
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 251: New York is gone

But of course this is just a drop in the bucket. New York is now a bottomless pit, and a large group of people can't fill up one percent of this hole. Rebuilding is even more a huge project, not a matter of overnight.

Mr. President wanted to cry without tears. As we all know, the President of the United States is equivalent to a contract worker, and he cannot continue to sit in this position after his term has expired.

But this Mr. President's face is obviously very bad. People sit in this position well. When he took office, there were moths and moths. It was also from the Weird Association and the super criminals. This time, a bunch of aliens came to New York. It was blown up.

According to this situation, I am afraid that it is not until his tenure is full that New York has no hope of returning to the original state, and he must be detained as the "worst president in history".

The enthusiastic masses don't care if the alien invasion has anything to do with him. Anyway, during his tenure, there were so many moths, financial deficits and political achievements, and he didn't have the face to see anyone. The critics were afraid to spray him so that his mother would not recognize him. .

Then at this moment, the savior of the White House appeared.

Maybe this is the characteristic of the American comics world. Every time you finish this kind of destructive battle, at least one good person who is rich and influential and who happens to have an overwhelming ideological consciousness comes out to deal with the aftermath.

Next door is a certain dude with a weird habit who goes out in the middle of the night, and here is naturally the reborn Tony Stark.

Stark appeared in the White House with a large sum of money and a complete plan, and volunteered to take up the backbone of the reconstruction of New York. He relied on his reputation to get through the joints and used his influence to attract more entrepreneurs to invest.

Unexpectedly, it was not someone else who responded to the call first, but Wilson Fisk, who started from crime.

King Jin is more concerned about the construction of New York than anyone else, except for Stark, he contributes the most money and effort.

After all, Tajin is not the emperor of the underworld in New York, and now the whole of New York is gone, wouldn't he become the emperor of the refugee cave?

The Stark Group was originally the leader in the enterprise, coupled with the popularity of Stark himself as Iron Man, soon many people responded to the call to join in.

Of course, capitalists cannot be persuaded by the government's beautiful words and good-looking bad checks. More people trust the potential of Stark's golden sign.

The White House's happiness is broken, and Mr. President feels that Stark is simply the reinventing parent of his political career, as if even Stark's arrogant face looks more pleasing to the eye!

The whole New York is now summed up in one word, chaos.

There is a mess everywhere in the city. Everywhere is still busy searching and rescuing survivors. The number of casualties is rising.

The official statistics have not been released yet, but you can guess that the data must be terrible.

The US military suffered heavy casualties in this battle, and almost every collapsed building was excavated with corpses buried underneath.

In addition, public security has also become a major issue.

The state of New York is now close to wasteland, and the law enforcement system is also in total chaos.

A large number of criminals took to the streets in vain to take advantage of this opportunity to make a fortune.

The superheroes were busy after the battle, so the burden of maintaining law and order was handed over to street heroes such as Daredevil and Luke Cage. Gwen often went out to help maintain order during his daily routine patrols. But for such a large scale, their efforts are only a drop in the bucket, and the effect is limited.

No one thought that it was not someone else who stood up to maintain order during this period of lawlessness, but it was the criminal leader Jin Bin.

It seems that Fisk said before that he wanted to work hard to build a better New York. He was really not just talking about beautiful things. Now New York is in a mess. No matter if it is the government, the police or the superheroes, there is no combination of power.

Fisker waved his hand and ordered that from now on, all criminals in the city are prohibited from beating, smashing, looting and burning, and all crime-related business activities in the city, regardless of size, will be suspended!

Everyone must fully devote themselves to the disaster relief operation in New York. Anyone who dares to defy is despising the authority of Jin Bin and will only die!

So in the next few days, you can see the underworld gangs in New York City suddenly become a new force to maintain law and order.

Sometimes you can see some desperate petty citizens taking risks, holding their guns out to **** life supplies, but a large number of justice-sense gangsters came out from nowhere and shot him...

Sometimes you can even see a group of street gangsters with hot tattoos and cigars enthusiastically joining the ranks of disaster relief.

However, how to resettle those New Yorkers is also a problem.

After all, New York City has been completely destroyed structurally.

The underground as the bedrock was also hollowed out, and all the sewers were destroyed and expanded by the Weird Association.

Several kilometers underground are hollowed out spaces. Where do you go to fill up such a large space?

Reconstruction has become a problem, not to mention New Yorkers.

Many of them went bankrupt because of this, and the houses were paid so much property tax, and they disappeared all at once.

The loss is so great that many people cannot even accept it and want to commit suicide. Insurance companies refuse to recognize this accident insurance because they do not have alien accident insurance and weird accident insurance, so this is not their scope of compensation.

Just when Stark was helpless and the American government was preparing to create a Disaster Control Bureau, a department dedicated to wiping the avengers of the original plot.

Zodhis stood up.

He expressed that he would turn New York into the headquarters of the Excalibur Bureau, that is to say, the rebuilt New York is also the New York of the Excalibur Bureau.

As for those New Yorkers~www.mtlnovel.com~ Excalibur Bureau will compensate.

He is tantamount to pulling in the five gangsters and the whole world, and the President of the United States is simply grateful.

Faced with the plan for the headquarters of the Excalibur Bureau in New York given by Zordhis and the reason why a whole city is needed as the headquarters, the others finally agreed.

If the whole world joins in, the loss of New York is nothing.

Zordhis even invented a bedrock molecule that can be directly filled, and then this molecule will merge into the bedrock, forcing it to grow.

The huge hole in New York City was filled in a short time and may even be much stronger than other places. There is no need to worry about earthquakes.

According to Zordhis, he is going to build an invincible warship belonging to the people of the earth to defend against aliens that may invade, such as Saiyans, Zetarians, and other aliens. Wait.

This invincible warship is expected to be a sea, land and air amphibious warship.