
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 228: Decepticon Rhodes

Tony Stark was stunned, the cooperation matters of the new element reactor?

After reading the document sent by Uuld, he fell into deep thought.

Zod didn't care what Tony was thinking now, he was busy.

At best, racing is just one of his entertainment routines.


James Rhodes, a good friend of Tony Stark, is also the original "War Machine".

It's just that because of Zordhess, the current war machine is flying all over the sky. Of course, Rhodes has become the driver of the war machine with his own efforts.

Anyone who has become a war machine driver will be fascinated by it without exception.

This is exactly the greatest invention and weapon in human history, the flying mecha, the invulnerable mecha, the fierce mecha...

By the way, Zordhis had just created the War Machine. In the American propaganda film that used the War Machine for the first time against terrorism, one of the five war machines was Rhodes.

Originally Rhodes thought that the future war situation would be the use of war machines, a weapon capable of air-to-ground amphibious operations.

After all, the world's fastest-flying fighter jets and missiles cannot fly as fast as war machines, and the firepower carried by war machines is enough to easily destroy a fully armed tank armored division.

Then this kind of guessing fell through, because the enemy of mankind appeared in the world-weirdo!

The powerful weirdo makes the war machine unable to exert its maximum effect.

Fortunately, at this time, Zodhis showed his genius again, creating the second generation of war machine, Iron Overlord.

Compared to war machines, Iron Overlord pays more attention to firepower and close combat, which also makes their flying speed only a little faster than f22.

After all, they are not as heavy as the f22, but the power source is much more powerful than the f22 engine, so the flight speed is naturally faster than the f22.

Rod became one of the pilots of the Iron Overlord, and then he controlled the Iron Overlord and killed many wolf-level monsters.

Then the friend Tony Stark returned and made a steel suit, but instead of selling his own steel suit, he chose a personal one.

So he became an s-class hero.

Then came the third generation of Gears of War-the appearance of the Decepticon.

Compared with the previous two generations of war machines, the Decepticons is an innovation beyond imagination.


The Decepticon enables the driver to have superhuman strength, capable of lifting more than one hundred tons of heavy objects.

It also has a super speed, the highest can fly at a speed of about 10~12 Mach.

The Decepticon armor can also absorb radiation and other energy, and can be released through a transmitter.

The armor of the Decepticons is equipped with a variety of weapons, including the arc pulse gun (usually equipped in the palm of the armor), which can resist physical and energy attacks.

Also equipped with cluster gun, sonic, flash bomb, incendiary bomb, grenade, micro missile, missile, mini gun, Gatling machine gun, 40mm caliber howitzer, 7.62mm caliber m134 machine gun, back equipped with a large number of grenades, 4 high firepower Shoulder cannons, special cannons, magnetic fields, electromagnetic pulses, lasers and telescopic steel knives and many other weapons.

In addition, the Decepticons are also equipped with a special coating of anti-radar detection and positioning locks, as well as motion sensors and other sensors.

The armor also includes a life-support system? It includes a 20-hour air supply, which can operate normally in environments that require enclosed armor such as low oxygen, underwater or space.

"Colonel Rod? Received the message? A strange person appeared at the following coordinates."

The beautiful young lady in the rear who specializes in serving the Decepticons contacted Rod through communication.

"I will pass now."

After Rhodes received the coordinate position, he exploded with a terrifying speed of Mach 12? He reached the target location in just a few seconds.

Then he found a huge weird man, and already had War Machine, Iron Overlord, and combat personnel wounded.

Rod immediately launched the Decepticon weapon system? Fierce firepower suddenly poured out.

It is said that the Decepticon has the micro-space storage technology invented by Zordhis? It can stuff a full 300 kilograms of ammunition, and it can also be directly filled when used.

This also makes each Decepticon a mobile firepower fortress.

The fierce firepower of the Decepticons successfully defeated the eccentric, but there was no way to kill the eccentric.

"Everything, you guys did a great job? Now it's the home court of superheroes."

Along with the very arrogant bgm? Tony Stark appeared.

Only this time, the reactor on his chest turned into a triangle, and the spirit of the whole person was different.

At the same time, the steel suits all over his body also turned into a very sulky silvery white.

Liquid secondary krypton gold symbiote armor!

After figuring out and solving the problem of palladium element poisoning, Tony developed the symbiote armor with great help.


This also made his combat effectiveness a leap!

Because the symbiote armor can be controlled by telepathy alone? It solidifies and completes the assembly immediately, which is much better than relying on technical bonding? It is also fast, and there is a lot of room for upgrading and growth. The fluidity ensures that the materials of this armor can be refilled at any time. , And what's even better is that if you strengthen it slightly? Anti-Hulk armor is formed.


Rod looked surprised at the silver-white steel suit? Have you changed your style?


Tony Stark also had some surprises that one of the Decepticons was Rhodes.

"Zodhis installed these backward weapons on the Decepticons?"

Tony's mouth smells habitually.

"Are you envious? Tony, envious of my firepower."

Rod is not to be outdone.


Tony sneered and didn't talk nonsense with Rod. The huge weird man was about to run away. He immediately called for more liquid secondary krypton gold smart metal.

A large amount of liquid metal covered him, forming a huge anti-Hulk armor!

Of course ~www.mtlnovel.com~ This is not called anti-Hulk armor, but "giant killer armor".

It is specially used to deal with huge enemies. Although Tony's mouth is stiff, this kind of inspiration comes from the Iron Overlord of Zodhith.

The huge weird man was knocked to the ground with a punch by Tony, and the power of the new element reactor was much stronger than that of the palladium element reactor.

Rhodes looked at it.

"How about, Rod, if you give up now, I can give you a suit."

Tony said triumphantly, and at the same time the liquid metal on his hand flowed, forming a sharp blade, which directly pierced the body of the giant weird man.

The huge weirdo died suddenly.

Luo Luo was taken aback and gave me a suit?

This made Rod very heartwarming. After all, Tony had already shown the power of his suit, even if it wasn't the one he was wearing now, Rod would not dislike it.