
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 244: The armor that sealed my strength was broken by you

"It's a powerful boxing, countless weirdos have fallen in it. If it were me before, I'm afraid I can't bear to fall."

It can be seen that the left shoulder of the hungry wolf has obviously collapsed, and the protection formed by the dark material cannot protect him. The shoulder blade has been severely damaged, and it should be impossible to fight...

"That's it, human beings live without psychological pressure under your protection, without the threats of weirdos, discrimination, bullying... The war is constantly expanding, and the roots of greed, arrogance, jealousy, and greed deep into the soul are even more It breeds quietly, and then creates other evil deeds."

"The same is true for your hero's association. After all, that is the central position under the umbrella, and it will soon become the first thing to corrupt."

"Only in the horror of absolute equality, in fear, humans will dig out these dark things and work together to survive in order to survive."

"For the sake of world peace, I will never be overthrown by justice!"

"I'm a god-level weird hungry wolf!!!"

The hungry wolves roaring with these ideas once again changed. The pitch-black substance was stimulated by intense emotions, growing and filling, and soon the body became larger, the muscles and even the proportions were optimized, and the body function began to jump geometrically.

"...Suddenly, I felt like I was the villain..."

"It's very simple, as long as you hurt others, then you have to be punished."

"When you practice the so-called evil and do your best to become a weird person, have the passers-by who directly and indirectly hurt them have thought about their feelings?"

"Perhaps they are working hard to make money to feed their families, or are they just having trouble getting to buy something?"

Stark and the others have heard the words of Zodhis, yes, this is what their superheroes are going to do!

"Therefore, only by practicing the evil of absolute equality, abandoning the useless entertainment products such as game video, and letting the goal of mankind be repositioned on survival..."


Zordhis was like a storm walking on the ground, and all he went through was a white explosion.

"I see through your moves! God kills..."

"I also saw through the fact that you saw through my moves!"

This sentence still echoed in the ears of the hungry wolf, the instantaneous strike of the **** killer was cracked in an instant, and then the powerful force that stretched like flowing water and erratic like a whirlwind had enveloped his whole body.

Bang bang bang bang bang ————

In the midair, the body of the huge monster demon of the hungry wolf is covered with profound fist marks in the blink of an eye. He is like a rag doll, which will soon be torn into pieces under the devastating force. Fragments.

Then Zordheath's dark knight armor began to flash red light representing danger, especially the energy timer on his chest... No, the energy reactor on his chest.

At first glance, people knew that his armor was wrong.


"This...is this the strength of Zodhis..."

The S-rank heroes maintained their sluggish expressions very well. They couldn't keep up with Zodhith's speed at all. They could only see the hungry wolves flying around in the air like a wind, and then they were bombed into the ground. .

And in these two short and tragic battles, they still couldn't capture the battle visually.

Absolutely fast and terrifying attack power, which means that as long as the hungry wolf wants to solve the S-rank heroes present, it is only a matter of time.

And Zordhis... seems to kill the hungry wolf in a few seconds, so he and the others should be defeated all at the moment they saw it...

"Ahem... What I fear most... That's it..."

"The power of...in the name of...justice...can't help but...repel dissidents."

Although his tone was weak and his speech began to intermittently, the hungry wolf staggered out of the pit even when the eccentric body was almost completely destroyed.

"Obviously... only one step away..."

The hungry wolf looked at the red-shining armor on Zodhis.

That armor must have reached its limit, as long as you persist, or become stronger!

An emotion called sorrow began to spread to the surroundings, as if hundreds of people were lining up to jump off the cliff when they were about to climb the cliff.

Obviously hope is right in front of me, but I can't grasp it.

Strength, speed, reaction ability, fighting skills, view of the battle situation... This is the first time the hungry wolf has been completely crushed. No, the same thing has happened before, it is very similar to now.

Of course, martial arts cannot lose to technology, so it is the gap between people.

At this moment, the energy light of the Dark Knight armor on Zodhis suddenly went out.

The atmosphere suddenly froze.

The superhero is over there!

Zodhis's armor is not without energy, right!

Although it is said that this armor can hold up to now is the reason why the miracle and Zodhis are too strong, can't you wait for Zodhis to solve the weird person and then lose energy?

The hungry wolf is a little unpredictable, after all, who knows if this will be Zodhis seducing him, and then when he goes up, he will directly kill...

Thinking of this, the hungry wolf kicked a surviving ghost-level weirdo against Zodhis.

Zordheath's two clean punches exploded the ghost-level weirdo.

"He can't do it anymore!"

The dragon-level weirdos who had escaped from the ice were ecstatic, and Sykes controlled the ghost-level weirdos to rush up to test a wave.

As a result, Zordhis was easily beaten to crack the armor, and the nano metal fell to the ground as if it had lost energy.

Surrounded by countless enemies, Zod knelt on one knee. His dark knight armor, strong enough to make countless enemies fearful, finally couldn't hold on to so many attacks~www.mtlnovel.com~ shattered.

"Hahahaha, Zod, your powerful armor has been broken, the next is your death!"

The dragon-level monsters were ecstatic, they knew they would win, because Zod had always relied on his powerful armor to fight against the enemy, and he was just an ordinary person.

The superheroes also have desperate expressions, but it is impossible for them to wait for death.

They stood up forcibly, wanting to fight to the end!

"Damn, I..."

Zod stood up trembling, and the dragon-level strangers laughed wildly.

"My armor that sealed my own mighty power was shattered by you!"


In the horrified eyes of the strangers, the broken armor of Zod burst into golden light.

Zodhis was floating in mid-air, looking down at the weird man high above, his cloak fluttered automatically without wind, faintly exuding an overwhelming aura.