
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 232: Rocky debut

Nick Fury stood in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, looking at the tall buildings lined up in the distance, watching his reflection on the glass. Nick Fury sighed softly, staying up all night continuously, and his hair roots that had just picked up were tragedy again. What's worse is that his dark circles are getting thicker.

The life of the non-Chief has been very difficult recently, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a mess. The research on the Cosmos Rubik's Cube has finally entered a breakthrough, and the result is still too late to be happy, so Loki, a bad boy, has been recruited.

Loki deserves the name of Asgard's depraved god. As soon as he appeared on the stage, he gave Nick Fury a combo punch, which caused him liver pain.

Nick Fury's right-hand man, General Hawkeye, not Mihawk, was controlled by Rocky and betrayed him.

The chief astronomy expert who studies the Cube of the Universe, Eric, who is not Magneto, was also recruited and became the opponent's lackey. Even the underground bases that have invested billions of dollars have been burned into loess.

That's all money... No, that's all the hard work of the Excalibur Bureau!

Nick Fury dealt with the endless chattering representatives of the five major powers who dared to show up in the absence of Zordhis.

While sending people crazy to find the whereabouts of the Rubik's Cube in the universe. The effect is not bad, it can be confirmed that Loki is a good at hiding things, and he hasn't found even the roots of the waste wood.

Damn it, it is obviously the Excalibur Bureau, which is already so much stronger than the S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau, why is there such a waste of wood!

Of course, he also knew that the Excalibur Bureau was valued entirely because of Director Zodhith.

He alone is equivalent to nine out of ten representatives of the Excalibur Bureau, and the rest are thigh pendants.

Zodhis himself was very helpless, he did not reveal that he was a super fighter who was very good at fighting, but he still became a thigh.

Nick Fury, who has always been sly Rabbit Three Caves, did not hope to gamble on the luck of his subordinates.

On the one hand, let people find the irresponsible and often skipped director, while letting people find the s-class hero Bruce Banner.

Only he can find the Rubik's Cube in the universe.

"You are very spiritual."

"Thanks for the compliment."

"But I obviously need more than just, I want more, can you understand what I mean?"

Loki sat in the vehicle and felt the night breeze at night, speaking to his loyal subordinates at present.

"I will bring liberation, and you are the advance army of liberation, but you are not enough."

"Understood." Hawkeye was behaving normally.


"In Queens, is there a big guy who really admires power? There is a steel man in Manhattan? I believe they will be a good help."

"Lead the way." Rocky nodded in relief.

Of course, Loki knew that Midgard's people were very strong? Most of them were weak? But there were also ridiculously strong people.

Rocky also understood that head-to-head confrontation was bound to be difficult to win, but Rocky did not come alone this time.

Excluding this temporary squad made up of Zetarians? There is a whole planet-scale army behind. If you can't beat it single-handedly, then use the number to pile up? Even if it is durable, it will always be exhausted. The moment of death.

God should be aloof, and human beings should bow their heads and claim vassal. They should be afraid and should obey God's words? Swinging swords and even punching at the gods... Those who dare to resist? Will be dead and nothing.

Loki seemed to have seen the sight of him ruling the world.


Excalibur Bureau, the Sky Mothership.

Of course not the S.H.I.E.L.D. ship, that Zordhess felt very outdated, and he treated it as a treasure? So he made one by himself.

That is, the headquarters of the Excalibur Bureau.

"Everyone, we found Loki's trace."


"Stuttgart? Köning Str. 28, Germany, Rocky showed up at a charity fundraising party."

"A big alien came to Earth to do charity...Can I think he is provoking me?"

The big capitalist Stark spread his hands? Indicate that he is the master of the charity world.

Hill did not respond to Stark, and continued.

"Ben? Natasha? Deputy Director asked you two to set off immediately? Bring him back."


"I'll start now."


Stone Man Ben and Natasha walked out the door in response.

"What does that black-skinned bald head think? Does he think that Iron Man is inferior to the Stone Man and the female agent?"

Stark, who loves the limelight, is unwilling to be left behind, defeating an alien in front of the European audience, how can such a cool stage be without him.

Hill didn't stop it, which was equivalent to tacit consent and reported the situation to the non-chief.

Dr. Banner, who had just arrived, was taken to the laboratory.



On the north square of Kuning Street, the black crowd knelt down, and even though Rocky was alone, they still obediently crawled on the ground and did not dare to resist. As Loki himself said, human beings respect the strong, and they need a supreme king. Loki's rhetoric angered an old man. The old man was a bit upright. He bluntly pointed out that Loki had a double-skinned face.

The public was scorned by the public. Loki, who was extremely self-esteem, put away his hypocritical smile. He raised his scepter and planned to kill the chickens and monkeys, letting people know the fate of resisting him.

The blue energy bomb shot from the scepter, and the next second it was flying in pieces. At the critical juncture, the stone man had fallen from the sky and stood in front of the old man. The energy bounced on the stone man himself, not even the stone chips.

After all, it is a stone man who has been beaten many times and abused many times by weird people. With so many stimulations, it has begun to evolve, and the hardness of the rocks on its body has even reached the level of diamonds.

Upon seeing the crowd kneeling on the ground, Huang Huang flees in all directions one by one. Loki glanced at it lightly and let them run away.

The Kun-style fighter was suspended at an altitude of 20 meters~www.mtlnovel.com~ Natasha activated the suspension weapon to aim at Loki, and her voice came out from the loudspeaker.

"Loki, put down your arms and surrender."

Loki smiled evilly. For him, who holds the status of King of Asgard, letting him lay down his weapons is equivalent to humiliation. Murder flashed in his icy eyes, and he decisively raised his scepter and fired an energy bomb.

Loki's actions sounded the horn of the duel, and the mid-air Kun-type fighter under the control of Natasha dodged the energy bomb without any danger. But Loki, who had not had time to stop, was rushed forward by the stone man Ben, and punched him in the face.


With a slap in the face, Loki shook his body and his face was full of anger.

It was not that he was demoted to Vanderthor at the beginning, he was still alive, and his physical fitness surpassed that of the people on earth.

Moreover, you must know that Loki is a frost giant, with fifty tons of power and great body density. To him, the stone man's punch is like a boxer who ate a right uppercut.