
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 25: 2nd Generation Animalized Soldier

But please compare the products of the two industrial groups.

   Tony Stark's Stark Industry was converted to the new energy field after the weapons department was closed. It is the world's first person in new clean energy, with patents in hand, and theoretically, there are countless money.

   But first, the problem is the difficulty of popularizing new clean energy.

Tony Stark first had to face the obstacles of Middle East oil fields and various old energy tycoons. You must know that the owners of these oil fields even have the figure of the American consortium. They would not want their property to shrink like this, or even go bankrupt. Among other things, if Tony Stark was not protected by S.H.I.E.L.D., he would attack him like this. It is estimated that he has been assassinated, and then he was taken over by New Energy.

  Secondly, new energy will cause job losses in the world provided by the old energy. How many workers are there?

There are also students who are learning about the knowledge and management of old energy, the schools established for this purpose, the teachers who teach, and even the manufacturing industries such as automobiles that use old energy, the industries that rely on for survival, the sideline... the people and families involved. It is an astronomical figure. If humans want to accept new energy, they can only take it slowly. It will take at least four generations before new energy can be popularized.

And these four generations are still a very ideal number. As mentioned earlier, those old energy tycoons will not be willing to shrink their property or even go bankrupt. They will definitely prevent or control the group that relies on old energy. The people who survived marched and demonstrated to smash the new energy facilities of Stark Industries. If this is done, it may be possible to make new energy popular after five or six generations.

   Human beings are not unaware of the benefits of new energy, but they are unwilling to accept it.

   This is the reason why Zod did not engage in new energy. It was too much trouble. It would be better to get materials and weapons to make money quickly.

   So he just registered the patent for the miniature arc reactor, and did not use it to sell new energy.

   This is also the reason why Blade Technology Industry has caught up with Stark Industry so quickly or even surpassed it.

   "Boss, you are very powerful, very genius, but don't be immersed in research all the time."

  Uuld basically never left after seeing Zod. She spends every day in the laboratory. While admiring the spirit of Zod, she also feels helpless and worried.

   For Uuld, who is not used to doing private things in the company, the helpless is because he can't get close to Zodra.

  Worried about whether his own boss's hard work and immersion will affect his health.

   "Uuld, there are a lot of people outside who want me to die. I will only hurt others when I go out, so I might as well do research."

Zod shook his head. Like Tony's research on new energy, Zod's war machine has offended many military industry leaders, and many people want him to die. Although Zod doesn't mind, he is not interested in playing with ordinary people. .

   After hearing this, Uuld felt reasonable. After all, safety is also an issue.

  Although Zod is regarded as the influential figure who pushed mankind to the Fourth Industrial Revolution, if this is useful, there will not be so many earth-shattering scientists in history that will die inexplicably.

   "By the way, how is that Emile Bronsky?"

   Zod asked suddenly.

   Emil Bronsky, as the villain, is also a super soldier who can physically fight Hulk for a few rounds. If he can be caught to conduct a new experiment with a super beast serum, he should have one more powerful subordinate.

   The most important thing is that Zod thinks that the villain of the Marvel world should have his own halo, so there is no need to worry about what will go wrong.

   "He has accepted our invitation."

  Uuld said that no one can refuse Blade Technology Industry, and the resumes of various talents who want to apply for Blade Technology Industry can be stunned.

   It's just that Zod recently said that he wants to recruit talents in various biotechnologies, so Ould is also busy contacting major bioengineering talents recently.

   Emil Bronsky was flattered with the invitation of Blade Technology Industry, and naturally he couldn't wait to agree to it.

   Within two days, Zod saw this Tim Rose.

   Emile Bronsky, a former special forces commando, was also very surprised to see Zod. He didn't expect to see this genius who influenced the world with his own eyes.

   He looks very young. According to the information, Zord Heath is just 20 years old, so talented cannot be described.

  Kryptonians who have been in the sun do not need to worry about lifespan, so Zod is not very concerned about this, he also filled in a number casually at the beginning.

   "Mr. Bronsky, would you like to join the Blade Technology Industry?"

   Zod asked with a smile.

   "It's a great honor, Mr. Heath."

   Bronsky replied immediately.

   Although he is wondering why he is being spotted.

Zod knows that Bronsky is eager for power and eager to return to the battlefield. He is already very old and cannot continue to maintain his peak state to participate in the battle. As a pure fighting freak, Bronsky has been No marriage, no children, no lover.

   "Our company has recently made a trans-epochal invention in biological experiments. We invite you to come because you are one of the people who meet our requirements very well among the human powers we are looking for."

  Zord said, he certainly wouldn't say that the second target is the number one male model of Hydra.

   Now the world snakes still have to keep a low profile, lest they are discovered by Hydra and have to eat Hydra.

   After all, Zod still wants the world snake to be protected by the Hydra, so that outsiders can only see the Hydra and not the World Snake.

  Bronsky's breathing became short.

  What is the most famous place in Blade Technology Industry?

  , of course, are the two cross-age products it has brought out. Anyone who has one of them is enough to become a famous figure in history, a word to be recited by future students, and a monument to mankind.

   is like secondary krypton gold, it has been called Heath alloy or Zord alloy.

   There is no war machine. After all, it seems that no one would call an atomic bomb an Einstein bomb.

   Now that Blade Technology Industry actually claims that they have made a trans-epochal invention in biological experiments? ? ?

  Bronsky never thought that he would be fortunate to be a witness to this inter-age invention.

   Then he was sent to the experimental platform very cooperatively.

   The lycanthrope created by the second-generation super lycanthrope serum can no longer see the traces of the earth species. It looks like a monster, but it does far surpass the first-generation lycanthrope.

   After Bronsky was injected with super animal serum, he was soaked in the culture tank.