
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 229: space

Rod fell into a state of hesitation.

On the one hand, he likes the firepower of the Decepticon very much, and on the other hand, Tony Stark's suit is also his favorite.

Can he have both?

"Tony, do you have micro-space storage for your suit?"

Rod suddenly asked.

Tony's suit can be modified, but I don't know if there is a micro-space storage so that he can carry a lot of ammunition.


Tony asked dumbfounded.

"Micro-space storage, Zodhis gives every Decepticon technology, it can store 300 kilograms of ammunition, and it can be loaded directly."

Rod said of course.

However, Tony's face changed slightly.

A layman like Rhodes obviously doesn't know what this space technology means.

But Tony knew this very well.

Is Zordhis actually able to apply mature space technology to weapons?

He couldn't help but immediately went back and contacted Zodhis.

"Micro-space storage is indeed a mature space technology."

Zodhis admitted this. For Zodhis, who can use free space energy and electromagnetic energy, it is not difficult to create a stable microspace, and he also used technology to restore this process.

"How did you do it?"

Tony asked, even though he did such a poor job of loading ammunition with such a great invention, he was still very curious as a scientific researcher.

"Space is produced by energy and controlled by time. The three basic elements of length, width, and height constitute the world in which mankind lives."

Zod didn't intend to hide himself, Tony Stark asked, and he said.

"Einstein is the greatest scientist in human history. Using the theory of relativity, he showed us another world hidden by time. Under the guidance of speed, it is possible to return to the past or the future."

Speaking of Einstein, even Tony Stark was a little serious.


"This is also the fourth element that constitutes that world."

"Compared with the known three-dimensional space, the four-dimensional space has more variable properties. However, the element that constitutes the fourth dimension is not only time. Energy can also override the three-dimensional space, forming its own unique field."

"There are many spatial forms of energy. The most common one is the expansion of the field after the explosion."

"Any form of explosion can create an energy world full of death. On the contrary, if you can break through the inherent nature of energy in a calm state, you will find that there is a peaceful world."

To tear the space with strength, this is Zod's speculation on the energy dimension at the beginning.

Of course, the speculation is not without any basis.

According to the theory that Zoder studied later, the airflow brought out by human beings in motion is actually the basic manifestation of energy space conversion.

When the kinetic energy of the human body is stronger than that of still air, the gas that is forced to change its state will be transformed into wind.

And the weak energy space originally belonging to gas naturally changed accordingly.

Such a space is so small that it cannot attract human attention.

However, energy space has a completely different meaning.

"Using energy to tear the space and hit the static energy to form a depression, you can get your own unique domain."

"The owner can enter and exit at will at any time and place. This space completely overlaps with our world. The only difference is that the existence of energy is added on the basis of three-dimensional elements."

"The universe is the most basic energy space."

"It is produced from an explosion, and it is also destroyed in an explosion. Without energy, it is naturally unable to meet the necessary conditions for an explosion. The earth is also a new space that condenses in an explosion."

"Pangu created the world, God created the world, the birth of Brahma, and the myths and legends widely circulated in various countries, almost all examples of the creation of space can be found."

"Wait, you mean, these myths are real?"

Tony couldn't help interrupting Zod.

"Asgard's Thors are real, what do you think?"

Zod said meaningfully.

"From the appearance, the content of these legends is exactly the same."

"The gods who created the world broke through the dark void, and thus obtained the birth of heaven and earth."


"As for human beings, they are just byproducts in this space. To a powerful god, we as human beings are indeed just ants-like small existences."

"The new space after creation has the original energy that can be combined in any way."

"This is an extremely subtle thing, a neutral body between molecules and atoms."

"The nature of this energy is extremely sensitive, and any slight fluctuations in foreign energy will cause its incidental changes."

"Especially at the moment of space breakthrough, they are in a straight state, and they will materialize with the electromagnetic wave of the entrant's brain."

"In other words, no matter which **** created the world, when they break through the space, the overall pattern of the world has been fixed. The original energy will be solidified based on the imaginary scene. Therefore, what God sees The world is actually the world we perceive."

Tony Stark only felt his scalp numb.

"I have had this kind of theory for a long time, but I will never allow this kind of theory to interfere with the research of future generations without obtaining a practical basis. Science, only in the face of experiments and data, can become true. exist."

After Zordhis finished speaking, Tony was already in deep thought.

Powerful energy, can tear the space?

No, Zodhis is not a space technology, but more like discovering a hidden world.

Tony has systematically studied the concept of universe and space.

The universe should be a relative entity that exists in parallel.

The universe where human beings and the earth are located can be called the first universe for the time being. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

When the speed reaches the relative limit, it is possible to reach the edge of the universe and thus enter the scope of the second universe.

This is an unproven theory. The current pace of human exploration cannot extend to such a long distance.

The results calculated by relying on stars and other matter have somewhat weak support for this theory, but they cannot be used to prove that the concept is correct. The universe may be produced by explosions. Therefore, the universe also belongs to a certain way of existence of energy.

In terms of energy, Tony Stark is not lacking, and the huge Ark reactor can provide enough energy.

He couldn't wait to verify Zordheath's words.

In fact, such theories and experiments are probably only in the Marvel Universe.

Zod felt that it was difficult to achieve in the real world.