
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 241: S-class hero is defeated

His whole body was covered with bandages and he had long hair that had grown crazily without being repaired for a long time. The parts of his hands had been transformed into sharp and unparalleled blades, the cutting king of ordinary people.

   The light green body has wings and curled arms behind it. The surface of the body is extremely smooth, and it is actually a thin carapace. It is a **** of insects born from the best genes such as ants, spiders, grasshoppers, fleas and so on.

   Because of the eyes and attitudes of others, he eventually fell into a dark mood and eventually became uglier and stronger.

   The pitch-black head has a soft tentacles and looks very ordinary black sperm.

   A middle-aged man wandering emperor with shabby clothes and the hairstyle of a Western philosopher.

  Super huge snowman, volcanic rock monster, mechanical combined iron bucket...

   There are countless ghost-level and dragon-level weirdos, which are usually difficult to meet, but now they are like Chinese cabbage, and the superheroes are caught in a hard fight.

   Oh, but there are exceptions. For example, Thor, the **** of thunder, was thrown into the battle by Zordheath, and Loki, the evil god, was taken away by Zordheath.

   Thor was still thinking about his brother who was taken away, but as a result, so many powerful enemies surrounded him. After a few seconds, Thor even forgot whether his brother was a boy or a girl.

   Uh, do I have a brother?

  Weirdo Association has gambled on all its combat power, which is to wipe out all the superheroes!

   "Aha-caught a big fish."

   Accompanied by a soft drink, a beam of light mixed with hundreds of pink love phantoms lased. Because of the light-like ability, it almost hit Tony Stark's body in an instant.

   "S-class hero Iron Man, be my captive, the light of love and brainwashing——"

   Tony looked dumbfounded. The attacker was a woman in a black cheongsam with a bare chest. If she ignores her love hair and love glasses, she looks almost like a normal person.

   Symbiote armor failed to block the light of love and brainwashing. Tony was quickly fascinated like a goose, and then attacked the people on his side.

   "Damn, Stark is under control!"

   "Who will make him sober!"

   "Looking for Natasha?"

   "Xiante, stop him and talk!"

   "Damn Fake, I was about to be beaten to death by him, hurry up!"

   In the end, Bronsky took over the task of blocking Tony Stark. Anyway, with the ability to absorb kinetic energy, Bronsky can sweep almost all weird people.

   Tony Stark with symbiote armor is very powerful, especially after becoming an enemy, superheroes have a new concept of Stark for the first time.

   This guy, how to hit the enemy is either horrible, or five to five, hitting his own person so fiercely? Where is it?


  Without any sign, suddenly the ground began to shake violently, and the buildings above my head started to fall in blocks after only a few seconds.

   In this situation, superheroes can only temporarily give up their attacks. If they don't pay attention to being buried by a large number of falling building fragments, it will cause some trouble.

   The original Weird Association base was concealed, but the ground in this area was dug out to a depth of 1,500 meters.

The fall just now may have caused most S-rank heroes to be hit hard. More importantly, they successfully divided the battlefield. Sooner or later, even S-rank heroes will be exhausted underground (lack of food and water) and become an eternal sleeper in isolation and helplessness. Dead body.

  Split the battlefield so that the toughest S-level heroes can be defeated one by one with more bullying and less deception. Then the remaining A-level heroes will not be feared.

   After all, dragon-level monsters are disasters like natural disasters.

  Weird appearance, with almost the same body length and waist and bust, Sykes quickly walked through the underground passage without touching her feet. Her thought power had already sensed the location of one of the S-rank heroes.

   "It's there..."

Behind Sykes is the black sperm of the strange tentacles trotting, the huge liquid monster that occupies more than half of the channel, the evil natural water, the wandering emperor who manipulates countless energy balls, etc., except for the previous use of energy to roar and crash the underground of New York The Dalmatians can't make it yet, and all the strongest dragons in the Weird Association have gathered here.

   The outcome is determined!

Split! Split! Split!

In the black sperm laughing, more than a hundred individuals with exactly the same appearance and volume have been separated. Except for a small part of the separated bodies that remain in other safe locations, it is now his strongest form (most of the cell reserves). ).

The general attack is unable to kill oneself at most, but split into smaller individuals, only the most terrifying killer move can completely destroy the split cells, and the opponent's physical strength is limited, when the time comes together, the strength will be multiplied. of.

  The body formed by the unknown liquid has no set point. The power that can break the steel is also ineffective for the liquid. The evil natural water is entangled in place for a while, and some tentacles of water are far away at the location of the stone man.


   The wandering emperor stood at the farthest position, and saw his eyes closed, his hands floating on his chest, as if he was holding a sphere. Then he swung it vigorously, and within more than ten meters of his body under the spirit of concentration, there were densely packed white energy **** the size of footballs.


   The wandering emperor saw a little sweat on his forehead, and felt a little joy in his heart. He turned out to have arranged nearly a hundred energy photospheres~www.mtlnovel.com~ Although the volume was a little smaller than the ones around him, it was far beyond the previous ability limit.

   At last, Sykes, who stood in the center of a few people, trembled, and the purple-black aperture suddenly expanded.

   "The Ring of Fear——"

  Using superpowers to release the thought force combined with one's own negative emotions in a circular form, which can not only cause physical shocks, but also affect the opponent's mind.

   The Stone Man, an S-rank hero who is only a physical mutation, could not resist Sykes' thought drive, and his mind was immediately affected, and then the wandering emperor's energy bomb was launched directly.


   The huge explosion concealed everything. The stone man had suffered enough damage without a reaction. When the explosion dissipated, only a pile of stone fragments remained on the spot.


   Sykes was very excited. When the Weird Association was directly facing the superheroes before, several dragon-level weirdos, including heroes, were killed. She immediately knew that it was not good, so she quickly chose to change tactics.

   Now it seems that the change of tactics is very successful!

   I didn't know that the stone man had actually been transferred by Zordhis, and the pile of debris was only used to conceal people.


   The sky broke and the earth broke, and dozens of tons of heavy construction fragments were dumped all at once.

  In a short time, the originally ventilated passage was completely occupied by smoke and dust, and the line of sight was immediately severely affected.