakening in the flagship, Malekis's face with signs of aging gradually showed a slight smile. The soldiers who survived that war were the capital of the comeback, but before that, Mahler Case wants to return to his hometown first.

Wanting to return to Wattheim, although he can imagine how broken Wattheim is today, Malekis still wants to go back, because that is where he belongs.

"The continuation of the race is the legacy of later generations. My fearless warriors, I will let the Asgardians fall into a more cruel situation than we have tasted, but before that we need to return to our hometown. We I need to get back the ether particles first, I will restore our world, and I will-end this poisoned universe!"

"I will sacrifice myself, just like the people who sacrificed for us in the past. We will eventually become darkness and become darkness!"

Just like the mobilization before the war, Malekis looked at the dark elves in the flagship who had awakened from a long sleep, and his words gradually moved to a point where the dark elves' blood was boiled. Only when the dark elves warriors responded Before Le Case ~www.mtlnovel.com~ Male Case's assistant Agum walked to Male Case's side with a sullen face and whispered in his ear.

"Your will, leader."

The dark elf's unique etiquette, Aghem responded in a deep voice.

"I will be the vanguard, destroy the enemy's defense line for you, and help you rebuild a new universe!"

The flagship of the dark elves also returned to their hometown. The ruins of war left thousands of years ago, although the dark elves themselves turned the so-called hometown into this way, but seeing such a desolate and ruined planet, the dark elves will only feel angry. Will resent Asgard even more.

"Aghem, have you locked the position of the etheric particle?"

Looking at the barrenness in front of him, Malekis asked with a deep expression.

At this moment, Malekis could not restrain his urge to destroy Asgard.

Agham replied.

"It has been determined that the etheric particles are in Megamid."

"Is that the backward lower planet?"

Although I don't know why the etheric particles are not in Asgard but in Megamid, Malekis doesn't think this is a hindrance. It is better to say that the etheric particles are not in Asgard, because that's fine. Take it back more easily, and then be more fully prepared to destroy Asgard's.

"Arrange for Aghem, the dark elf needs to have an inner role in Asgard, and all the other members will follow the flagship with me to Migamid, and retrieve the artifact that can give me honor!"

"To understanding!"

It's just that although Malekiss has not really played the role of etheric particles, he was stolen by Asgard's best teleportation and stealing tactics, but it is undeniable that Malekiss is a good leader. , The quality of being a fighter may not be as good as his deputy Agum, but Malekiss also has skills beyond the control of the battlefield.