
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 261: New mutation

After Queen Lilandra knew why Doujian didn't come back, she fell into deep thought.

If the Krypton Empire really mastered a large group of Sword Fighters, then it would be better for them to surrender quickly.

Only they and those who have fought with Doujian know how terrible Doujian is.

On Zod's side, a lot of Karlak has been cloned from the genetic research of Dou Jian.

The problem is that none of these Karlaks are as strong as fighting swords.

In other words, they are just ordinary people, fighting swords are warriors?

Zod thinking about why, suddenly felt a familiar feeling of dizziness.

No way, awakening new abilities at this time?

What superman would it be?

Zod lay on the experimental platform, and the Black Queen detected and recorded his body changes, so that Zod could study later.

He didn't notice his mutation this time, it seemed to be caused by the plasma spark tower. The light radiation from 10,000 plasma spark towers passed through the filtering of Zod's biological force field, and then reacted with Zod's cells.

This change did not happen overnight, after all, after Zod became the day of destruction, his own gene cells were already very stable, and it would take a long time to shake this stability and mutate.

During this time, Zod had been staying on Krypton, and his body had absorbed enough light radiation from the plasma spark tower, and then he began to mutate.

This time the change was extremely painful, causing Zord to suffer repeatedly, and it took a full month for the change to be completed.

When Zod climbed out of the laboratory, he already felt how terrible his changes were.

This mutation shattered most of his previous mutations. Except for the Doomsday mutation that was not shaken, telepathy, energy absorption, and magic superman were gone.

However, the corner of Zod's mouth rose, because he had already jumped from the level of the Almighty Father, broke the huge gap, and was promoted to a single universe-level god!

With this mutation, Zod directly became a "black hole."

In other words, the superman who has the power to swallow a million black holes?

Or is it that every cell is a superman at the singularity of a black hole?

Black hole superman!

Mastering the power of black holes, the most massive existence in the physical world, the ultimate celestial body where gravity and magnetism meet, the ultimate ultimate in the universe is also the most violent force!

For example, now Zod can easily create a black hole singularity, and throw it out to destroy a galaxy the size of the Milky Way.

The attack is also invincible, because the attack of the black hole singularity is enough to erase time and space, microscopic and macroscopic, whether it is quark or Planck, or even smaller quantum will be affected by the attack of black hole.

If used for defense, it is simply indestructible, the cells of his body have become a black hole singularity Zord, no matter what kind of blow he is facing, he can directly ignore and engulf himself.

In other words, the magic resistance is no longer zero, and Zord can ignore the opponent using magic attacks while standing still.

"No wonder it takes a month to mutate. The genes of Destruction Day are so stable that they almost failed to mutate."

During this month, the mutation was fighting against the Doomsday gene, and Zord was tortured to death. Doomsday was beaten repeatedly and defeated, but it quickly made a comeback. The last two changes had to be compromised. ~www.mtlnovel.com~Benefits] Give you a cash red envelope! Follow the vx public [Book Friends Base Camp] to receive it!

And the telepathy, energy absorption, and magic superman that couldn't be resisted were immediately gone.

This change in black hole power is too overbearing and cannot tolerate other changes, so the Day of Destruction can be tough with it.

Zod looked at his hand. After all the cells have become black hole singularities, is he still a living thing?

Moreover, this also caused Zod's own mass to be heinously large. If the biological force field is removed, it may tear everything within hundreds of times the size of the Milky Way in an instant and trigger a collapse effect to form a wide area. Black hole.

More importantly, with the two mutations of Destruction Sun and Black Hole, it is estimated that new abilities will not be transformed in the future. Of course, if it is still mutated, it may be a more terrifying force than Destruction Sun and Black Hole.

But Zod could not imagine this power.

He came to a star thousands of light-years away from the Krypton Empire at a speed faster than light.

Afterwards, Zod tentatively formed a black hole singularity in his hand, and its terrifying gravity completely distorted the space. The layered spatial fluctuations formed a scene similar to the turbulence of time and space, surrounding the black hole singularity on its periphery. Spin. .

The mass of this black hole singularity is larger than that of the earth. When it was born, the gravitational wave has already caused the star's reaction.

He threw the black hole singularity to the star, and the real vacuum zone was formed wherever the black hole singularity passed.

All matter and energy along the way, including high-energy particles and light, are swept away by it.

Then the gravitational force of the star itself is destroyed by the black hole singularity, and a large amount of stellar energy is captured by the gravitational force of the black hole singularity. This swallowing speed becomes faster and faster, and the star shrinks at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Then the entire star was torn apart by black holes and swallowed up by quarks!

Where the stars were originally located, there appeared a spherical, absolutely silent airspace.

This airspace is over tens of thousands of kilometers in length, width and height, and all matter in the affected area is collectively annihilated in a short moment.

Zord, who recovered the singularity of the black hole, felt that he was much stronger again.

"It doesn't take a minute to destroy a star, and with the power of a black hole, I can fight the power of infinite gems by myself, so I don't have to worry about the threat of soul gems..."

Zod instantly returned to Krypton and stretched out his right hand.

Then I saw countless black particles appearing in the surrounding void, and they gathered in Zod's hands.

The light and shadow effects lasted for a few seconds before disappearing.

However, there is an extra black ball the size of a marble in Zord's hand~www.mtlnovel.com~ This small ball does not have the power of the black hole singularity that causes space-time distortion.

But part of the material that makes up this black ball.

It is the neutron star material!

Such materials are absolutely unacceptable for manufacturing and scientific research personnel.

But if it is not bound by Zod's biological force field, the gravitational force it carries will destroy the surrounding things in an instant.

"So, this thing can't be used normally at all."

Zord couldn't help but complain about the fact that he had created neutron star matter before, but the neutron star matter he created this time is only available for the largest neutron star in the universe.

However, the problem is that the neutron star material cannot be used normally, and the gravity caused by its mass is too terrible. It seems that Zord wants to make a battleship that can directly crash the star.