
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 265: Harry

The space gate was successfully connected, but the surface registration failed. The mechanical kuns and locust-like warriors produced by the fleet were strangulated when they entered the space gate. In the end, even the flagship honeycomb was destroyed. In the whole process, Loki never appeared from beginning to end, except for pretending to be a wave in Germany at the beginning.

Purple man question mark face?

I want troops to give me strength and treasures to treasures. Not only did I not get back the space gems, but I also swallowed my soul gems?

**Nude fraud, but while angry, Thanos is also a bit clear. If Loki did according to the script, then the ambition he showed before is too fake, even the soul gem is not in his hand. Can you see through, maybe it's a long-time plan to lie to me than Thanos?


Through the darkness in front of him, Thanos seemed to be able to see Loki, who didn't know how many light-years away he was, and chose to betray him and the people on earth.

Thanos smiled.

"Asgard, you did something that honored your ancestors. No one has ever dared or can **** anything from me. Loki, you should be honored for this, and then—"

"Wait for death to fall on you, Loki!"

There is no doubt that Thanos has determined that after returning from the Shia Empire's journey, he will crush Loki and the low-level civilization of Earth.

Of course, this doesn't mean that Thanos can do nothing now. In fact, he has already arranged it. Hope the earth can resist it.


New York, after Zordhis came forward to take it down as the new base headquarters of Excalibur Bureau, a two-meter-thick and five-meter-high fence was first poured with steel to surround the entire original boundary of New York.

At present, everything in it is highly confidential to most ordinary people, and even the ordinary people don't know much.

It's just that the number of Decepticons of the third generation of Gears of War seems to be increasing.

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The first-generation war machine seems to be being applied to the police department rather than the military department by major countries.

The main reason is that the speed of replacement is too fast, and the fighter jets are not so fast.

The war machine directly eliminated fighters and tanks, but also eliminated itself at a rapid rate.

That is why those small countries still regard the War Machine Generation as a strategic weapon like nuclear weapons.

In Los Angeles, the Stark Building is undergoing a fierce reconstruction. Tony on the top floor looked at the unfinished design in front of him in distress. Peter sitting on the side silently playing games is like a stupid son who is worried about being taught by his old father. He glanced at Tony's side secretly, then took out the phone and looked at the message sent by his friend.

The owner of the Osborne Group, Harry Osborn, Peter's local tyrant friend, but the local tyrant has not been doing very well recently, whether it is his own problem or the group's problem... Well, Osborne's The base camp is also in New York, so the damage caused is simply too much.

But thinking about the entire New York City is gone, Harry's psychology is instantly balanced, but due to his own problems, Harry still intends to talk to this close friend.

So Peter sneaked away while Tony was not paying attention.

"What's the matter, Harry?"

After Peter accidentally became Spider-Man, he and Gwen were getting better. The two didn't know why, and they wanted to snap a frantic on each other.

With more pops, Peter gradually forgot about Mary Jane, mainly because he had a strong feeling when facing Gwen, which was much stronger than Mary Jane.

And Gwen is also his superhero predecessor, the famous spider silk.

Both husband and wife are Spider-Man, and they always feel very wonderful.

He didn't know it was because of the spider that bit him, and Gwen didn't know.

Anyway, they are now in love.


Harry's haggard look made Peter startled.

How did the best friend who has always been very sunny and confident become like this?

"I heard you have some problems. Is it Osborne Industries?"

Peter asked caringly.


Harry shook his head.

"Do you know a retrovirus?"

He hesitated, and finally chose to tell his best friend.

"do not know."

Peter was puzzled.

"Herv for short, which means human endogenous retrovirus, it can be regarded as a genetic disease of the Osborne family for the time being. Anyone who inherits this disease is doomed to death. I am such a dying person."

With a bitter expression, Harry's father, Norman Osborne, can be said to spend all his time on his career, and when Harry was eleven years old, he sent him to boarding school. Until recently, Harry became ill. Man just told Harry about the genetic disease.

There is no doubt about the deterioration of the condition and there is no way to resist it, and it is useless to feel uneasy, such thoughts as fantasy.

For example, during the Manhattan War, Harry also wondered whether he could continue to live by transforming himself into a semi-mechanical life through technological transformation. But being a human being, no one wants to abandon his human identity, and Harry doesn't have this kind of technology.

It's just that the data Harry saw in Osborne Industries showed that spider genes contained self-healing ability, so Harry thought of Spider-Man who is active in New York every day, and he is sure to envy Spider-Man.

It's just whether Spider-Man will help. Harry is not sure. Harry is not the kind of young man who is completely self-centered. Even though Spider-Man is everyone's hero, does he really treat everyone the same way?

The success rate of asking for help is obviously very low. After all, it is a bit too much to ask for the blood of Spider-Man, but it is still necessary to try.

"So, I want to ask you to help find Spider-Man."

Harry said to Peter ~www.mtlnovel.com~ Peter was embarrassed.

But this is also no way. If using his own blood to save Harry's life 100%, Peter will naturally not have the slightest hesitation, but Peter is afraid that his blood will kill Harry.

Of course, this is also why Norman did not expect Harry to think so much. Although he seems to be out of touch with World Snake now, isn't the umbrella company still there? Only the BOSS is required to give one more inhibitor per month. Just serve.

"I will try my best, but Harry, why don't you actually work with Zordheath?"

Peter thought hard, and finally thought of a way.

"People may not look at me..."

Harry's eyes lit up, and then he was sad again.

Who is Zodhis who discovered the father of two new elements, waited for him to die, he would enter the textbook, and then he would become the father of the new elements, the father of the new weapons, and the father of the new materials.