
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 258: Krypton Empire

Angel Yan was uploaded from the earth to the Krypton Empire.

Zod sat at the luxurious desk, his eyes pierced and his face was meticulous.

The golden sunlight poured in from outside the window, shining on the great emperor, the outline of his face was sharp under the light and shadow.

When Angel Yan came in, he saw Holy Keisha and Heavenly King Hexi sitting on Zod's lap.

Zod dropped the uninked golden pen in his hand, clenched his fists tightly, and his frowned brows condensed into the word'chuan'.

In a few seconds, his eyebrows gradually slowed down, and his concentrated eyes were loosened, as if thinking of some sad past, he was in a trance and was unable to hold on to himself, he actually sighed heavily.

Hexi leaned against him with a flushed face, opened his mouth slightly, and gasped gently.

"Yan, are you here?"

Zod tightened Hexi, then asked.

"His Majesty."

Angel Yan salutes.

"Yan, from today, you will return to the Angel Legion."

Zod said lazily, he had just had a big battle, and now he had no idea.

After all, he pinched out the sacred Keisha, the heavenly king Hexi, Angel Cold, Angel Chase, Angel Moi, Angel Fanxing, Angel Lingxi, Angel Kayla... and so on.

Because of the jewel of the soul, Zod found that these cyborgs were different from the figure girls he had made before, and they were almost like visions and were given life.


Angel Yan didn't have any comments. After she came over, Zod used the Soul Gem to reshape her again. Now it feels like Angel Yan is more alive, and I don't know if it is an illusion.

When you get the soul gem in the future, you can get it again.

After all, soul gems are treasures that can create a soul out of nothing in the true sense.

All Kryptonian soldiers of the Angel Legion have their clothes and armor made in a one-to-one ratio, vibrating gold + primitive krypton gold + Edman alloy.

So is the sword of flame in his hand.

Then they also have the genes of the "angel type" mutants, which are used to create a pair of flying wings.

In addition, he is a Kryptonian and has the ability to fly in a vacuum, which can be said to be very restored.

"Zod, what are you doing?"

Liang Bing walked into Zod's laboratory.

"I'm studying the plasma spark tower."

Zod said without looking back.

The scientific research level of the Krypton Empire, after the Krypton Empire blackmailed a large number of scientific researchers and instruments from the Cree Empire, has become a superb level in the universe, which can also meet the needs of Zordhis.

It also made Zod feel that he could satisfy his all-time fantasies.

That is what will the Kryptonians become after they absorb the light of the plasma spark tower?

The plasma spark tower refers to the energy base of the Altstar.

It is also known as the Plasma Solar Tower, which is as important as our sun. It is an alternative energy source developed by scientists in the Kingdom of Light after the sun exploded on the Otto Star. Because of this energy, the "humanity" on the Otto Star Evolved into Superman, which is Ultraman.

At the beginning, the scientists in the Kingdom of Light originally intended to be an artificial sun. They were accidentally stared at by an alien and made manipulations of the Plasma Spark Tower. After the Spark Tower was successfully activated, all the people in the Kingdom of Light evolved into Ultraman.

I don't know if the alien will regret it to death.

After all, tens of millions of Ultra fighters were created at once.


The most important planet of the Krypton Empire, defined by Zordheath as the home planet, is not many people living here, mainly because Zordheath is to ensure the purity of Krypton.

He even developed an atmospheric weather system to shield all kinds of unidentified radiation in the universe so as not to affect the life inside.

It is precisely because of this that although the Krypton Empire has conquered thousands of life planets, so far, none of these surrendered life forms have seen real Kryptonians.

It's different now.

As Zordhis researched the plasma spark tower, hundreds of Kryptonians raised their heads after Krypton's light was on.

They are all Kryptonians of various professions created by Zordhis using genes in the Code of Life. Then Zord's superb vision observed that their body cells began to change under the light radiation of the plasma spark tower.

A benign change.

Not only the Kryptonians of military genes, but also the Kryptonians of scientific research, civilians, politics, and high-level Kryptonians have undergone such benign changes, and they have begun to become faster and stronger.

Because there is no reason for aliens to do their hands and feet, the Plasma Spark Tower will naturally not turn Kryptonians into Ultraman.

Safe and stable source of solar energy!

"I hope there won't be a red sun in the Marvel world."

Zod manipulated atoms in one breath to form 10,000 plasma spark towers, spread over all areas of Krypton.

Then the magnetic field and gravity of Krypton are artificially modified, making Krypton's gravity ten times that of the Earth.

The original organisms began to go extinct in this environment, but after Zodhis modified the microorganisms, new species began to emerge quickly, and they adapted to the environment of Krypton.

Then Zordhis stipulated that all Kryptonians should wear special Krypton armor after leaving Krypton.

Although they already have a biological force field, it is best to wear Krypton armor to be safe.

The Krypton armor is made of vibrating gold + primitive krypton gold + Edman alloy + impact steel + atomic alloy + Ulu metal by Zordhis. If it is the defense power alone, it may not even be able to break the defense with a sword. .

There is also the Rune Rune about Mirnier obtained by Zordhis, so that wearing this armor can control the four powers of "Wind, Rain, Thunder and Lightning" just like Thor holding Thor's Hammer~www .mtlnovel.com~ At the same time, inside each piece of armor is a "mind protection stone" separated by Zordhess with a psychic gem, which can be used to protect the Kryptonians from the control and influence of powers such as telepathy.

With this armor, even if you encounter the red sun unfortunately, it will not be irradiated by the red sun's radiation and cause loss of power.

The Kryptonians naturally obeyed the emperor's order of Zodhis, and did not dare to have any opinions.

There are hundreds of Kryptonians at once, and Zod thinks it is enough. If there are too many, it is estimated that it will cause covetousness. For example, he wants to know why Kryptonians are so strong.

These hundreds of Kryptonians can all act on their own, excluding most of the Kryptonians with non-military genes, and the rest can lead troops to fight.

Zod also asked Doujian for his genes for research, to see if he could clone the Doujian star.

If it could be cloned, it would be invincible.

As for the soldiers, Zod thought for a while, planning to find a breakthrough from Hulk.