
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 255: Kryptonians VS Sword Fighting

He caught all of the Hulk's attacks with his palms or moved or blocked them. He didn't retreat half a step during the whole process, and he still had time to observe and comment.

"Impressive, this kind of power is also a first-class powerhouse in the Shia Empire. I didn't expect that there would be such a fighter on the earth."

After a pause, he shook his head again.

"But the technique is really terrible. Sora has such a powerful power and speed, but it can't be used effectively. To be honest, this talent is a bit wasteful."

The Hulk couldn't help but get even more angry when he heard his pointing.

"Hulk is the strongest!"

Although he was very dissatisfied, the fact was that Hulk was madly outputting throughout the entire process and Dou Jian had been only defending casually and had no intention of fighting back. It was clear at a glance which one was strong and which one was weak.

At this time, the Red Tank, Red Hulk, Abomination, and Stone Man also rushed up to fight swords.

The face of the fighting sword did not change, and his hands were as fast as lightning to block everyone's attacks. The Hulks with strange powers, the red tanks and the stone men couldn't help fighting the sword at all.

Even so, their performance made the Shia Empire people look at them like monsters.

Because Doujian was an invincible existence in their minds, let alone Shia Empire, even the entire universe could not find a few powerhouses comparable to Doujian.

Although the superheroes seem to be no different from those of the past, they are also easily solved by sword fighting, but no one has been injured in their fierce battle, which is amazing!

"Interestingly, you are all enhanced fighters who follow this route..."

After fighting with swords a few times, he discovered that even Stark, the armored man, had become a big man like anti-Hulk armor to besiege himself.

The armor on his body is very interesting, the nano armor fighting sword is not unseen, but it can be destroyed easily, and the armor on Stark.

But it was tough beyond imagination, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't completely destroy it.

In other words, as long as there is energy, this armor cannot be destroyed and can fight forever.

Seeing that the superheroes are all taking the route of big muscle tyrants to beat people, Dou Jian thinks that the earth people have mastered a method of making super fighters, but the fighters created by this method are all big muscle tyrants.

No wonder the Zeta Rising will lose. With so many powerful fighters, the Zeta Rising will not be able to win the landing battle.

Dou Jian has a heart for talents. After all, with the strength of superheroes, it can be placed in the four empires, or even any force in the universe, to become a high-ranking general.

It can even be said that they can actually become the overlord of the universe just like the crazy Titan "Tian Ba" Thanos.

In order to ensure that they can subdue such a group of guys, Doujian took a little serious, so the superheroes only felt that Doujian suddenly became fierce by several grades, and put everyone down in three or two!

The earth really gave him so many surprises.

Before, he was worried that the gang of Chitarians were exaggerating. It was entirely because they missed their hands in such a small place as the earth and felt that they could not make a living, so they did their best to brag about the earth as terrifyingly terrifying.

As a result, when Dou Jian came to the earth with a believable attitude, he found that the fighting power of the warriors in the earth was far beyond his imagination.

If you can conquer this large ticket to strengthen your fighters, the Shia Empire will have stronger power to maintain the peace of the universe!

But when Dou Jian was about to open his mouth to recruit the Hulks, he suddenly turned his head and looked in the direction of the earth.

It took two or three minutes for the spacecraft to detect that an unexpected energy source was approaching.

"There are still strong people on earth!"

Dou Jian was a little unbelievable. In his opinion, such a large number of strengthened fighters had been beyond expectation.

But his superhuman senses told him that the energy level of this person who came here is not the same level as these strengthened fighters!

"Is it the strongest warrior on earth?"

Dou Jian guesses.

"There are stronger fighters on your planet?"

Doujian asked the superheroes.

"Of course, there is a guy much stronger than us. From your look, he seems to be here?"

Stark said confidently that even if he saw Doujian crushing all of them, the superheroes did not have any expressions of frustration and despair.

Because there is still that man.

Doujian naturally saw the expressions of the superheroes, which was a kind of recognition.

Interesting, even if you have seen my strength, do you still have confidence in that warrior?

Dou Jian is very satisfied, which shows that the strongest warrior on earth may also have the power to solve these strengthened warriors as cleanly as him.

Otherwise, their expression would not be "There is such a strong man in this place", but "There is such a strong man in this world!"

Thinking of this, Dou Jian's blood boiled over. He has been in the universe for many years. After the famous and frightened mad Titan Thanos, who had made countless civilizations, met him once, he avoided him since meeting.

Others are all things that can be solved with one punch. The strongest warrior on this earth hopes not to be too weak. At the very least, he should be stronger than Thanos?

He saw a golden light penetrate the door of the spacecraft and appeared in front of everyone.

Then Stark and the others looked weird, because they found that Zodhith had another piece of armor on his body.

The same black armor and black cloak, the difference is that the power of his whole body emerges, giving everyone a strong sense of oppression.

"Fight sword."

Doujian reported his name.

"dark Knight."

Zodhith nodded slightly, and then the two punched each other at the same time.

Shake your fists!

To the surprise of the Shia empire~www.mtlnovel.com~ their commander, the invincible God of War, and the first soldier in the universe, was repelled!

And it was not simply a few steps or a few meters away, but it turned into a meteor that hit the spacecraft and disappeared in an instant.

Not to mention the people of the Shia Empire, even the superheroes are dumbfounded. What a joke, that is the alien who crushed them all and killed them, and it turned out to be so relaxed by Zodhis. Boxing lost?

How powerful is this guy!

Zodhis held his hands, and then under his super hearing and super vision, Dou Jian flew back at a speed of a hundred times the speed of sound, looking unscathed.

"I underestimated you, Dark Knight!"

Dou Jian was completely excited, and terrible energy emerged out of thin air because of his confidence, swelling like never before.

The next moment, the fighting sword disappeared like a teleport. When it appeared again, his fist had been grabbed by Zordheath with one hand. More importantly, Zordheath took his all-out punch. Don't move!