
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 262: Shia empire brutally beaten

Although the Shia Empire wanted to conceal the departure of the Swordsman, it is clear that with the Krypton Empire, after the sword has joined the battlefield, everyone knows that the Swordsman has left the Shia Empire and joined the mystery. Empire of Krypton.

Needless to say?

The Shia Empire always talked about maintaining peace, forcibly intervening in many wars, and relying on the existence of fighting swords to let those bitter masters break their teeth and swallow them in their stomachs.

But it doesn't mean that they have no opinion.

Now it's alright, Doujian betrayed the Shia Empire, so there is no revenge, there is grievance and grievance?

As a result, the Shia Empire was caught off guard by a joint siege and raid by all forces, and the outer planet of the Shia Empire suffered heavy losses, especially the Zetarians headed by Thanos' Dark Order and a large group of younger brothers.

They had long looked at big empires like Shia Empire. If Thanos had been rubbed against the ground by a sword, Thanos' family planning would have burned to Shia Empire.

Now it's different. Without fighting swords, the Xi'a Empire has no one who can stop him.

Does that need to be said?

Of course, the Shia empire was planned for birth!

Queen Lilandra has seen such a scene of universal enemies. As one of the three empires of the universe, Shia Empire has always been high above. This also makes Shia people very proud. However, this time the Shia Empire is proud. Was shattered.

Even if the Shia Empire's military strength is not weak, it does not rely solely on fighting swords to have such a great reputation and power, but the wall is pushed down by everyone, and the two fists are hard to beat the four hands.

Enemies are on all sides. The Shia Empire's military strength is strong, but there is no way to deal with so many enemies at the same time.

Not to mention that there are still predators staring at the side, as long as the planet of the Shia Empire is breached, these predators will rush to **** things.

As a last resort, the Shia Empire can only send people to the Krypton Empire to seek help from Dou Jian, hoping that Dou Jian can help the Shia Empire through the difficulties based on the feelings of so many years.

That is to say, the Skuru Empire and the Kerry Empire are fighting to death, otherwise they will fall into trouble now, and the Shia Empire will be even more uncomfortable.

Doujian was very hesitant to ask for help from the Shia Empire, because his current status was different from before.

The royal knights, as well as the generals of the imperial guards, are on par with Esthers in terms of status.

If he participated in the Shia Empire war, the outside world would think that the Krypton Empire was united with the Shia Empire.

However, the problem is that His Majesty the Emperor is not interested in this aspect at all, and he dared not make any claims, so he could only ask Zod for instructions.

Of course Zod disagrees. The Shia Empire is at best broken and will not perish, and even if it really perishes, it will only benefit the Krypton Empire.

Doujian could only turn down the Shia Empire's request for help. He said he did not owe the Shia Empire anything. The things that the Shia Empire gave him were not as good as the reputation and territory he had built for the Shia Empire.

Then the appearance of the new army of the Krypton Empire shocked the universe.

That group of Kryptonians turned into huge men, but why are these huge men so powerful?

Energy weapons can't hurt them. Instead, they will explode with an axe or a hammer. These big guys are powerful and their defenses are amazing and not clumsy. On the contrary, their movements are very flexible.

It also has the ability to release high temperatures and heat, and to emit heat rays from the mouth.

They claim to be the Super Soldier Legion of the Krypton Empire-the Burning Legion.

The Space Knight Legion of the Grey Knights and the Black Knights are two completely different technologies.

Not to mention there are those Kryptonians in the Burning Legion who have not been transformed, but are stronger than the transformed super soldiers.

They claim to be super Kryptonians, unlike ordinary Kryptonians who need to undergo biochemical transformation, they are inherently very powerful.

Also has a variety of superpowers.

Since the Skuru Empire also has the difference between ordinary Skrulls and Super Skrulls, there is nothing wrong with the universe people.

However, the appearance of the Burning Legion made the outside world realize that the Krypton Empire possesses mature super soldier technology, and the super soldiers they produced are too powerful, simply invincible.

It can be done easily with one cut!

"More than thirty thousand Hulk soldiers died?"

Zodhis was startled when he received the news. Under what circumstances can he die more than thirty thousand Hulks. Although it is an ordinary red Hulk, it is too outrageous, right?

Could it be that the woman of Captain Marvel is here again?

"There was a civilization that resisted stubbornly. Then they activated the Star Destroyer and destroyed the planets where the Burning Legion landed. The Hulk soldiers who didn't have time to escape died."

The Black Queen replied.

Star Destroyer!

This is the weapon of high-level civilization's greatest deterrence against low-level civilization. Basically, few organisms in the universe can withstand the attack of the Star Destroyer.

And the ones that can be held are basically the heavenly fathers. You must know that even Thanos has to run away from the Star Destroyer.

If it weren't for the size of the thing and the slow preparation speed, Thanos would have been killed.

For this reason, Thanos' Dark Order does not have a home star, and they all stay on the Temple, lest they be caught off guard with the Star Destroyer Cannon.

"The loss is so great..."

Zod shook his head, but he didn't care too much.

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The Hulk soldiers will be gone if they are gone, anyway, the Krypton Empire has cloning technology, obtained from the Cree.

All the people caught have their genes extracted and can be cloned directly.

The technology of manufacturing Hulk is also mastered by Kryptonian researchers and can be added at any time.

The accompanying Kryptonites were not harmed~www.mtlnovel.com~ The Kryptonian mechas they wore were not decorations, and even the Star Destroyer could not even shake their mechas.

Zod thought about putting them in the neutron star mecha after they awakened the biological force field.

Then it will be really indestructible.

The civilization that caused the Krypton Empire to suffer such a big loss was finally defeated by the landing of the Burning Legion and the Space Knight Legion.

The Space Knight Legion is truly fearless. Even the Star Destroyer can hardly cause many casualties. The main reason is that the Edelman alloy on the surface is hard enough to break even Captain Marvel.

After the defeat, Zordhis said that they had pardoned them for causing such heavy casualties, but they all became slaves, and they could also be used as experimental materials for the Imperial Academy.

Then he went to the world of dwarves-Nidavi Star through the Rainbow Bridge.

At this time, Nidavi star has not been invaded by Thanos, and the dwarves above have not been slaughtered by Thanos. Now it is still a vigorous scene.