
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 240: New York is gone

After playing with the hot sight for a while, Zordhis started to get a little boring.

   Plus, the Weird Association is now overwhelmingly crushing the superheroes.

   After all, it was not New York City where more than 6,000 superheroes came out with a shout. There are still very few superheroes now.

   And most of them are actually inferior to War Machine.

   It can be said that the emergence of Zodhis basically comprehensively improved the combat effectiveness of the people on earth now.

   Faced with alien invaders, the people on Earth are no longer at the mercy of others.

   At the very least, now the earth might be able to defeat about 50% of the civilization in the universe.

   This still refers to the situation without the assistance of a superhero.

   Fortunately, the fact that the Weird Association wins by number will soon be reversed by human beings.

  The overwhelming war machines, the iron king and the Decepticons swarmed in, entered the underground city and started a desperate fight against the strangers.

   There are also ordinary human armies carrying heavy firepower to support. Although they may not be able to kill the weird people, they can also play a support position.

   At the same time, Zodhis was also assisted by a large number of war machines.

   He also thinks that this New York war should be replaced by a supporting villain.

   So he flew to the Stark Tower.

   "Zodhis went to the Stark Tower, he may have to solve the teleportation device!"

   "Cover him!"

   "It's not good, Deputy Director Fury, after Director Heath left, there was a large firepower blind spot!"

  Nick Fury gritted his teeth and chose to put the Sky Mothership on top, but when the Sky Mother Ship faced Leviathan, the firepower was insufficient. This kind of giant target exceeded the original enemy of the Sky Mother Ship.

   After all, the imaginary enemy of the aerospace carrier is just a flying object or a ground target. The close-in guns and missiles with a range of eight kilometers are enough to solve all these problems.

   As a result, I didn't expect to face the giant flying unit, and the opponent's armor was too thick to shoot through!

   It seems to be aware that that very powerful human has left, and the three-headed Leviathan suddenly came over from the Zetaris!

   This puts pressure on everyone, after all, it is different from the movie where it is just a transport ship and the attack method depends on impact.

   These Leviathans have high-power energy weapons and even main energy guns.

   As soon as Zordhis entered the Stark Tower, he saw Thor and Loki fighting together.

After seeing Zordheath, both of them were froze. Thor and Loki were trying to explain that they were fighting life and death so that Zordheath should not be misunderstood, they saw Zordheath withdraw their eyes. Leave without saying a word.

   Reasonable, this is worse than misunderstanding them!

   "Wait, it's not what you think..."

   Thor struggled to keep Zordheath and explain clearly, but Zordheath did not look back.

   He walked to the side of the teleportation device, looked at the fake universe cube inside, and then stretched out his hand.

   The energy wall that originally needed a scepter of mind to break was penetrated by Zordhis with his bare hands, and then crushed the fake universe cube.

   Suddenly, I saw that the huge wormhole over New York instantly closed. A Leviathan who had just poked his head was unlucky enough to be left behind by the space, and only one head fell off.

   The rest of the Zeta Rising Stars also seemed to be disconnected, falling from the sky, falling all over the ground.


  Nick Fury, they breathed a sigh of relief, but there were more serious things next.

  That is the Weird Association!

   In fact, Zordhis felt that with just a few bugs he made, it was more than enough to beat the Weird Association.

  Bronsky, for example, has strengthened his abilities by absorbing kinetic energy and shredded several dragon-level monsters, including heroes with strong fighting ability.

   This is the question of sexual restraint, Bronsky's ability almost restrains all those with melee combat ability.

   But if you face the wandering emperor, you will be beaten badly or even lost.

  Porch is also the nemesis of Bronsky.

It's a pity that Boch confronted Green Hulk, who can be infinitely angry. In order to keep the Green Hulk with infinite potential, Zordhis took a lot of thought, and then he chose to take the angry emotion in the power of the Phoenix. Always linked with Green Hulk.

   When needed, he can make Green Hulk infinitely angry.

   Then the wandering emperor confronted General Red Cross, who could absorb the radiant energy and heat to become stronger.

   "Impossible, the power that God has given me has no effect on you!"

   The wandering emperor couldn't believe it and looked at the Red Hulk, who was unscathed after eating several of his energy bombs.

   "God? No matter what god, but you betrayed the human camp, then you will die!"

   General Ross said with a huge cigar in his mouth.

   The fact that the wandering emperor is a human was still detected by Tony Stark. They were surprised that humans could actually get into the weird to help them.

   "What the **** is this guy, can he split and multiply indefinitely?"

   Tony Stark frowned. Every time he killed something like this black teletubbies, more black teletubbies appeared, and the strength of a single black teletubbies was not weak.

   The black sperm entangled Tony Stark with a playful mentality, and that's nothing more than an S-rank hero.

   Hmph, when these superheroes get rid of their big eyes, he will come out to save the Weird Association, and then it will be logical to become the boss of the Weird Association!

  Unexpectedly, Tony Stark suddenly launched something like a frozen mist. When the black sperm was caught off guard, several of them were blocked by ice, and then those few did not increase.

   "I found your weakness."

   Tony said triumphantly.

   His symbiote armor is complete, considering various circumstances, although it is not as exaggerated as Zodhis's Dark Knight armor that can directly freeze the atmosphere, it is more than enough to deal with weird people.

  Zordheath looked at the ruins of New York.

  A plume of smoke rose from the cracks in the rubble in the ruined wall ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ curled up.

   Gulu! Guru!

   The ground is shaking more and more severely, like a small sampan in the waves, there is a possibility of capsizing at any time.

at last...


   In the deep pit created by the Weird Association, a strong light burst into the sky. The air was distorted and deformed because of the heat. The high sky burned red in an instant, like the setting sun and the sunset glow.


   The gravel on the ground jumped more and more fiercely, as if someone was constantly kicking the ground under the ground, and the gravel jumped violently.


   Another flame broke through the shackles of the ground, jetting straight to the sky.

   Boom! boom! boom...

  The ruins of New York have become a world of flames, and a plethora of fire pillars gushing out from the ground, like towering red trees, firmly occupying New York.

   After the flame reached its peak, it fell like fallen leaves, so for a while, a blazing rain of fire fell in the sky.

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"what's the situation?"

   "This battle is too fierce."

  Excalibur Bureau and others stared dumbfounded at the dozens of large and small skyrockets spewing from the ground in the middle of New York. If they were in it, they would definitely be buried in the sea of ​​flames, and they would never be able to get out.