
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 225: Tony Stark is running out of time

Danvers was a little surprised by the technological capabilities of the Kryptonian Empire.

It's really amazing, let's not talk about those armors that can't be broken with full force, the weapon lethality displayed by it is very outrageous.

If Danvers were not able to absorb energy, he would probably be injured.

The Grey Knights surrounded Danvers with high-frequency swords in their hands, but found that their attacks could not help Danvers.

Danvers, who was surrounded by the Grey Knight, was also helpless. No matter how hard she used, even the dual star state was turned on, but in the end she still couldn't shake the Grey Knight's armor, and finally she had to flee.

"Lock the target and prioritize it as the enemy in the future."

In the Kryptonian Empire, the Black Queen controlled the gray knight and the black knight's armor mechs, and said after seeing this scene.

Carol Danvers this file Zordhess also gave her, but the Black Queen did not expect Carol Danvers to be so powerful.

"The ability to absorb energy is too unsolvable."

The Black Queen packaged the video and sent it to Zod.

After watching Zordhis, he didn't take it to heart. It was just a Captain Marvel. Even if she could absorb the energy, Zord could also. He still had a ruin.

Not to mention the fact that the ability to absorb energy will be wiped out by the power of Phoenix, which has a high priority. In other words, Zod can directly kill Captain Marvel if he doesn't want to play.

"It's much more beautiful than Dabing. I didn't expect the comic version of Captain Marvel to be so beautiful."

Zod wondered, but the combination of Zhenjin and Edman alloy was really powerful. Captain Marvel opened the dual star state, and the destructive power was already at the starburst level, and there was still no way to shake it.

If it is pure vibranium or Edman alloy, it is estimated that they have been destroyed like Thanos smashed the Captain America shield.

So there is a future in this route.

Metal is an atomic structure. For Zodhis, whose control of matter reaches a subatomic level, this concept is even more thorough.

Vibrating gold is so powerful only because of the relatively static molecular structure, so if a metal is created, the atomic structure is in a static state?

Zordhis once created a metal with a density comparable to that of a neutron star, but that metal is too heavy and can only be worn by restraining it with a biological force field.


However, Zordhis's own defensive power is much stronger than the neutron star armor now, and the neutron star armor is no longer needed.

"A creation in the subatomic microcosmic realm, but why in the Marvel Universe, there are so many powerful people who can reach this realm, but no one chooses to create matter by themselves?

Zod looked at the metal in his hand.

This is a new metal he just created. The special atomic structure allows it to absorb heat and kinetic energy, that is, theoretically able to absorb all energy, but the difference is that the absorbed energy will be amplified after passing through the special atomic structure? Then feedback back.

In other words? This kind of metal can counter the enemy.

Absorb the attack and complete the counterattack in an instant? If an energy attack is used, the energy will be reflected? If it is reflected several times, if a kinetic energy attack, it will counter shock.

Although I don't know which is more powerful than the galaxy glaze on Silver Shadowman.

But this is indeed the most powerful metal that can be created at the moment? No matter how powerful it is, it is estimated that I can only explore it in terms of thinking.

The problem is? I think Zord does not have the power of thinking.

He named this metal "impact steel".

It is a good material that can be used as a shield.

"Speaking of it? The fellow Tony Stark's research on the symbiote seems to be almost completed, and the armor of the liquid metal symbiote will also come out, but the liquid metal is actually made of my secondary krypton gold."

Zod muttered.

In terms of materials science, Tony Stark seems to have nothing to do with it? Or that he has not been able to crack the copy of secondary krypton gold until now.

Not to mention expecting him to develop some powerful alloy materials.

There is also an F1 event that promises Tony Stark.

Okay? Actually, when I was learning to drive, because the turning movements were relatively large, the coach said [Want to learn to drift? Plus eight thousand, I will teach you] For this reason, Zod is also a good driver in driving.

Of course, there is still a big gap between f1 cars and ordinary cars? Zod needs to be familiar with it in advance, after all, he only knows a little bit.

"Well? I hope you won't lose too much shame at that time, and don't waste the team I sponsored to let you play."


Tony Stark said confidently.

Well? Although Zod knew why Tony Stark was like this.

He was dying because of palladium poisoning.

After all, the show is going to be a full set. At the beginning, Zod asked the animalized soldiers who were still looking for Antarctic bears in Africa to give Tony Stark a bit? As a result, there are real fragments in his body? Need a micro reactor to absorb? He himself Knocked out a miniature reactor.

It's just that it has been delayed for so long, and there is no Obadea running out to show him, Tony is very cool for a while.

But now I can't be chic.

"Have you finally decided, do you want to install the reactor on the F1 car?" Zord suddenly became interested.

"To be honest, I have thought about the basic modification of the car. First, I will use my secondary krypton gold to reinforce the car's skeleton, and the outer shell will be made of the metal of the Mark series..."

"Mom mentally retarded!"

Tony: I was so scared that all the punctuation marks came out.

At this moment, taking Tony's private jet, Zod is going to participate in Monaco's fastest race on the surface with Tony. On the surface, he is going to play, but in fact Tony just wants to beat Zod.

It sounds shameful to choose what you are good at but the opponent is not good at to win. It sounds shameful~www.mtlnovel.com~ But this is part of the game.

The flight attendants of the private jet showed their enthusiasm for pole dancing, mainly because of the special guests here today.

Zordheath, the famous Zordheath, the world's richest man, and the most handsome man in the world, most importantly, this super genius seems to be very dedicated and has not heard any lace news from him.

If you win him, you won't have to fight for a lifetime!

"But then why are you following me?" With the shaking red wine glass, Tony raised his eyebrows and looked at Virginia's personal assistant Natalie Rushman, the black widow lurking in Stark Industries.

"What about the little pepper."

"The CEO has already gone to Monaco in advance to make preparations." The black widow responded calmly.

"After the plane lands, you will have three interviews about clean energy projects. There will be a cocktail party at noon. It is expected that many group presidents will want to meet you. At eight o'clock in the evening, you will have a local press conference. This is the president. I'll arrange it for you..."