
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 236: 3 infinite gems!

These near-defense guns were all designed by Zodhis, with a range of an incredible eight kilometers, which is still an effective range. After eight kilometers, it is not known how far they can fly.

Enough to intercept 90% of missile attacks.

And there are missile systems on the aerospace carrier.

"Didn't you just be attacked?"

After the waiting superheroes rushed out, they found that the Sky Mothership was in good condition, and the attacker was missing.

"The Sky Mothership is not that easy to be destroyed. The attackers are probably gone."

Nick Fury said calmly.

Although secondary krypton gold is not as powerful and strong as Edman alloy and vibranium, it is a fact that it is far superior to all current alloys, which also makes the defensive power of this aerospace carrier exploded.

The mere exploding arrows of the transport aircraft and the Hawkeye wanted to break the defense of the Sky Mothership, which was simply wishful thinking.

Zodhis looked at the bittern with a weird face. Usually, this kind of remark is called a flag.

Sure enough, the next moment, the Sky Mothership shook suddenly.

"What happened?"

Lu Dan's expression suddenly changed, and then asked his subordinates.

The subordinates were also very sensible and took out the monitoring, only to see a huge shit-yellow giant smashing on the top of the Sky Mothership.

"Bronsky! He also defected!"

Marinated eggs can't believe it.

Bronsky seemed to be a very pure person from the point of view of Ludan. He joined the Excalibur Bureau at the beginning and said that he came for strength.

He was also very active in destroying weird people. Although he was a bit hideous after his transformation, he was very popular.

In fact, Bronsky is still under the control of Zordhis, but he also wants to see who is super hated VS Hulk or Thor VS Thor.

This is a belated scene.

"I'll stop him!"

Sure enough, as if being called, Bruce Banner stepped forward.

"I will go with you!"

Thor said in an impassioned manner, after seeing through the monitoring that his brother was okay and locked up well, Thor's enthusiasm for fighting came up.

After all, he hates this kind of big guy, and he can beat him at a glance.

Bruce Banner didn't refuse, Hulk was trained well by Zordhis, and he already knew how to cooperate with others instead of using brute force.

It is said that Zodhis is also planning to teach him Bajiquan, a fist that can kill gods from ancient Eastern legends.

After the halogen egg signaled to open the hatch, an arrow shot directly in and was grabbed by Thor, the **** of thunder.

"There is someone outside!"

"Eagle Eye is still alive!"


Then Thor was blown away by the explosive arrow.

Hawkeye jumped in flexibly from the hatch, facing the rapidly expanding Hulk.

Both sides looked at each other, and Hawkeye scolded his mother.


He ran away, Green Hulk hesitated, not knowing whether he should catch up, but before Hawkeye ran far away, he was caught by a pair of beautiful legs volleyed in the air and caught his neck with deadly scissors, and fell to the ground.

It was Natasha, the Black Widow, who had a lot to talk to the rebellious Hawkeye.


Green Hulk jumped out of the hatch with confidence, then grabbed the gap on the Sky Mothership with his backhand, and climbed to the top of the hundreds of meters high in less than two or three strokes.

Thor, who was blown up, also flew out with a gray face.

It took a long time for Super Abomination to smash the secondary krypton gold into a dent of ten centimeters.

However, the thickness of the Sky Mothership is one meter, which is frantic.

In addition, the energy of the power source covers the entire aerospace carrier, and this recessed place can grow on its own within a few minutes.

If it was the krypton gold that Zod brought over from Krypton, it might have recovered in a few seconds.


When Green Hulk saw the super hatred, he rushed over, and the two big men slammed together.

The people in the Sky Mothership suddenly heard a loud noise above their heads, as if something was on it.

It has to be something big.


This time Thor, the **** of thunder, yelled, and while yelling, he threw his hammer out.

The Thor's Hammer pierced through the air, and Lu Huoke avoided it in time when he heard someone call it, because generally speaking, he directly told himself to avoid it.

It learned after a few times.

Super Hate Bronsky's reaction was quicker. The two heard Thor's voice at the same time, but Green Hulk just avoided.

Bronsky turned back two directly, and while pulling apart a long distance, it also let Thor's Hammer fall through.

"This big guy is so flexible!"

Thor's eyes lit up, and he liked this kind of melee opponent.

The three physique monsters fought at a place where oxygen was thin and the wind was very fast at high altitude, but they didn't seem to be affected at all.

Here is an altitude of nine kilometers.

Others can only sigh with excitement.

Of course, Tony Stark originally wanted to fly out to help, but was caught by the marinated egg.

What a joke, it's not safe yet.

Stay here honestly, lest there be any emergencies that the Stone Man can't handle alone.

Tony heard that it made sense, so he didn't insist~www.mtlnovel.com~ Thor hit Super Abomination with a hammer, and the powerful blow made Super Abomination... unable to move.

After all, Bronsky is not the hatred of the original plot. After being transformed and sublimated by Zordhis, the super hatred has one more ability to absorb kinetic energy and make him stronger.

As a result, Green Hulk and Thor were in a situation where they could not be beaten by two.

Super hatred became more and more courageous as he fought, and gradually pressed the two of them to fight.

However, Thor, the **** of thunder, is not proactively using thunder and lightning attacks, especially in such a situation where he fists to the flesh.

The use of thunder and lightning made him feel like he was incapable of winning, so even if he felt super abhorred, it seemed that the more he fought, he didn't even think about trying it with electricity.

Zodhis looked worried, no wonder Odin felt it was difficult for his son to be a qualified king.

He is too reckless.

Alas, Zodhis sighed and walked to the place where Loki was held.

Loki naturally couldn't see Zodhis, he was thinking about how to escape here.

The Midgard was indeed more powerful than he thought. His subordinates have not been able to attack until now, but a few have been killed.

As a result, Zodhis pressed the button, and Loki, sitting in the special cage, suddenly felt that he was lightened and fell into a state of weightlessness.

He fell? ? ?

Loki looked dumbfounded, wait, the scepter is still on it!

Zodhis looked at the psychic scepter he had started, and then crushed its shell.

The golden soul gem fell into the hands of Zodhis.

Then the routine was to erode energy, but this time, even the palm of the hand could not erode into it, and it was contained.

Zodhis also inlaid this spiritual gem in the palm of the same hand.

Space gems, power gems, soul gems!