
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 277: Prodigal Thor

Inside this warship, a thin man stood motionless on the bridge, with a covering helmet on his head, attached to a strange device.

The helmet gradually opened and folded to the sides, revealing a pale and thin face, without a trace of blood, pointed ears and shiny blue eyes, indicating that this humanoid creature is not a human being.

Dark Elf! The evil race that used the gems of reality in an attempt to fill the entire universe with darkness. This is Malekis who is the leader of the dark elves and has survived thousands of years.

Malekis seemed to sense something and awoke from the spacecraft's survival device. He stood in front of the observation deck in the cab with a blank face, looked at the vast starry sky outside, carefully sensed the breath that awakened him, and fell into boundless ecstasy!

One after another dark elves came out of their survival installations, consciously arranged in a neat line, with all the pitch-black armor on them, looking at them, dense and black, with a magnificent aura!

"Darkness awakens us..."

"Holy King... you finally woke up!"

"The etheric particles have found a new owner, and the celestial gathering of the World Tree is about to begin again."

"Darkness is about to envelop this world again. No one can stop the change of times. I will return the entire universe to the endless darkness!"

A shout echoed here.

The army of dark elves that had slept for countless years was completely awakened at the moment of reality gems.

The standby spacecraft restarted, and Malekis perceives the unique energy fluctuations of the reality gem, and moves at full speed toward the planet it is on, the earth!


At the same time, on Asgard's side, Thor, the **** of thunder, has led the fairy palace warriors to put down the rebellion of the nine kingdoms, and the heroes have returned to the realm of God.

For a long time, Asgard has been guarding the nine kingdoms, and it should continue to continue in the future.

At the celebration party in Asgard, Thor had no appetite for some reason, and he didn't even want to drink his favorite wine.

The reason is very simple. He is so anxious to quell the war, only because he has long missed a human woman on earth.

That is naturally Jane Foster.

After the battle was finally over and the nine kingdoms restored to a stable order, the thing Thor wants to do most now is to return to Midgard (earth) and meet his girlfriend.

And other things were completely out of his thinking.

Since the last time the Rainbow Bridge was destroyed by Thor, Asgard severed its connection with the other eight worlds, and even caused other forces to look at the eight worlds.

After all, Asgard was too famous before, but now it's not working.

Because of the Rainbow Bridge, Asgard didn't bother to develop spacecraft technology and space shuttle technology. As a result, they could hardly move without the Rainbow Bridge.

After the New York War, Thor did not bring back the Cube of the Universe, which made the Rainbow Bridge impossible to repair, so Odin had to use his own power to send Thor and the Celestial Warriors to the Nine Worlds to quell the rebellion, which also intensified him. Time of death.


Thor walked to the gatekeeper and said.

"Are you going to see her?"

Heimdall asked as if he knew everything.

Thor said with a slight smile.

"Heimdall, how is she?"

However, Heimdall should have responded with a smile, but he was suddenly surprised to find that he could not see Jane at all.

You know, Heimdall's eyes claim to be able to see through everything, but now the darkness covers Jane deeply.

Of course, if Heimdall knew where Jane was now, and the etheric particles, which had been biased towards darkness, were integrated into Jane's body under the influence of the previous master, then it wouldn't be surprising at all.

Regardless, Heimdall couldn't see Jane anymore.

"I lost her." Heimdall said solemnly.

Thor's face suddenly changed, and he immediately went to beg his father to send himself to the earth.

When Jane might be in danger, he couldn't wait any longer.

Although Odin was displeased, he felt that this son was too disappointing for him, but he still told Thor about the secret path from Asgard to Midgard. After all, his body could not support more divine power. Consumed.

Thus, Thor felt more anxious than ever, until he passed the dangerous world secret path to Midgard.

Then, he finally saw Jane, Jane in a coma.

This made Thor excitedly hug her, and this hug also awakened Jane.

"Tor?" Jane couldn't believe her eyes.

However, Jane's face changed at the next moment, and he slapped Thor with a slap!

This slap looks painful!

Thor is so stunned, what's the situation?

Jane looked sorry.

"Sorry, I just want to make sure you are real."

"Well, Jane..." Thor said silently.

However, before he finished speaking, Jane slapped his face again.

"Where have you been these days! Do you know that I have been looking for you~www.mtlnovel.com~ You promised me to come back, but..."

After Jane finished typing, her eyes were dim.

Originally Thor was upset. He finally came to see his girlfriend, but it was not for the sake of being beaten.

However, Jane's two slaps woke him up, and Thor was moved by her words.

Missing corresponds to it, and it seems that Thor's efforts have not been wasted either.

Soon after, when Darcy and her assistant came together, the awkward atmosphere was finally broken.

Darcy and Jane hugged each other, and Thor was relieved.

After all, although the lovers forgave each other, they were embarrassed by Jane's face just now.

Jane regrets it a bit, and Thor feels that he has lost face as a man, so this is really embarrassing.

Thor took the time to explain to Jane.

"The Rainbow Bridge was destroyed, and war broke out in the Nine Realms. I must stop the war."

Jane knew that her boyfriend Thor had saved the world, and finally chose to forgive him.

She said calmly.

"The reason is reasonable, but I saw you go to New York on TV, and you won't come to see me when you return to Earth."

"Uh, there is a reason for that." Tony said embarrassedly.

"After all, I was going to send Loki back as soon as possible..."

"By the way, Heimdall can't see you, what happened?"

Thor asked seriously while the other seemed to divert Jane's attention.

Just as Jane was trying to say something, there was a sirens not far away. It turned out that the London police convoy had arrived.

In fact, it was because of Jane's disappearance that Darcy and the others chose to call the police.

Of course, Jane broke away from that space again, and met Thor smoothly, and then Darcy and the others found Jane again, which was unexpected.