
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 249: Father of the New Element

For the Hydra and their plan, Zodhis just felt interesting.

Not to mention the hand-to-hand union, unless Hei Kong can jump out, otherwise Zordheath will not look down on them.

However, it is actually quite troublesome if there is a ghost knight controlled by this hand.

Hydra was tracked too closely by the whole world, and had to find a place to vomit those hundred Decepticons.

Although they hated it, they knew that if they kept it, they might be found. The Hydra would be exposed to the sun, and then they would die.

Recovering the lost Decepticons, Nick Fury did not relax his investigation of the inner ghost and suspicious forces.

The world's strongest man is right behind him, Nick Fury is not afraid at all, nor is the Excalibur agent.

Because of the fear and worries about the Saiyan invasion and the Zetarian invasion, the Excalibur Bureau reorganized much faster than imagined, and it was so fast that even the rabbits were surprised.

After all, if you have money abroad, you will be efficient, and if you don't have money, you will be slow. But it is notorious for it to be so resolute this time.

After the reorganization of the Excalibur Bureau, all the agents in it will conduct a comprehensive review and investigation every month, and in order to prevent bribery, the five gangsters decided to take turns to review and investigate themselves. You can't always bribe all the five gangsters. Right.

In fact, they have a lot of worries, because when Zodhis is not involved, the Earth is the most dangerous alien.

In fact, there are very few cosmic people in the Marvel worldview that have strong single-handed combat power. Thanos' adopted daughter, Kamora, was named the "No.

The Hulk swept all heroes in Gao Tianzun's arena without any pressure-and the battles in the arena were all the most capable species that Gao Tianzun grabbed from all corners of the universe.

In the Marvel system, although the earth's civilization and technological level are backward, the earth is indeed a treasured land of geomantic omen. Any experiment accident or genetic mutation that emerges from a superpower and loses it in the universe is a number of strong people.

To put it in eastern terms, the earth in the 21st century seems to be undergoing an aura of rejuvenation.

Another reason is that the extraterrestrial forces in the Marvel Universe actually don't pay much attention to single combat capabilities.

Can the three empires of the universe rely on technology to create super-powered warriors similar to the earth? of course can.

Ronan, the accuser of the Kerry Empire, one of the most powerful men in the universe, is a super soldier genetically modified by the Kerry people.

It's just that aliens generally feel that it's more straightforward to use battleships and star-destroying guns. It's not cost-effective to spend so much time and money to build a super soldier like Ronan. It's better to build two more star-destroying guns.

Even if your individual ability is as strong as the eternal race, what about it? All beings under the Star Destroyer are equal, and there is no difference between a 100-level master and a first-level rookie.

Although it is said that there are strong people who can achieve the same effect as the star destroyer, but after all, they are only a few.

So this led to the result of the Avengers slamming various alien masters in the major events of the original game-because the Avengers are so awesome.

Compared to the number of top powerhouses below the **** level, the entire Marvel Universe may not add up to that on Earth.

In the original work, the Cree people also had a strong curiosity when they noticed this strange phenomenon on the earth, and once wanted to capture all the Avengers back for anatomy and research.

The Kerry people have to invest a lot of money to have a low success rate to smash a super soldier-and the product made is 80% more powerful than the Avengers.

They are curious as to why there are so many superheroes on the planet.

However, the current superheroes themselves obviously do not have the consciousness that they are the first-class masters in the universe. As people who are born and raised on earth and have never been out to see the world, superheroes and other humans have the same natural awe of aliens. When it comes to topics involving aliens, it will naturally become tense.

Just like the world that has just experienced the Raditz invasion, Teddy Bear even produced more than one hundred nuclear warheads within a month.

America and Rabbit are not much better.

Then there was the Thor incident, which was perfectly resolved by the Excalibur Bureau, but it also made the earth people aware of the danger.

The Zeta Rising incident ignited the flames of global preparations, and Tony Stark even wanted to cooperate with Zodhis to create a stronger steel army.

Considering the appearance of Ultron, Zordhis felt that he should not participate in it, so as not to make a super Ultron out.

As for the nuclear warhead, Zodhis thought for a while and announced that he had discovered a new element outside the second table.

This news immediately shocked the whole world. Did Zordhis discover the second new element so quickly?

"In an accidental experiment, we accidentally discovered the high-energy fusionable element substance sg59o3, which is a new element that contains a considerable amount of active energy."

No one spoke, and they were all shocked by this appalling event.

We must know that being able to discover the existence of an element is of incalculable significance to the progress of human civilization.

Especially for countries, the discovery of new elements is simply a great leap in overall national power and social productivity.

With the two new elements, Zodhis can even be called the father of the new elements.

Although he only gave the symbols and did not have the relevant molecular composition model, scientific researchers such as Stark were able to study them.

Well known.

The emergence of new elements must be matched by a code.

Of course, the matching rules must also be formulated by the discoverer~www.mtlnovel.com~ just like if there is no Mendeleev, the creator of the first form, then even if people later discover new elements It exists, and it cannot be classified according to its inherent laws.

In this sense, Zordhis, the creator of the second table, is actually equivalent to giving everyone who knows the symbol code the first question and the final answer. What is lacking is just the problem-solving process.

This is also the most direct means to obtain the production method of the element.

"The previously discovered new element FG2506 is an element that generates huge energy through instantaneous aggregation."

"One milligram of FG2506 produces energy after being completely burned, which is more than two million times the weight of uranium. SG5903 has ten times more energy."

It is conceivable that the appearance of these two elements can have a significant impact on human society.

The Umbrella Company has also launched a new series of weapons. Zodhis prepares to replace nuclear warheads with "new element sabotage bombs," or "new element warheads".