
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 263: New figure

Nidavi Star is not a planet in the ordinary sense, but a fiercely burning neutron star. Outside the neutron star, there are several huge stellar rings, and the dwarves live on the stellar rings.

The fiercely burning neutron star is the energy source of the dwarves. The dwarves can use advanced technology to use the energy of the neutron star to melt various metal materials and build powerful weapons.

After Zod brought his guardian angel through the Rainbow Bridge, the dwarf king Atri thought it was someone from Asgard, but found that it was not, so the dwarves immediately became alert.

"Dwarf, I am the emperor of the Krypton Empire. I am here to get a mold of the Stormhammer or Stormwind Axe."

Zod said to the dwarf king Ai Tre.

"Impossible, that's Asgard's thing."

The dwarf king Ai Trey refused without even thinking about it. Asgard still had a lot of weight in the minds of these dwarves.

"Asgard's Rainbow Bridge has been broken by their thunder **** Thor. Now Asgard has lost the ability to defend the Nine Realms, are you sure you still want to protect that mold for Asgard?"

Zod said calmly.

With the hammer of Thor, the prodigal son of Thor, Asgard has now lost his rule and control over the nine worlds. In addition, the Cosmos Rubik's Cube, that is, the space gem could not be brought back, is in the hands of Zod. So there is no way to repair the Rainbow Bridge.

Now the Nine Realms are chaotic, and the major races that were originally defeated by Asgard began to rebel and fight again. Those races protected by Asgard quickly asked Asgard for help, but Asgard could not support them.

Only when the Rainbow Bridge is repaired can Asgard quell the rebellion.


The dwarf king Aitri didn't believe it and chose to call Heimdall.

But there is no response.

"Heimdall! Sol!"

The dwarf king Ai Cui was anxious and hurriedly shouted loudly.

However, nothing happened.

"Unless they can come here through the crack channel between the Nine Realms, otherwise Nidavi has already lost Asgard's protection. As the most famous artifact processing factory in the universe, I think there will be many predators. You are very interested."

Zod said with a smile.

The dwarf king Ai Tui struggled. Odin gave him the mold of the Stormhammer. This is the king's weapon representing Asgard. At the same time, Asgard promised to protect Nidavi, but the dwarf cannot build weapons for others from now on. , The dwarf agreed.

So Asgard and Nidavi began to cooperate for thousands of years, and the dwarves of Nidavi have become accustomed to it.

However, the truth seems to be as the Krypton Emperor in front of him said, Asgard could not protect them.

Otherwise, Heimdall, who has been following Nidavi Star, will report to Odin as soon as possible, and then Odin will send someone to deal with it.


Zod interrupted his thoughts.

"If I give you the mold, then we will lose Asgard's asylum forever..."

Said the dwarf king Ai Tzu.

"It doesn't matter. The Krypton Empire also has a Rainbow Bridge. I will leave a portal with you at that time. Whenever you are in danger, let someone inform us through the portal."

Zodhis agreed to the hidden appeal of the dwarf king Atri.

I hope my choice is right...

The dwarf king Ai Cui looked at the man in front of him, he looked ordinary, he was still the emperor of the interstellar empire, and he didn't know if he could deal with the **** Odin.

But he also knew that he had no choice. When Asgard didn't respond and the opponent came directly, they could only compromise, otherwise they would be forcibly snatched the mold.

The reason Zord wanted to get the mold was because the Stormhammer or Stormwind Axe had the Rune characters carved by Odin, which was a king-level artifact that could maximize the power of Thor.

For Thor, Mulnier is a controller that helps him control the lightning storms and other forces in his body.

Zod observed the mold he got. Although the loss of the magic superman made him a little difficult to learn, Zod quickly understood it.

"In this way, I can also mass-produce the artifact..."

Zod was interested in manipulating quarks with his bare hands to form a black cutter.

The Rune rune obtained from the mold of the Stormhammer and the Thor's Hammer Mylnir appeared on it. Ulu Metal + Edman Alloy was used as the ax blade, and Vibranium was used as the handle to form this artifact.

The dwarf king Ai Cui was stunned.

The power created by the neutron star smelting hundreds of billions of degrees of high temperature is perfectly restored by Zordhis, who has become a black hole superman.

This black cutter has become a well-deserved artifact, not worse than the Eternal Spear in the hands of God Odin.

"From today, you will build weapons for Krypton."

Zod casually left a portal with space gems, and then used the black hole superman's distortion of gravity and space to stabilize this door. Even if others get the space gems, it will be difficult to shake the power of the black hole singularity he blessed on the portal. .

Zod returned to Krypton with the black cutter, and then squeezed out the hand of Noxus-Dreyus!

Of course, the black cutter is going to give promises, and the style of the promises seems to be able to integrate into the Marvel world, maybe there are surprises.

Nuoshou opened his eyes.

In front of him was the great emperor he most respected, and he knelt on one knee.

"Dreyus, starting from today, you are the commander of the Imperial Expeditionary Army. This divine tool Black Cutter will be given to you. I hope you won't let me down."

Zodhis took out the black cutter.

"Yes, great emperor."

Noshou took over the black cutter from Zodhis, and he immediately felt that there was a special connection between the black cutter and him.

Zod also branded the black cutter ~www.mtlnovel.com~, just like the brand that Odin gave to Thor's Hammer. Without recognition, the black cutter cannot be lifted.

Because this brand came from Zod, Zod created a stable black hole singularity as the power to maintain the black cutter's brand.

In other words, unless the opponent's power is strong enough to lift this black hole singularity, it will not be able to shake the black cutter.

At the same time, in addition to using the Kryptonian soldier gene, the creation of Dreyus also added the gene of the mutant "Son of the Earth".

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In other words, standing on the ground will continuously gain strength and stamina. Standing on the ground is an immortal body, and the strength will become stronger and stronger.

The promise was restored one by one, and even the armor was made of original leather skin, but it was replaced with Ulu metal + Edman alloy + vibration gold material.

The hand of Noxus who killed the Quartet is here!