
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 242: I'm going to be exposed, so nervous

The fragments of the building above it also flowed like an hourglass to this point with gravity, and the terrifying amount of rock fragments almost instantly changed the site.

Next, Sykes gradually defeated several S-rank heroes by this method.

After all, most of their strengths have not reached the level of being able to be more than one super strong.

But in fact everyone was rescued by Zordheath.

Then Zordhess knocked Tony Stark on the head, making him sober.

"Damn, can't you be lighter?"

Tony Stark couldn't help holding his head and said.

"This is what you deserve. When facing a weird person, you should shoot directly instead of letting the opponent attack."

Zodhis looked at the people lying all over the floor, and then said to him.

At this time, Sykes and the others also came over and saw the superheroes all over the floor. They didn't know what happened!

"Damn it, the dragon-class monster was originally in the human world, but it was a disaster equivalent to a tornado and a tsunami. Don't underestimate us."

Under the silent action of the invisible power of thought, the surrounding environment began to change.

After a little thinking about natural water, dozens of ultra-high-pressure water guns that can easily penetrate steel and rocks are also stimulated in various parts of the "body".

As one's own ability requires water reserves, overloading attacks will also make one's body smaller. Even the water vapor that is naturally drawn from the air by instinct cannot adapt to high-intensity combat, so the use of this trick is even wise. Low natural water is also more cautious.

However, these dozens of pangolin-cracked water guns also successfully sealed all Zordhis's hiding space at a distance of less than half a meter. With his burly figure, no matter how much he dodges, he will surely be shot a few shots. The battle situation will also change next.

"I want to see, how can you..."


Before the words fell, Zordhis disappeared in place, only a huge sonic boom and shock wave that broke through the sound barrier.

"Damn it!"

Sykes' expression changed, bloodshots appeared in the huge one-eyed eyes, and the purple-black power of thought swept out of his mind, even intending to use super powers to forcibly control the supersonic movement of Zordhis.

In this kind of unimaginable battle, the black sperm that was originally planned as a pioneer can no longer be inserted into it. Of course, this guy should have the courage to rush forward with his face full of cold sweat.


The wandering emperor who was also very jealous (feared) in his heart also broke out, his eyes widened to the limit, pupils suddenly expanded, and his spirit was like a thin string that was stretched to the limit under high-intensity tension, and his hands were also full of green veins. The ball of light also accelerated to the point where it was invisible to the naked eye, and it looked like a dozen or so white light lasing out.

Due to the powerful and explosive nature of its photosphere, the wandering emperor was also afraid that the aftermath caused by exerting his full strength would smash the channel, and eventually the geometrical building fragments would crash down. He didn't know if other people had anything to do.

But the mortal self is dead!

Zordhis, who was stopped by the power of reading, appeared, covered in pitch-black armor like a mirror, and the black cloak behind it was blowing in the wind.

"The strongest among mankind...Zodhis."

Sykes's voice remained always somber and hoarse, and his tone of voice was extremely rigid, and there was no change from beginning to end.

call out!

As soon as the voice fell, the evil natural water eyes that kept crouching, as quiet as sculptures, lit up, and an imposing ultra-high pressure water gun was exploded from his hand.


Sykes' big head couldn't help but tremble, and his huge eyes narrowed because of pain, and blood oozes from the abstract eyes and mouth underneath.

The shield he secretly covered with his superpowers was unexpectedly hit by a terrifying attack that was close to the endurance limit within an instant, his spirit was slightly injured, and his thinking was blank for a second.

At this time, Zodhith, who was maintaining the punching posture, appeared in front of everyone, and the body in the distance slowly dissipated, turning out to be an extremely real afterimage.

When the enemy spoke, he launched a fierce attack without hesitation and scruples.

If it weren't for the natural water's special ability to feel killing and hostility, Zordhis would be able to break through the super shield, and then rush to him and others at an invisible speed to start a massacre...

Indifferent, quiet, ruthless, casual...this kind of guy is a weird person!

"Overweight!" "Separates, come on!" "Beam bursts!" "Shoo! Shoo! Shoo!"

Light attack, super power attack, ultra-high pressure water gun...

The superheroes lying on the ground were anxious just seeing this scene, especially when Zodhis was the only one to resist so many dragon-class monsters.

As a result, all these attacks were blocked by Zodhis's energy shield.

Sykes feels very tricky, but since only a few dragon-level weirdos can't solve it, then come more weirdos!

"Huge black bedrock, vampire, angry multi-armed man, white radish king, pill master..."

As Sykes gradually accelerated his speech, many weird people with different shapes but generally possessing ghost-level strength emerged in the hole behind him.

Some are huge human figures made of square black rocks, men with pale faces in aristocratic costumes and slight blood stains on the corners of their mouths, big men with black muscles and muscles on the shoulders and ribs, huge human-shaped white radishes and capsules A weird man dressed up with a red and blue pill the size of a water bottle in his hands...

Counting down a bit, it turns out to be a lot more than the current S-rank heroes.

After summoning such powerful weirdos, Sykes seemed to have escaped from the shadow just now, and his tone began to show some self-satisfaction~www.mtlnovel.com~ In order to deal with these S-rank heroes, he searched hard. How many weirdos...

Zordhis felt the pressure, what should I do, do you want to let the Dark Knight armor retire naturally?

Or is it to wait for the invasion of Poros or the invasion of Vegeta and Nabar to retire the Dark Knight armor?

"13 trillion cells are combined, once the cells are fused, they can no longer be separated..."

The body of the black sperm swelled and twisted, and at the same time hundreds of pale faces with different expressions appeared everywhere in the body twisted into the shape of noodles. It was obvious that this guy's breath was rising rapidly.

"The birth of a new life is accompanied by many sacrifices, so it is sacred and beautiful. Now my heart is full of deep sorrow..."

"Since you are in grief, don't transform yourself. Let me ask one more question, do you have any insurance for death after being attacked by transforming in a boss battle..."

Zordhis had already arrived in front of the black sperm who was at a critical moment in his words, and he did not mind the danger of being set on fire by the weird man in the field.