
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 234: The Chief Missing Everyday

Everyone's expressions changed, and Stark even stopped in front of Thor, about to warn Thor not to approach, and was overturned by a hammer.

Thor snorted coldly and flew out of the Kun-type fighter by Loki's collar.

"It's Thor!" Natasha said bluntly.

"Don't get excited, he's her own." Natasha persuaded an angry Stark.

"I don't think so! No matter who he is, Loki who knows the whereabouts of the universe's Rubik's Cube is gone." After speaking, he plunged into the dark clouds.

The Black Widow was helpless, she knew very well that Stark's slapstick was so powerful that it might escalate into an interstellar diplomacy incident.

Natasha felt a headache, and after reporting the situation to the Sky Mothership, she set the fighter to automatically cruise around the spot.


Tony Stark, who had caught up with Thor, immediately made a straight punch unceremoniously.

The Symbiote armor has raised Tony Stark's combat effectiveness to a very high level, even if it is placed in the universe, it is a strong one.

It is much more powerful than the Blood Side Battle Armor of the Fourth League, because the Blood Side Battle Armor has been developed by him a long time ago.

The Bloodside Battle Armor is currently in a state of elimination.

Thor took a punch from Tony and gave it a backhand.


With a loud noise, Tony flew out.

"Sir, the target's ability to resist is beyond imagination, and the output of one hundred tons of armor is nothing to him."

Jarvis analyzed.

"Are you serious?"

Tony looked at Thor, the **** of thunder, who raised the hammer and gathered thunder and lightning, and couldn't help but complain.

A hundred tons of smashed his face didn't even have a bruise!

A large number of lightning hit Tony, these lightning from nature is full of power.

Although there is no later stage, Thor, the **** of thunder, is as destructive as the divine power of thunder and lightning emitted by his own thunder and lightning, but most of the targets can't hold it.


Thor naturally didn't think that the tin man on the opposite side could block this blow.

Tony was firmly protected by the Symbiote armor, and outside the silver-white Sao armor, the electric light flickered constantly.

But fortunately, Tony has also done insulation treatment for his armor, so even if the power of nature's thunder and lightning is terrible, it did not cause him any trouble.

Instead, Tony formed two energy cannons with his hands and fired at Thor.


This time Thor, the **** of thunder, was beaten out, and the evil **** Loki was watching the show.

"The Tin Man!"

Thor was provoked, and he jumped directly, and then hit Tony's blocked arm with a hammer.

The arms also gathered a shield in time.


There was a loud noise, and the liquid metal of secondary krypton gold suddenly sank in. Fortunately, Tony avoided it in time, otherwise the hammer would hit him.

At close range, Tony was not Thor's opponent at all, and was beaten to the ground in three or two.

"Damn it!"

Tony activated the Giant Killer mode of Symbiote armor.

The liquid metal was quickly replenished, and then Tony became a huge armor like an anti-Hulk armor.

Then it was Thor's turn to deflate. After all, Tony Stark in Giant Killer mode is very powerful and can fight the normal Hulk head-on.

One punch hit Thor, the corner of his mouth, and the corners of his mouth split and hemorrhages, and Thor is not without fighting against giants, he has rich experience.

The fierce battle between the two made the entire woods gone, and the Golem had only arrived at this time.

"Stark is now fighting the Thor, should I intervene?"

The stone man asked the black widow.

"Stop them, this is an unnecessary fight."

Natasha felt so tired, and each of these guys was more difficult to obey orders.


The stone man rushed up when he heard the words.

"Stone giant?"

Thor didn't think too much when he saw the rushing Stone Manben, Thor's Hammer dropped out of his hand.

The stone man was smashed into the air by Thor's hammer, and the skin of the extremely hard stone also cracked!

This made the Golem Ben a bewildered face. Are Thor and the Cthulhu Loki really two brothers, the difference is so big?

But after he got up and joined the battlefield, the farce soon ended. After all, even the current Thor, it is difficult to beat two.


The night passed quickly.

With Loki being captured by the public beta version of Avengers 2.0 and locked in a special luxurious single room, a big victory established the opening of the new Avengers. The scepter that Loki carried with him was confiscated and placed in the gamma ray research room. Banner and Stark tried to find the location of the space gem through the scepter.

Although Thor told everyone that Loki's real purpose is to attract an army of aliens through space gems, and achieve his ambition to occupy the earth as the king. But everyone was a little bit anxious, there are two geniuses, it is only a matter of time to find the space gem. As for time... Hehe, the mastermind Loki throws soap to himself in the single room, and the Avengers have time to take it easy.

Everything seems good, but everyone knows that this is just an illusion that Nick Fury handed over to the Security Council. Although Loki was caught, Hawkeye and Dr. Eric, who were under his control, did not know where they were hiding. More importantly, the most important universe Rubik's Cube has no clue to this day and is still out there.

These are only apparent problems, and there are even more contradictions within the Avengers. The biggest contradiction is mistrust. As the leader of the Avengers, Nick Fury is nicknamed the "King of Agents", which can already explain a lot of problems.

As for Thor, he didn't trust everyone except Loki. He didn't even trust Rocky until his beloved brother stabbed him in the kidney.

In addition to distrust of Nick Fury, there is no tacit agreement among the super elites.

Each of them is a powerful master alone~www.mtlnovel.com~ The strong and distinctive personal color makes them not tolerate anyone's fingertips.

The super elites gathered in a group to brush the dungeons, which seemed to be perfect, but in fact, the undercurrents raged and shattered.

The most important thing is that although Nick Fury gathered these people together, he did not find a suitable leader to lead them.

In addition, there is also a Loki who pretends to be taken prisoner to instigate it, and the future of the public beta version of Avengers 2.0 is worrying.

If you can find Zordhis, the chief director, it will naturally be no problem.

Because whether it is a superhero or an ordinary person, he is very clear about the abilities and strength of Zodhis. He is very good, and he is unique in the whole century.

However, Zodhis was in a state of disappearance, and the Excalibur Bureau could not be found at all.

In fact, it was true. Before Loki hadn't made any effort, the team was arguing. It was no one else who caused this scene. It was the representative of the United States, Stark, who held high the banner of justice and was determined to fight for freedom and equality.