
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 233: Who can beat you brother?

But pain and face are two different things. The lofty Loki couldn't tolerate the shame of being slapped, so he roared.

"Midgarde, you are looking for death!"

Loki, whose full name is Loki Lawfelson, is filled with the royal blood of the Frost Giant race.

The bloodline that made him extremely inferior not only gave him a strong magical talent, but also allowed him to gain speed and power far surpassing most races in the universe.

Whether it is melee or magic, he has a unique skill.

The Stone Man obviously didn't expect this. In his opinion, Loki should be a magician, and close combat is not a concern, so he paid for his contempt.


Everyone was stunned at the sight of Rocky who was hit by a scepter by Rocky and hit the stone man in a car.

My Faq!

What just happened?

You know that the mass of the stone man is getting bigger and bigger. Now he is almost 50 tons in weight, but he was beaten by Rocky with a scepter?

Is there something wrong with this style of painting?

But shortly afterwards, the Stone Man got out of the car angrily, then rushed to Loki and punched him.


With a muffled sound, Loki only felt that his cheek was hit by a giant hammer, the powerful force spread from his head, his facial features were twisted, and the pulling force pulled his whole body.

When he reacted, it was too late, and the whole person was violently lifted by Juli for more than ten meters, crashing the sculpture on the square, and was buried in a pile of rocks.


Among the gravel, Loki stood up with a scepter and shook his head, his high-swollen cheeks numb, and he lost his feeling.

There was a strange thing in his mouth, his tongue rolled, and a **** tooth was spit out.

Looking at the teeth in the palm of his hand, Loki was taken aback and furious on the spot.

"My brother never beat me like this!"

Rocky backhanded his staff with a scepter and was about to throw the Golem Ben into the air, but he was grabbed by the scepter and hit his shoulder with an elbow.

The air was roughly broken up, leaving deep cutting grooves in the ground.

Loki only screamed before he sank into the ground and smashed a big hole. It was the strong physique of the Frost Giant, and he couldn't help but be short of breath.

The antler helmet on his head fell, and Loki's head was covered with mud and climbed up, his embarrassed appearance was no longer the same as before.

Although it won't hurt the muscles and bones, the pain on his cheeks kept stimulating his nerves. After an energy bounce pushed back Doti, he roared in his throat.


"Enough, Midgard, you made a noble **** angry."

He gritted his teeth and looked at the Stone Man Ben, if it were not for the execution of the plan, he would have liked to slaughter the Stone Man Ben on the spot.

It is undeniable that he does have this ability. He, who claims to be a mage, has various methods.

Although the physique is not as good as the current stone man.

"There are no gods in this world."

The scientific researcher Stone Man corrected the way.

"Midgard, Asgard's honor cannot be slandered."

In a short time, Loki's face was swollen, leaving only a faint bruise. During the words, his breath changed drastically, and his eyes gradually became cold.

At this moment, the loudspeakers of the square blasted loud rock music, and Stark, wearing a steel suit, flew in the light of fire.

Two energy beams fired from his hand and instantly hit Loki's chest.

With a muffled grunt, Loki inserted the scepter into the ground, straightened his body and stepped back two meters in the shock wave.

Stark pushed his hands apart, and after the sound of mechanical gears, his weapon system aimed at Loki.

"Bambi, do you like Uncle Stark's gift? Don't like it? It doesn't matter! If you move it again, it will kill you."

Stoneman Ben and Stark were in horns, locking the space where Loki could escape.

Loki took two deep breaths, suppressed the anger in his heart, his body shone with golden light, the battle armor faded and disappeared to reveal a black tuxedo, and at the same time slowly raised his hands.

"Choose wisely, you'd better not play tricks."

Stark put away his arms and put down his hands.

"He surrendered?" the black widow asked suspiciously.

"Isn't this obvious?"

Stark opened his armor visor, his expression quick to compliment me.

At the urging of Natasha, the three men escorted Loki onto the Kun-type fighter plane, and the flames rose into the sky and flew towards the sky mothership.

On the Kun-style fighter, Loki sat in the corner without saying a word, watching the black widow with an extremely cooperative appearance.

If it's not that Rocky City Mansion is too deep, then it shows that there is definitely a conspiracy.

In the eyes of Black Widow, Loki belongs to the category of both city and conspiracy.

In the original plot, Captain Steve was suspicious of Rocky, but now he is a member of the Burning Legion, and he is also a Superman of the Battleship class.

So if he didn't join the Excalibur Bureau, he would naturally not appear here.


The black widow is purely out of her own instinct.

After all, everyone in the Marvel universe knows that the most reliable superhero is Black Widow.

After Thanos snaps his fingers in the future, Thor is addicted to video games, eating and drinking to make himself a fat man.

Hawkeye ran to Japan to kill the gangsters, living in a muddle-headed manner.

Stark fell, and Dr. Banner fell.

A large number of men finally rely on black widows to help the government restore order, otherwise it will get worse.

"I have a bad feeling!"

Stark raised his eyebrows.

"Why, is it too easy for a rock star to surrender?"

"I don't think it's that simple, this guy is very strong, but he surrendered so simply."

Beside, the corners of Loki's mouth, who bowed their heads and listened to everything together, often collapsed from the inside, but this time it seemed very easy.

"Boom Rumble——————"

The bright night sky suddenly covered with dark clouds and thunder and lightning, and Natasha who was flying the plane was especially puzzled.

The Kun-style fighter flew above the clouds and it was impossible to see lightning, but a strange event happened.

"Guys, this lightning is weird."

When Rocky heard the roar of thunder and lightning, he shook his body subconsciously. This scene was watched by Stark.

"Why~www.mtlnovel.com~ Are you still afraid of lightning?"

Loki pursed his lips, his face unhappy.

"It's not lightning, I just hate people who follow lightning."

As soon as Rocky's voice fell, everyone heard a loud bang from the top of their heads. It seemed that something fell on the roof of the warehouse, causing the plane to shake violently.

"The troublesome guy is here..." Loki murmured to himself.

Among them, Stark, the only one who has the ability to fly, has his face covered by symbiote armor. Although the **** is usually unreliable, he never excuses him at critical moments. He is qualified for his role alone. hero.

As the cabin door opened, Thor, wearing a red cloak, fell in the lightning. He was about to scold Loki, only to find a bruise on the opponent's face.

Thor, who was full of irritation, said softly at once.

"Brother, who beat you?"