
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 256: Emperor of the Kryptonian Empire

how is this possible!

Dou Jian couldn't believe it. He was quite sure that he couldn't say that he was a starburst with this punch. At least the planet would have to smash most of it with his punch.

Then he was hit in the chin with an uppercut by Zordhis. The severe concussion made him temporarily lose consciousness and ran into the spaceship.

Zordhis chased it out, and controlled the electromagnetic force to repair the tattered spaceship, so as not to suffocate the superheroes.

Their spacesuits were all broken by fighting swords.

Fighting sword quickly recovered, fighting spirit was raging, and the only plug-in made his power expand again.

"That's great. In other words, he is a perfect match for the Soul Gem."

Zod stood still, waiting for the sword to attack.

Doujian didn't be polite with him either, knowing that he was weaker than Zod, even if he was stronger now than before, he couldn't change this fact.

In the face of Dou Jian coming from his fist, Zod's eyes flushed, Dou Jian braked halfway, and his eyes flushed as well.

The two invincible, hot sights of gold and jade collided together.

According to the fact that energy will not have the effect of a more powerful explosion on the wave, the thermal vision hedge of Zod and Dou Jian directly caused a big explosion of greater multiples!

But the two who were swallowed by the explosion indifferently fought fiercely together, so that the power of the explosion was directly dissipated by their battle.

Dou Jian only felt that no matter how he improved his strength, the opponent would be able to keep up, and even maintained a state of just surpassing him.

How could it be, how could there be such a strong man on the earth!

Obviously it's just a remote corner, still sheltered by Asgard, but such a terrifying powerhouse has appeared?

Zod became more interested in playing. What this guy grew up eating, he can really improve his strength and anti-strike ability all the time.

You must know that Zod's palm grip is stronger than an 80,000-ton hydraulic press. He guessed how it could have a grip strength of more than one million tons.

Arm strength is also stronger, even stronger than grip strength.

More importantly, Zod is the Destroyer Superman!

No matter how big the idealism of fighting swords is, can it still be big enough to survive the day of destruction?

Having been crushing Doujian, he can still hold on to the present, and he can only say that his psychological quality is indeed very strong.

The many superpowers of the fighter are derived from his unique alien body structure, including super strength, endurance, endurance, resilience, heat rays, cold breathing, and can fly at a speed close to the speed of light.

He is one of the strongest people in the Marvel Universe. He is enough to crush asteroids and lift a building. His power limit is almost incalculable (as long as he is confident enough), and he can withstand the same amount as a supernova explosion. The impact of heat rays exceeds the temperature of stars.

The sword fighting ability will change according to his self-confidence level, and he is not immune to a small amount of radiation.

Most importantly, he is not immune to psychic attacks.

When Doujian is confident, only a few people can compete with him in terms of strength, but if he is not confident enough, his strength will be greatly reduced.

Doujian's body can withstand most of the damage. He can survive in the universe, even in the core of the sun, enough to fight against the Hulk, Thor and others, and not be harmed, the more confident he is against harm. The lower the sensitivity.

Can travel through space, has microscopic vision (molecular level), and is also an excellent hand-to-hand combat master. As the captain of the Xia Empire's guard, he has received a lot of training.

Reid also gave him a piece of equipment that allowed him to lift large objects without damaging them. Doujian had lifted a 35-story building without any damage.

In other words, compared to the Kryptonians, Doujian lacks the power of a BUG like a biological force field.

And Zordheath's normality is fully above him. The quark-level microscopic vision and the ability to control matter make it easy for Zordheath to dissolve the kinetic energy of the sword from the subtle.

This is also the reason why Dou Jian punched so fiercely, he was fine, the spaceship was fine, and there was no shock wave.

Because Zordhis dispelled it carefully.

This kind of show-off skill, or dazzling skill, gave up after Zod found that the sword was completely undetected, and instead used his own energy absorption ability to absorb the kinetic energy and energy of the sword.

The Doujian charger is much more powerful than the Hulk charger!

At the beginning, the sword fighting was still full of enthusiasm, fighting spirit raging, and confidence bursting.

But with the fight, two hours passed. Not only did Zod not be surpassed by him, but he still kept suppressing him, making Doujian thought that he had not actually become stronger.

However, the surrounding asteroids that were harmed by the two of them proved that his power has indeed skyrocketed, and it has skyrocketed to an unimaginable level.

Because of the presence of Zordhis, he was able to catch up to such a strong all the way, he had never experienced such a strong feeling.

Even so, the dark knight on the opposite side is still unfathomable, as if there is no limit...

Doujian's biggest problem is this idealism, this is his strongest and weakest place.

Zod originally thought he could warm up for a while, but suddenly he found that Dou Jian seemed to be weakened.

Along with the blow to confidence, the power of fighting sword began to disappear quickly like a low tide.

"What's wrong, are you going to give up?"

Zod was puzzled, he didn't quite understand that there was such a big plug-in fighting sword so quickly that he lost confidence.

"I can't be your opponent..."

Dou Jian said as if the whole person was lost.

Zod was a little helpless, knocked him unconscious, and then took him to the spaceship.

Seeing that the sword was dragged back by the enemy, the people of the Shia Empire couldn't believe it.

Dou Jian was defeated!

The superheroes breathed a sigh of relief. Sure enough, Zordheath is still the Zordheath!

"You go back to Earth first, I have something to talk to them."

Zodhis said to Stark and the others.


Stark and the others didn't mean to stay~www.mtlnovel.com~ maybe they trusted Zordheath too much.

Doujian, who had a body of steel, soon woke up, and then saw Zodhis holding his chin, and didn't know what he was thinking.

"Surrender to me, Karlak."

Behind Zodhis, the elementary particles combined to form a throne, he sat on it, and then said to Doujian.

"who are you?"

Dou Jian had already realized that Zodhith's identity was wrong at this time.

"The emperor of the Kryptonian Empire, Zod Heath."

Zod said the identity that made Doujian and the surrounding Shia Empire stunned.

It's just that the words are not shocking and endless!

What is the Kryptonian Empire? That is the fourth largest empire that has only appeared in a short time and has already been recognized in the universe as being comparable to the three empires!