
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 259: movement

Zordhis had already seen the scene where the senior guards of the Shia Empire went to war with the superheroes of the earth.

After reading it, he felt that he had overestimated the aliens.

Except for those warships with star destroyers, it seems that in terms of individual combat capabilities, the Krypton Empire can completely explode all forces in the universe!

Although the Angel Legion are also Kryptonians, they will not leave Krypton because they belong to Zod's own private armed + harem.

Since the individual combat capability is the strong point of the Krypton Empire in this respect, of course we must use this advantage to the fullest!

As for those warships, there are Kryptonian soldiers who can solve them, just like the Captain Marvel of the head iron, just destroy them directly.

Regarding Hulk, Zordhis has accumulated a lot of experimental data. After all, he really likes Hulk's subordinates with big muscles. Big guys have a strong sense of vision.

In addition, both Abomination and General Rose were made by Zodhis, and it is not difficult for him to create Hulk.

Although the mass-produced Hulk has a limited strength, it can blast other forces.

The mass-produced Hulks are all Red Hulks, which gives Zod the feeling that he is carrying a red-skinned orc.

Moreover, the soldiers selected as the mass-produced Hulk are actually members of the original world snakes on Earth, and Zodhis sent them through the "Rainbow Bridge" of the Krypton Empire for transformation.

These mass-produced Red Hulks don't have any special abilities. Zodhis implanted them with the genes of Extremis Virus and Mutant Burning Man, which made them have the ability to heat up and fire hot lines. Zodhis also rebuilt the combustion. Legion.

Now is the Burning Legion worthy of the name.

By the way, they were injected with vibrating atoms to enhance their anti-strike ability.

Then she put on a uniform woven of vibrating gold fiber, which is rich in elasticity, so that the clothes will not be damaged by a transformation.

On the earth, the massive disappearance of mercenaries and retired soldiers attracted the attention of Excalibur Bureau.

Although it is not surprising that mercenaries and retired soldiers disappear occasionally, there are too many missing persons.

More importantly, not only the mercenaries and retired soldiers are missing, but even those gangsters have recently received news that they are missing, so that many people are panicked, wondering if there is some strange weird.

Although Excalibur Bureau wished that these gang members were all dead, but if it was a weird person, they really had to take care of this matter.

Zodhis noticed this, but he didn't think it was too much. Anyway, he had captured about 100,000 people, and transformed into Hulk, there would be a 100,000 army. Then he can stop arresting people temporarily.

Although they may be wiped out by a certain battleship using weapons such as star destroyers.

But before that, the Burning Legion composed of 100,000 Hulk soldiers was an invincible army!


"What are you talking about, Karlak and his guard are missing?"

In the Shia Empire, the current Empress Lilandra looked at the reporting person with shock.

Who is Karl Lak?

That is the **** in the eyes of everyone in the Shia Empire, and the number one strong man in the universe, he has disappeared?

"We finally detected Master Karlak and his spacecraft heading to this small galaxy, and then they disappeared."

The subordinate said in horror.

If Karlak disappears, what about the Shia Empire?

Without the strongest person who can deter outsiders, the Shia Empire simply lacks confidence.

After all, there are no mutants in this world, and the brother of Laser Eye has not become the emperor of the Shia Empire.

Although they continue to decline with Kerry and Skuru, Shia has become the youngest and most powerful space empire.

However, there are too many threats in the universe, and they cannot be dealt with simply by a strong national power.

"Send someone to find out what's going on. Even if they are missing, they have to find the wreckage of the spacecraft!"

Queen Lilandra said immediately.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

You can't send survey teams without getting orders, which is also caused by the rule system of the Shia Empire.

"Your Majesty, you can't send an investigation team!"

Just after Queen Lilandra gave her order, someone appeared to stop her.

The Shia Empire is one of the most advanced and vast civilizations in the universe, spanning the entire galaxy.

It is mainly a commercial complex that trades with other interstellar forces. Not all races enjoy the same rights in the empire, and the Shias have a disproportionate influence in their ruling system.

Usually empire matters are managed by the Supreme Council, and most of the councils are foreigners from the empire. However, in fact, the true head of the council (the emperor or the empress) has great ruling power and can issue decrees to formulate policies.

The one who stood up to stop Queen Lilandra was the royal family members of the Shia Empire in the Supreme Council.

If it's a foreigner, Queen Lilandra can ignore their opinions directly, but members of the royal family can't.


Queen Lilandra looked at each other, waiting for an explanation.

"Because it is close to the territory of the Krypton Empire."

The other party said.

"Kryptonian Empire?"

This is not the first time Queen Lilandra has heard of this name, the Kryptonian empire that has risen very rapidly.

The general Esdes is even more powerful. It is said that he can single out an entire fleet, and even has video recordings. Those who have seen it feel that the power of the general of the Kryptonian Empire is estimated to be able to sweep the universe.

Moreover, the technological level of the Kryptonian Empire seems to be very high. They have fought in the universe and have laid down thousands of planets. So far, the regular army has not suffered a single casualty.

What is this concept~www.mtlnovel.com~ This means that the Kryptonian Empire has terrible military power, and more importantly, they also have amazing teleportation technology. They can directly teleport to other people's home planets without a fleet. .

This makes people in the universe who are accustomed to the battleship cannon fighting very unaccustomed, but the expansion of the Kryptonian empire has slowed down recently, and it should be digesting the territories that have been beaten down.

After all, there are not many Kryptonians in the Kryptonian Empire.

In order to highlight the difference between the Kryptonians, Zordhis put a golden sun-like mark on the eyebrows of the Earthlings he brought over and the Kryptonians he created.

Then it is said that it is a natural symbol of Kryptonians, and you can recognize them as Kryptonians at a glance.

"How could it be the territory of the Kryptonian Empire, isn't it too close to us like that?"

Queen Lilandra frowned. The earth and solar system belonged to the Shia Empire, which was the default of the universe, although Asgard did not recognize it.

However, because the things Odin and Hela did in the early years were too stinky, Asgard's reputation also became stinky, and not many people were willing to pay attention to Asgard's opinions.