
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 267: Monster

After all, didn't Zordhis have developed a new elemental warhead "Langinus' Gun" that can perfectly replace nuclear warheads?

There is no radiation, and it is more powerful than a nuclear warhead.

The center of the explosion can generate ultra-high temperatures of 5 billion degrees Celsius and last ten minutes of absolute destruction.

Zodhis looked at the monster that emerged, and it felt like a certain movie he had seen.

Zod has seen the Pacific Rim series for the time being. The first work can be regarded as a work of conscience, and the sequel is a purely commercial film.

Except for the fact that the monster is logged in Japan, Teshefan is a little bit surprised. To be honest, the plot of the sequel is nothing new, so that neither of the two works can impress Zod too much. Well, remove the weird monster Kaijumon. name.

The universe is huge, and there are undoubtedly many strange alien civilizations, among them there are many of them.

The previous Kirita can be regarded as a civilization with more achievements in science, while the monster in the Pacific Rim work is biased towards biotechnology. There are always various reasons for alien invasion, whether it is resources. Lack or simple ambition is good, and such incidents always emerge in endlessly.

The content of the Pacific Rim probably tells the story of aliens who are good at using biotechnology to cultivate huge monsters invading the earth, using huge monsters as combat units.

To be honest, it is much stronger than the cyborg warrior transformed by the Qiruitas with physical technology, and the destructive power and the threat it can cause are also greater. If the invading is a relatively backward civilization, it is afraid that it will be used as cannon fodder. Units can also perform unexpected functions, and the cost of manufacturing monsters is low.

There are two ways to end the invasion of monsters, destroying the space wormhole through which the monsters pass, or directly killing the creatures commanding the monsters to fight in the rear, which is the so-called pioneer. If you don't do this, even bombing. The monsters that log on to the earth will have stronger monsters later.

However, in the ocean, there is now a situation that is not very optimistic. The submarine sent by the Navy Department was destroyed as soon as the monster appeared, along with the two subsequent cruisers.

It may be a shame to say it, but neither the torpedoes attached to the ship nor the missiles fired by the Kun-type fighter can break through the monster's skin. To the creatures of the earth, it is simply a catastrophic shell. The bombing on the surface of the monster leaves a mark. .

"To what extent is the research on energy weapons?"

"There are semi-finished products, but it hasn't been debugged. I don't know the lethality that can be exerted. But is it really necessary to let the monster land? Judging from the path of the monster with the sickle-like head, it seems that it is not going to land in Hawaii. The idea of ​​the islands, or inferred from the path, the coastal city where this monster will land is around our country."

"It was the chief's intention. He detected that the blood in the monster's body was toxic through a scan. If it is solved in the sea, it may cause marine pollution."

Marinated frowned upon hearing that, ocean pollution?

"What about the group of Atlantis, and the people of Wakanda, let them provide weapons to destroy this monster!"

"The Atlantis civilization has sent their troops, but they also frankly said they don't have large weapons."

"Wakanda doesn't have enough energy weapons to cause damage either."

Researchers from the Excalibur Bureau sat on the side of Fury, tapping their fingers on the keyboard continuously.

"The best way to cause loss is to kill the monster at the moment it lands, otherwise the loss cannot be estimated!"

"No large-caliber shells can cause damage to monsters. It is not easy for semi-finished energy weapons to kill monsters at the moment they land."

With an irritable expression, this time Dr. Banner, who was still wearing only a toothbrush, held the steel fence and easily squashed it.

"But why are you looking for me to deal with this kind of monster, let me go and pedicure it?"

"Before you have said, I am a researcher, not a foolish man." Dr. Banner broke his finger.

"Isn't Mr. Stark's suit better than looking for me?"

Although Green Hulk is now very obedient, even if his heartbeat is very strong, he will not go out indiscriminately, but Dr. Banner has always felt that he is a scientific researcher, unless it is a critical juncture, otherwise he is not willing to participate in any battle.

With an extremely serious expression, looking at the monster that is about to bring disaster through the satellite image, Director Fury pointed to several cities on the map in front of him.

"Stark is calling for residents to evacuate in coastal cities and clear out the space that can be used to fight monsters."

"Dr. Banner, the safety of the earth has been handed over to us."

"Unfortunately, as the sir, you left something."

The light screen in front of the screen changes.

"There were two monsters that appeared before. The path of the sickle-headed creature was a coastal city in the United States, and the monster that looked like an axe... the destination was initially determined to be Japan."


Suddenly, the marinated egg was shocked, and one felt very ridiculous, and he was helpless. Now there are two?

Is it really necessary to use the "Langinus Gun"?

The new aerospace carrier also has no weapons to deal with such huge targets.

It can be said that the emergence of monsters has simply challenged all human weapons. Except for nuclear warheads and new element warheads, humans found themselves almost powerless against this huge monster.

"Hill, contact Stark, his performance should begin!"

Halogen can only hope that Stark, one of the super geniuses known to mankind, can have a solution, such as... uh, anti-monster armor?

Tony Stark also hopes to find the anti-monster armor he may be producing from his clothing library.

But obviously, he had never foreseen such a situation, so that he also felt a little unable to start.

"This braised egg will really find things for people to do."

Tony Stark complained ~www.mtlnovel.com~ Fortunately, the evacuation of the citizens did not require him to manage. After the dragon-level alarm sounded, the citizens ran faster than anyone else.

Before he finished his words, the calm sea suddenly stirred up huge waves, a huge black shadow jumped into the air, and the shadow from the sun covered the entire beach, and the abnormal stench quickly spread.

"It's so stinky, you big guy can't take a bath?"

Stark murmured, and then the symbiote battle suit on his body quickly increased with liquid metal, and finally turned into a five-meter-high anti-Hulk armor.

This is already his limit.

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"Jarvis, remember to remind me to prepare more liquid metal."

Stark said calmly.

Then he stood in front of the monster without hesitation.