
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 275: We need our own monster

"Who is your man behind the scenes?"

Zod felt it necessary to ask the enemy.


The pioneer did not dare to conceal, although this remote planet may not know who Thanos is or how terrifying he is.


Zord never thought that this invasion was actually caused by Thanos, but it was a lot more manipulation than the movie.

"Did Thanos also issue the invasion order, or where is Thanos currently?"

Zod said he had to return the gift.

"I don't know, Lord Thanos' whereabouts have always been a secret."

The pioneer said quickly.

After all, Thanos has too many enemies, and there are many Avengers who want to die with Thanos with bombs that can smash the planet. Many super civilizations don't mind giving Thanos a star cannon or a gravitational collapse bomb. .

In the absence of infinite gems, Thanos is just a sub-heavenly powerhouse, perhaps very strong, but it is still too weak in the face of weapons such as star destroyers, gravitational collapse bombs, and two-way foils.

Even if he is not afraid, his men will be wiped out.

So Thanos has no home planet, no stronghold, and the Dark Order has a fierce reputation, but in fact it is just a group of wandering destroyers and destroyers.

Even the supply does not dare to supply it upright, but to attract those predators who want money and life to supply it at a price much higher than the market.

"Then you have no use value."

Zod was a little disappointed, and the superheroes began to engage in the familiar sabotage process.

The pioneer civilization was destroyed in this way. After all, superheroes are best at destroying them without fear.

The superheroes who have returned to the earth have returned to their daily lives.

Although the toxins attached to the Kaijumon itself are constantly confused in the city, the blood like a river flows into the sewer and the deep sea enough for racing, and the accumulated corpses are like mountains.

The mobile natural disasters such as Kaijumon landing in Los Angeles have been completely wiped out, but due to the excessive number, there is no way to take care of too much during the battle. In other words, the city has indeed suffered extremely severe damage.

But this time...Los Angeles really has to be rebuilt, but fortunately, the casualties of Los Angeles residents are not very serious. At least the statistics calculated under this situation can be said to be thankful. .

It was because the Stark Tower that had just moved from Los Angeles to New York was bombed by the Zeta Rising and the Weird Association. Then New York became the headquarters of the Excalibur Bureau, and the Stark Tower that moved back to Los Angeles collapsed again.

Although Stark is not short of money for such a building, if you want it, it is not a problem to build a hundred and eighty buildings, but Stark is still very unhappy.

With the exception of Los Angeles, major coastal cities in the United States and the world have suffered varying degrees of damage. The nine monsters in the third wave almost appeared after the six monsters in the second wave had just been wiped out.

The body is larger, faster, stronger, and more horrible in defense. There are even electromagnetic attacks that paralyze most of the human weapon systems.

According to the rating of the Pacific Rim, these monsters are all monsters above level six.

Due to pollution burning, New York City's current situation is extremely bad. It has been completely isolated from the surrounding cities, and the surrounding seas have also drawn a boundary. Due to the pollution of the monster blue blood, the residents of the entire city need to move. This situation is bound to happen again. Putting him in a state of desperation, if the city needs to be rebuilt... then more effort is needed to invest in it.

The human sense of powerlessness is becoming more and more intense.

After all, they have been too exciting during this period of time, whether the aliens invaded, the big monsters have come, there are also weirdos, and the Saiyans who said there will be more Saiyans...

Although the Excalibur Bureau solved the enemy time and time again, it inevitably caused humans to suffer.

Invasion after invasion, escape after escape, even if there were not many casualties, the economic losses also caused a lot of blows.

This is also impossible. If Zod could feel responsible for this before, then the monster invasion this time, all mankind owed Zod once.

After all, he didn't have so many trainings before, and if humans ran away as soon as they received the alarm, the invasion of the Zetaris and monsters would be enough to cause countless deaths and injuries, and the damage would only be tens of thousands of times greater than now.

"We humans also need to have our own monsters!"

Zodhis faced the low morale of human beings, so he stood up and said.

"Human beings also have their own monsters?"

Others looked dumbfounded, and then saw Zordhis' umbrella company launch a new product.

A wide-ranging multi-purpose mobile suit-Zaku's body!

The height is 20 meters, the special weapon is a 200mm caliber machine gun, the whole body is covered with secondary krypton gold, the engine thrust reaches 50 tons, and the core power source is the second new element nuclear fusion reactor, which is enough to continue fighting for a month.

The 200mm caliber machine gun can actually be said to be a machine gun, but because it uses electromagnetic kinetic energy weapons, it will not become a howitzer that has a range and speed that is not far enough.

Because there is no need for propelling by gunpowder, the shells are formed at one time, with a range of 3,000 meters and a speed of 1,800 meters per second!

It is more than enough to solve the monsters of Kaijumon's size.

The appearance of the Zaku airframe officially announced the signal for the retirement of the aircraft carrier.

Zodhis said that Zaku's body has the ability to fight on land, water and air.

Defensive power, firepower, and maneuverability are above all human weapons, although the asking price is a bit expensive, at 30 billion U.S. dollars each.

However, because of Kaijumon, the order was very hot as soon as it came out.

This time even the rabbits are buying heavily~www.mtlnovel.com~ because they found that the masters of the Spear Bureau can't deal with the huge monster like Kaijumon. If so, it is necessary to use human monsters to deal with The monster is out.

That is to say, Zodhis has a conscience, and the superheroes destroyed the space wormhole by the side, otherwise, he can make war fortune by opening the space wormhole.

In London, England, on the other side of the earth, Thor's girlfriend Jane Foster was not happy.

Originally, as an astrophysicist, she liked to observe astronomical phenomena, hoping to explore the mysteries of the universe.

Because of this, she met Thor who was expelled to Earth by Odin.

As a result, they were in love for a long time, and under the beautiful starry sky, Jane became Thor's girlfriend on the earth.

Originally, this is quite a romantic thing.

However, since Thor destroyed the Rainbow Bridge, it is difficult to meet Jane again. Even after the New York War, Thor hurriedly returned to God's Domain in order to bring Loki, and then he never had time to see his daughter. friend.