
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 230: Ferris wheel

What Zordhis told Tony Stark was actually cosmic energy.

I have already introduced it in the previous article, so I won't continue to talk about it here.

He was very curious. With Tony Stark's wisdom, what would happen if the cosmic energy were really discovered?

Cosmic energy armored Iron Man?

After all, the amazing thing about Marvel is that all such high-level cosmic energy can be contained in a container.

As long as this group of scientific researchers use my power of thinking.

It's just that from the perspective of Zodhis material science researchers, it is impossible to understand or accept this behavior.

It's as if the material science, which is too slow in the real world, faces the limits of nuclear fusion and cannot find any materials that can be accommodated.


Go out with Tifa for a walk.

The action is relatively simple. If you are sure you want to go for a walk, you just go out. There is no preparation before a date such as changing clothes and dressing up.

Although Zord doesn't think that this kind of approaching a walk after a meal is even a date, at any rate, he has to approach the movie before going to the amusement park, right?

Well, as a lonely legend in the past, dating is never considered, and dating links like in cartoons and novels...not real enough.

But if you think about it, Tifa is more casual, a very quiet and elegant woman.

Now that I have an appointment to go for a walk, there will still be some strange feelings in the end, and I can see Tifa's smiling pretty face when I turn my head.

Dressed in just a very simple dress, the relatively close-fitting short-sleeved shirt reveals white jade arms, the lower body is covered with hot pants and black pantyhose, walking leisurely in small short boots... To be honest, this leg feels very good when you look at it. Baton!

Her appearance is outstanding, and her past experience makes her young but mature and stable.

In today's dress, the qualities of a queen and the grace that aristocrats should have may be missing, but it demonstrates that very charming mature charm...

There is such a big change in changing clothes.

"Does it look good?" Seeing Zod stared at him for so long, Tifa suddenly raised the corner of his mouth.


"Well, it should be said that it is faith." There is no burden of worrying about saying the wrong thing. It would be too tiring to live like that. In fact, it is not a bad thing to reveal your nature? Smiling Zod put his backhand behind his head on his pillow.

"In the past few days, I always feel that you have something you want to mention to me."

"It's important to say that it's important, but you can postpone it first compared to the business you are busy with." Reach out and grab Zod's wrist and pull it down, just like a normal couple is going out.

Tifa was holding Zod's arm, his head resting on his shoulder, and his eyes were slightly cunning.

"I think this is a bonus item."

"This kind of thinking really sounds worthy of extra points."

Zod didn't deny it. Tifa's calm and quiet attitude really made him feel at ease.

"So, I'm going to sit on that now." Tifa said to Zod with a small smile pointing his finger at the Ferris wheel that was particularly conspicuous under the neon lights.

"with you."

It was not a suggestion, but a positive tone. The lack of that kind of undoubtedly also gave Zod a chance to refuse.

"I'll be with you." It doesn't matter if you meet this requirement.

"Then I'll trouble you, Zod." Looking at Zod's nickname, who didn't know when to change his nickname, he nodded and accepted Tifa's eyes and smiled lightly. That would be nice.

Water Dragon King Park, located outside the downtown area of ​​Manhattan, is an amusement facility invested by a Japanese group. It is said that the same amusement park is also built in Shanghai, China.

The amusement facilities are quite special, and there is also a very distinctive manga haunted house. In fact, a well-known artist's work is posted on the wall. It is said that tissues and trash bags will be provided for tourists to pack and take away their things.

Therefore, the opening time is not long, but the popularity in New York is unexpectedly high, so many couples will choose to set it as a date place, but there are also many who bring tissues before alone.

But obviously neither Zod nor Tifa are interested in these. Tifa just wants to have a high place where you can admire the night of New York, and then talk to Zod about being alone for a while.

"Actually, I've never sat on something like this before. To be honest, I've been looking forward to the feeling of sitting on something like this before."

It just so happened that at night, only the Ferris wheel was the only one operating. The rest of the facilities were under security check and maintenance. Zod sighed as he approached the Ferris wheel that had been stopped for standby.

Tifa's smile looked a little bright.

"Then am I fulfilling my expectations for you?"


"Two people, please come in, due to the fact that there are fewer people at night, so the speed is slightly adjusted, which means that the time will be longer."

The enthusiastic staff looked at Zod and Tifa back and forth. The expression that I knew was obviously a little underfighting, but Tifa liked the staff. [Don't worry about me at all, you two can let go. ]'S eyes hint.

"Thank you." After thanking him, he took the lead and stepped into it. Tifa looked back at Zod, who seemed to be rolling his eyes, and couldn't help but smile and shook his head.

"Come in quickly."

"Alright." After sitting down, the Ferris wheel slowly rose, and the neon night of New York gradually came into my eyes. Zod glanced sideways at Tifa who was still holding his arm.

Reached out and scratched his head.

"An answer to the question just now can't be regarded as fulfilling that expectation. After all, I was thinking about coming with my girlfriend at the time, but at that time I would also think about where my girlfriend was, how well I was doing, and what his name was Category."

"It doesn't count to bring your wife here, do you have to have a girlfriend?"

Tifa raised his eyebrows lightly, slightly dissatisfied.

"Hmm, life is over now, let's enjoy the rare time together."

Holding the hands with a little sweat, Tifa sat upright and found a more comfortable position with Zod's arms, then leaned on Zod's shoulders~www.mtlnovel.com~ I heard that a normal date, The man has always taken the initiative more, he is really an idiot. "


"It's time for us to go back, too?"

The speed of the Ferris wheel has been adjusted, but the carriage still landed after turning for a certain amount of time. With an intimate attitude, Tifa walked out close to Zod.

The previous reception staff shook their heads with regret and helplessness when they saw this, but in the end they silently blessed Tifa from the bottom of my heart. It was a waste of my painstaking effort.

The Ferris wheel was still sitting still, and Tifa could not wait for the Ferris wheel to fall in another half an hour. After all, in this environment, he was alone and chatting.

However, what restaurant, cinema, love hotel, and restaurant should be more efficient than the entry hints found in the encyclopedia...Ah, this one might be more efficient in the end?