
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 243: Hungry wolf

The right fist struck out with multiple strengths, and the air was almost stagnant within ten meters. It is certain that the transformation should not be possible after being hit, and the function should also be severely traumatized.

"Ah! You don't make sense!"

The mournful voice of the black sperm just sounded.

"Gravity Field!"

Sykes stopped Zodhis.

Super giant water gun! Boom! Mega power boxing! Boom!

Zodhis used one enemy against three dragon-level monsters. While blocking the attack, cracks appeared in his arm armor. Although the nano armor quickly healed, it also gave the monsters hope.

"His armor is almost unstoppable!"

"Even Zodhis, his armor can't deal with so many dragon-level weirdos and ghost-level weirdos at the same time!"

"Smash his armor!"

The weirdos were ecstatic.

After completing the fit, the golden sperm, who was countless times stronger, shouted angrily.

"Go to hell!"

The golden sperm rushed up first and fisted to the flesh with Zodhis.

However, Zordheath had no flaws even in hand-to-hand combat. Hundreds of hard punches completed in one second, the golden sperm ate a lot of attacks, but not a single fist fell on Zordheath's armor.

In the end, the golden sperm was repelled by Zodhis, but the strange king Orochi came up at this time.

A fist covers the sky and the sun generally falls.

"Damn, we are dragging him down."

Stark was uncomfortable, he couldn't accept that he was a drag on others.

After all, Zodhis stayed in step to protect them, and the weirdo obviously saw this, and wanted to kill him here, using those attacks that he couldn't avoid at all.

"Consume the energy of his armor and use a ranged attack!"

Sykes didn't expect that Zodhis was so powerful that he could fight the King Snake on a par, so he let everyone use ranged attacks.

Snake heads emerged from Wang Dasn's body, countless snake heads opened their mouths to fire energy cannons, Zodhis opened the energy shield, and then countless attacks rained down.

The energy shield lasted for ten minutes, and then it shattered, and all subsequent attacks were eaten by Zordhis.

Of course, Zodhis's counterattack was also very fast. As soon as the hot sight came out, the natural water was directly vaporized, and Wang Dashe was cut off, but he also took a punch of the golden sperm and hit the wall. The dark knight armor Before the nano metal had time to repair the crack, the wandering emperor took advantage of the victory to pursue it.

A large number of energy bombs bombarded the floor and shattered Zordhis's armor even more.

However, Zodhis is still fighting back in this situation, his previous weapon that directly freezes the atmosphere also whizzes out, and a group of strange people such as the king snake, the wandering emperor, and the golden sperm that were caught off guard are all frozen in ice.

Then Zodhis rushed over and broke the ice cubes.

Just when everyone thought that the weird had been solved, a black shadow rushed straight at Zordhith.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

In a supersonic battle comparable to eight times the speed of sound, Zodhis and Sombra shook four times. After the interaction force separated the two, everyone heard four loud thunders.


Strange sounds like ghosts and demons also sounded at the same time.

The body was bent forward to a startling angle, the body was undulating violently, and the dark matter on the chest of the arm, which was composed of blood, skin, keratin, and hair, was also damaged in large areas. There were two lines under the feet because of the impact. Forcibly plowed a deep ravine of 100 meters.

But that's it, he also successfully saved most of the damage.

And, it's stronger.

The pitch-black substance is like a living thing, at first it just squirmed slightly in an attempt to heal and repair the damage, and then grew again and covered the hungry wolf's body as if it had eaten a golden carat.

At a height of two meters and five meters, the black muscles with distinct meridians, and the two sharp horns on the top of his head almost half a meter in length, he looks more like a weird person.

Hungry wolf!

Zodhis was slightly surprised, the finale was great, but he was going to let the king snake and Sykes fit together, and then cut the ground, why suddenly he changed to a hungry wolf?

Although he also created a hungry wolf, he didn't care much about him.

"Superman's willpower, unprecedented comprehension, perfect tactical layout...Even if I use the breathing method born from a combination of multiple martial arts, and my body functions to the limit, I still feel that I may not be able to beat you... "

"This should be the most perfect and powerful hero, the incarnation of justice, destined to defeat all evil."

"Are you talking about me..."

Zodhis looked at the hungry wolf and didn't know where he was looking.

"This power beyond imagination and what it should be, must have been tempered after countless battles."


Obviously he was just talking to himself, the hungry wolf seemed to have found some kind of clue, and his mental aura began to slowly increase.

"You know, I have been able to do this after only 7 years of martial arts so far."

"I can see your tricks in an instant and use them perfectly."

"And you...standing at the apex of mankind...representing an unprecedented peak, but also an insurmountable limit."

Zodhis shook the Dark Knight armor on his body, and the nano armor became thinner visible to the naked eye. After all, he was attacked by the wandering emperor head-on, and many of the nano-metals were also evaporated.

"God kills instant strike!"

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The sound of the impact of the two fists almost became a line at this moment. In just a few seconds of fighting, the hungry wolf burst out a fierce attack with thousands of punches.


"Ahem... Obviously I have seen through your moves, and I increased my effort in an instant. This level is not enough."

"Very disgusting!"


After this shuddering heartbeat ~www.mtlnovel.com~ a hazy black mist quietly surged around the hungry wolf.


This time because of the black mist, the fluctuations in his punches were completely covered.

Zodhis became more surprised as he fought, because he found that the hungry wolf did not swing back after punching, as if there was no reaction force.

How is this possible?

Or is it true that Weixin and Ixunsi can really be realized in the Marvel Universe?

The extremely disgusting thoughts reflected all the movements of Zordhis in the heart of the hungry wolf. The body moved naturally. The spiral pedaling of the left leg adopted a nearly spring-like force change. The right fist was beating like an electric light. The front, as long as a moment later, you can hit...


Both sides took each other's punches, and the dark knight armor in the abdomen of Zordhis was directly disintegrated into powder after being hit.