
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 276: Thor's second plot begins

Because of Thor's return to Asgard, Jane couldn't let go of the research on Rainbow Bridge.

Especially, after the Battle of New York, she discovered that Thor had returned to Earth but did not come to see herself, which made her more and more troubled, and even felt that she should change her boyfriend.

Jane didn't know, because Loki wanted to use the Rainbow Bridge to destroy Jotunheim, Thor had to destroy the Rainbow Bridge. Although he saved Jotunheim, Asgard lost control of the Nine Realms. As a result, the Nine Realms fell into chaos.

After that, Odin paid the price and finally teleported Thor to the earth.

Thor's participation in the Battle of New York was just an accident. His real purpose in coming to Earth was to bring back Loki and the Cube of the Universe, because only the power of the Cube of the Universe could repair the Rainbow Bridge. After the Rainbow Bridge was repaired, he could quickly reach the Nine Realms. Everywhere, quell the war with the fastest speed.

Naturally, the result was that the Cosmos Cube was missing. In fact, Heimdall knew that the Cosmos Cube was in Zordhis's hands, and Odin also knew, but they didn't tell Thor.

The main reason is that Zodhis's current strength is invincible, and he has subdued the sword of the strongest warrior in the universe of the Shia Empire, but Odin is not sure to deal with the strong.

Yes, Thor has been busy solving the problems of the Nine Realms, and he has been unable to return to Earth.

It's just that Thor has been away from Jane for too long, long enough for her to try to make a new boyfriend.

However, at the time of the appointment with the new man, Jane's good assistant and best friend, Daisy Louise came to her with a device with abnormal data, thinking that these abnormal data were the same as Dr. Salvig .

Daisy knew the story of Jane and Thor, so she made a mess, intentionally or unconsciously, and Jane's date ended before it even started.

The date fell through, and Jane went to check the gravity anomaly area with Daisy and Daisy's assistant Ian, and called Dr. Selvig in the middle. Unfortunately, no one answered the phone and she could only leave a message.

In fact, it's not that Dr. Salvig didn't want to answer the phone, but he was detained by the British police.

As a scientist who has studied the Rubik's Cube of the universe, he has his own views on the universe. In order to confirm his guess, he ran to Stonehenge to measure some data. For some reason, he ran for fruit by the way.

Stonehenge is the unexplained secret of the world. It is a famous European prehistoric cultural temple site. It is located in the Salisbury Plain, Wiltshire, southwest of London. It was built around 2300 BC.

In such a world-class famous scenic spot in Guoben, it was strange that Dr. Selviger was not detained by the police, but Jane and Daisy didn't know about it. They followed the instructions of the instrument and went to the area with abnormal gravity.

The location indicated by the instrument is an abandoned factory, where the sky is somewhat different from other places, it looks very gloomy, and it seems to rain at any time.

Moreover, some old containers are piled up strangely, most of which are erected.

The abandoned factory was very empty, and when a group of people led by Jane entered inside, they actually found a figure.

Jane couldn't help but worry.

"I didn't want to do a scientific research, but I was stabbed to death."

Daisy didn't want it either, she shouted that she was American.

Fortunately, the people who showed up were two men and one woman, and they were three children.

They accidentally discovered the gravity anomaly here, so they took it as a kind of entertainment.

After negotiations, the children took them to see a cement tanker.

In a large warehouse, a magical scene just unfolds before everyone's eyes.

A ten-ton cement tanker was quietly suspended in the air, gently lifted by the child's two fingers, and slowly rolled in the air.

The magical scene before him completely shocked everyone.

"This is not normal!" Daisy whined.

However, a little black boy next to him said.

"There are even more abnormal things, you guys come with me."

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Following in the footsteps of the little black boy, everyone climbed up to the fourth floor of an unfinished building.

In the open-air stairwell, the little black boy picked up an empty wine bottle and put it down in the empty space in the middle of the stairwell. The empty wine bottle did not break. It disappeared before falling to the ground, as if sinking into an invisible water surface. .

Seeing the empty wine bottle disappear like this, Jane couldn't help but ask.

"Where did it go?"

The only little girl pointed to the top of her head, and then—

Everyone saw an even more magical scene. The empty wine bottle suddenly appeared in the sky and continued to fall, and then disappeared before falling to the ground again, and then repeated this action again and again until the little black boy caught the empty wine bottle.

"This is incredible!" Jane sighed.

She personally picked up the can and tried it, but it did disappear after throwing it down, but it never appeared again.

Everyone looked up for a long time, but the can still did not appear. Jane said with a dazed expression.

"What's the matter?"

The little girl explained.

"Sometimes I can come back, sometimes I can't."

Just when Daisy and the others were addicted to throwing things away, Jane found that the instrument reading was very similar to the value when Thor appeared in Mexico. She simply took the instrument to find the center point of the value.

Walking towards the deepest part of the corridor, in a gloomy corridor, the instrument in Jane's hand sounded a dizzy alarm.

Jane looked at the value of the instrument and muttered to herself.

"The value has reached the highest value, let me see what's ahead."

The light in the corridor was very dark, and Jane couldn't see things clearly.

Jane had walked a few steps earlier, she felt a cold wind blowing from behind, and then she felt a huge suction force acting on her, pulling her forward.

For ordinary people, this suction power is simply unmatched, and Jane is almost irresistible ~www.mtlnovel.com~ and was completely sucked in.

Then Jane found herself in a very dark space with only a little light. She was standing on the edge of a cliff with a bottomless abyss below.

In this dead space like an abyss, there are huge broken stone pillars everywhere, the most in front are two rectangular parallelepiped stone pillars stacked together.

The two stone pillars fit tightly together.

Behind the stone pillars, there is a group of small red crystal particles, rotating and flowing like a liquid, giving people a dreamlike feeling.

Jane is wrapped in this cloud of mist, which is unclear whether it is solid or liquid.

She soon lost her consciousness.


In the far depths of the universe, huge meteorites surround a pitch-black warship.

In a blink of an eye, a little red light lit up on the battleship.