
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 278: Ether particles

Unexpectedly, the matter was resolved, and the police would always come one step later.

At this time, the London police stopped and got off one after another, and the leading police officer said with a loudspeaker.

"This is a private property. You are all suspected of illegal invasion. You have been arrested!"

Well, it seems that the trouble is bigger than expected.

"We'll leave soon." Jane walked over and said.

"We are not doing anything wrong, we are just conducting scientific experiments!"

"What happened?" Thor walked over with Thor's hammer.

When the London police saw Thor's weapon, he suddenly changed his color.

"Mr., please put down your weapon, please put down your hammer!"

"Do you want me to put down the hammer?" Thor said coldly.

You know, his beloved hammer is very important to him.

You ask Thor to put down his hammer, as if he had greened his girlfriend, which would make him very angry.

Raytheon had the urge to fly this police officer with a hammer, but he had experienced many things a long time ago, and he was no longer so impulsive.

However, there is a real problem on the other side.

The pride and arrogance of the British have a long source, which can be traced back to the glorious period of the empire when the days of World War I did not fall. These policemen completely ignored the rhetoric of these foreigners, and wanted to catch Jane first.

But as soon as the policeman's hand touched Jane, the etheric energy hidden in Simplified Chinese exploded, and a dark red energy circle impacted the surroundings, knocking all the policemen to the ground, even with the surrounding car window glass. Was shattered.

"What happened just now?"

Police officers who didn't know the truth got up, and they took out truncheons and pistols one after another.

Thor saw the energy burst, Jane fell to the ground, and quickly helped her up and asked nervously.

"Jane, are you okay?"

Jane rubbed her head and said it was all right.

At this time, the London police had surrounded them in groups, and the police officer took out a pistol and said.

"Put your hands behind your head and step back immediately!"

Thor just looked at Jane without turning back.

"This lady is a little uncomfortable."

"She is dangerous!" the policeman said firmly.

"No, I'm more dangerous than her." Thor said solemnly.

Seeing that there was a conflict, suddenly one person appeared in front of everyone.

"Well, this place has been taken over by the Excalibur Bureau."

Zodhis was wearing his new armor, and his black cloak fluttered in the wind, but his head was fully exposed to make people recognize who he was.


And Zod ran over after sensing the explosion of etheric particles that Jane had just happened.

After waiting for so long, I finally waited for the ether particle.

Thor looked at Zod alertly.

He met Zord twice, once was the first time he came to Midgard, that time Zordheath was wearing armor, he did not see the true face of Zordheath, and the second time was to prevent Loki from invading the earth. , I saw the strength of Zod, and it was the first time I saw his true face.

Frankly speaking, he felt that he was not Zod's opponent, but the instinct of the beast told him that Zod seemed to be unkind to his girlfriend.

Zod paused, and he looked up to the sky.

An extra-dimensional gaze.

But it wasn't Heimdall. After Heimdall was warned once, he didn't dare to look at it.

So, it should be Odin?

If you are so worried about your stupid son, come down by yourself.

The British police will naturally not recognize Zordheath. It can be said that, except for those places that are not covered by online newspapers, everyone who has the Internet and newspapers will basically know Zordheath.

As soon as they heard it was a matter of the Excalibur Bureau, they left as soon as they said nothing, because they thought it was too dangerous.

"What do you want to do?"

Thor asked.

Zodhis ignored him, looked at Jane, then passed Thor in an instant, piercing Jane's body with a hand.

"Do not!"

Thor threw the hammer at Zod. Zod slapped the hammer without turning his head back, and even Thor was hit by the hammer, breaking a lot of things before he stopped.

At this time, Zod had taken out the ether particles from Jane's body.

For the current Zod, even if the infinite gem is higher than the existence of the single universe, he can directly peel it off.

At the same time, the etheric particles seem to have no resistance to him. After falling into Zod's hands, Zod manipulates the quark to form a black version of the infinite glove, on which the space gems, power gems, and soul gems are shining, each shining brightly. Light.

Jane, who was close at hand, saw the three gems shining in his eyes, and then Zod pressed the etheric particles on them.

The powerful corrosive force was swallowed up by Zord's black hole singularity cells, and this time it was also gone without even hurting the skin.

Thor staggered and walked back. It was the first time he saw someone able to fly Maulnir, so much that he was shocked beyond words.

After getting the ether particles, Zod was not interested in entanglement with Thor, and directly flashed people.

Ether particles are one of the most incredible creations in the Marvel Universe~www.mtlnovel.com~ This infinite gem can realize any wish of the holder, and it can change reality.

All natural laws and physical laws are false in the face of real gems, because they can easily change everything!

As a scientific researcher, Zod is naturally more interested in ether particles.

"The price of fulfilling a wish is vitality..."

However, after several attempts, Zod discovered the drawbacks of ether particles, which can indeed achieve all wishes, but at the cost of the user's vitality.

This process of extracting vitality is irreversible and irreversible.

In other words, even Deadpool will be drained to death, and even "death" cannot be violated.

"I'm very restrained from being immortal, this thing."

Zod is playing with real gems. Life force is nothing to Zod now. Electromagnetic force makes Zod immortal and immortal. Now even if there is only one quark, he can be reborn directly. Life span is for Zod. It's just something that can be consumed at will.

"But this thing is simply an artifact of pinching people, even the soul gems are saved!"

Zod snapped his fingers, and after spending his life, a handsome man appeared in front of him.

Realistic gems restored this soldier 100%, even with his abilities.


The warrior of the Shinra Corporation from Final Fantasy 7 is also a very popular villain in the ACG world.

"His Majesty."

After Sephiroth opened his eyes, he looked at Zod and said.

Zod also wasn't sure whether the reality gem really created the Sephiroth he knew, after all, the difference was indistinguishable from the surface.

"Remember, Sephiroth, you are now a super special force created by the umbrella company."