
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 246: undercurrent

But the Excalibur Bureau is related to the survival of mankind all over the world, and no negligence is allowed.

But Zordheath doesn't care about this at all, and Nick Fury can do it himself.

Although Luo Dan said that he did not know that SHIELD had become a Snake Shield, it was a serious negligence, but as a tenth-level agent with few in the world, he still had the ability.

It's just being overcast. After all, he couldn't think that Hydra would survive and grow in S.H.I.E.L.D.

And after knowing it, Marinated Eggs also very boldly chose to use themselves as bait, and successfully caught a Hydra to attack him.

Except for the lack of Batman's ability to play with Batman's heart, which makes people criticize, Zordhis doesn't worry that Nick Fury can't handle this matter at all.

The Excalibur Bureau began to carry out long-term rectification. Before, everyone thought that the Excalibur Bureau was necessary, but after the weird people were eliminated, it would disband.

Therefore, in addition to the use of power for personal gains, the use of power for personal gains between countries is also outrageous.

I didn't know if I checked, and I was shocked when I checked, and the Excalibur Bureau was directly stabbed with a shocking melon.

The one hundred Decepticons that had been reported back then disappeared, and the warehouse was empty!

Although it is said that the Decepticons can really fly, they are always checked and must be reported every time they are dispatched. What's more, these are new Decepticons, and they haven't had time to confirm the driver.

This incident has attracted great attention, but Zodhis knows very well that in the Marvel world, if something happens but you can't find the culprit, just look for Hydra!


After the New York War, Loki, a criminal, was arrested and prepared to be sent back to Asgard.

Thor is very concerned about the disappearance of the universe's Rubik's Cube. After all, it was a treasure that was named to be brought back to Asgard, but it was a pity that he couldn't find it.

Before leaving, Zodhis curiously asked to see Thor's Hammer.

Thor was very generous for him to study, but he did not know that he thought Thor's Hammer could not be copied, and in front of Zordhis who had already penetrated into the Quark Realm, Thor's Hammer had become a pile of wood.

"It turns out that the so-called Asgard power, now I also have Asgard power, it's still the power of Thor."

After Zordhis studied it, he returned Thor's Hammer.

Thor is very happy to know so many friends and strong people on the earth, and he has an appointment to fight with Zordheath next time.

Zordhis immediately said that it is better to hit the sun than to choose a day, just today.

Then, Thor pulled Loki with a bruised nose and swollen face.

"Heimdall, send us back!"

With a rainbow of light, Thor and Loki disappeared into the beam of light.

Zodhis didn't care, and the next thing is probably to engage in Hydra.

He readily conjured a Thor's Hammer, and those who hold this hammer can become Thor!

Seeing this scene, Heimdall of Asgard dared not hide it, and quickly reported it to Odin.

God King Odin said with a complicated expression, don't care.

After all, that was the emperor of the Kryptonian Empire, and he couldn't see that Thor's hammer was fake.

Could it be that Zodhis found the gem of reality and copied Quake's hammer through the gem of reality?

After Zordhis noticed that someone was peeping at him, he directly used the soul gem to shield the entire earth, preventing Heimdall from peeping.

He is also very interested in studying Thor's Hammer.

Since there is Thor's Hammer, it should be possible to research other artifacts.

Just like Wonder Woman, a piece of equipment is made as standard.

Ulu Metal was also obtained during Zodhis' observation of Thor's Hammer.

No matter what metal it is, as long as it belongs to matter, it has an atomic structure. After mastering the control of matter in the quark field, there will be as many as there are.

So, under the fiddle of Zodhis.

He made the sword of Vulcan!

It's not Wonder Woman's, that Vulcan Sword can cut subatomically, which is very powerful.

The Vulcan Sword that Zodhis made was just using the three metals of Ulu Metal + Vibration + Primitive Edman Alloy, Asgard's supernatural power and the rune seen from Thor's Hammer.

Run text!

Thanks to Zordhis's ability to awaken the magic superman, otherwise he would not be able to copy the effect of Rune's text even if he saw it.

This Vulcan sword can use divine power flames, and the flames produced are not natural fires, so it can burn in an oxygen-free environment and can burn everything, such as water, ice, and other incombustibles.

It can even generate a high temperature of 100,000 degrees, splitting all targets.

With this sword in hand, you can become a **** of fire, gaining bonuses such as flying, super power, super speed, super endurance, and so on.

Fully comparable to Thor, the **** of hammers.

He packed a hundred Vulcan swords and sent them to the Krypton Empire. Asides will handle these artifacts, it is estimated that he will soon have a batch of Vulcan knights under his hand.


Hydra, an unknown underground base.

Hydra now is no better than World War II. Its organization seems huge and the actual management system is messed up.

After all the Hydras in North America lost contact, the Hydras elsewhere became vigilant.

Although I don't really value Alexander Pierce as a snakehead, it is not something ordinary people can do to make him disappear silently.

One of the five fingers of Shouhehui came here because Hydra said there was a business to talk to them.

"Hello, Mr. Murakami."

Murakami was surprised when a man appeared.

"you are?"

The man on the opposite side smiled and only answered one word.


Murakami was taken aback and couldn't help but re-examined Garrett more seriously.

"Are you clairvoyant?"

Clairvoyance is a rather mysterious code name for many people besides Hydra~www.mtlnovel.com~ No one knows what he looks like, but many people have heard of this name. It is said that his influence is extremely widespread, and he is also responsible for some top-secret projects involving human strengthening.

Aegis had also heard of such a number one person, but I don't know what connection this person has with the Hydra that has long since been destroyed in theory.

S.H.I.E.L.D. has fought against this clairvoyant force many times in many matters, but each time the opponent sees through the plan first, and every time it is tasked, it gets a mess.

It is precisely because of this that many people from the outside world say that clairvoyance is an extremely rare superpower with the ability to predict. There is even a rumor that "Clairvoyance is also the leader of Hydra" within Hydra and some organizations like Shouhehui.

Regardless of whether this rumor is true or not, at least it is enough to explain the high status of clairvoyance and the strength of its subordinates.

Garrett also readily admitted.

"Yes, I am."