
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 223: daily

In fact, Angel Yan is also thinking about his own memory.

The memory that Zordhis wrote for her is not perfect, and there are still many holes.

But these loopholes make this memory more real.

She also asked Esthers about them.

However, Esther is keen on fighting, war and torture, and is not interested in her question.

Tifa's rule is that it's good to have Zod by his side, and remember things, let it go.

Yan Lingji doesn't even have that scheming, she is now obsessed with video games.

"What are you thinking?"

Zod looked at her thoughtful expression and asked.

"I'm thinking about my missing memory."

Angel Yan did not hide it, perhaps because Zordhis was the closest person to her in memory.

"Don't worry, think slowly, then you can remember."

Zod comforted her.


What else does Angel Yan want to say.

"Don't think about it." Zod held Angel Yan's palm, and could feel the cool touch from the palm. Looking at this sad face, the corners of his mouth curled up with a smile.

"I am your male god. If you don't mind, just rely on me. On the contrary, in such a new world, you are also my support!"

Angel Yan returned to his senses, looking at the face of Zod who was close at hand, his face blushed inadvertently... Yes, this old Siji blushed.

Zod was satisfied with his lethality, and then looked at Tifa, who walked out of the kitchen with a pink apron and carrying food, just like a good wife.

Tifa noticed Zod's gaze, his slender fingers curled his long black hair, his posture was unbelievably calm, and his demeanor was quite sultry.

After eating, Zod took them out to go shopping. Although Angel Yan is a mutant and Kryptonian soldier, she can control her wings and hide it. So Zod spent a lot of thought at the beginning.

However, the completely different appearance and race, coupled with the outstanding appearance and gentle and elegant temperament, are like a beauty who has emerged from a legend.

In addition, there are their respective temperaments. The appearance of Yan Ling Ji, Tifa and Angel Yan caused pedestrians to stop frequently. The high rate of turning back is a bit surprising. When they enter the store, the enthusiasm of the onlookers fades, but it is this way. It was then Zod's turn to be embarrassed.

For example, the couple clothes introduced by the clerk, asking about underwear sizes...

"Is Zod very bad at dealing with these things?" Angel Yan seemed a little surprised.

"I used to rarely go to the physical store to buy clothes." Zod complained, whether it was on the previous earth or Krypton.

After all, Zod is a single dog, there is no time to find it on Earth, and there is no time to find it on Krypton.

After buying the clothes, all three women wanted to experience the feeling of a bicycle.

Although Zord was a little unsure, he still agreed.

Isn't it just riding a bicycle? What's the difficulty?

"The streets of New York are actually not as messy as we thought, it is really preconceived."

Slowly riding a bicycle, Zod smiled leisurely, riding a car girl... Very romantic?

"Yes." Holding Zod's waist with one hand, the black-haired girl sat sideways in the back seat, with her shoulders resting on Zod's back, in light blue home clothes, wearing a peaked cap on her head, with a soft expression if If you look closely, you can see the redness of the girl's cheeks. No matter how you look at it, it feels like a couple, right?

If you add Tifa's arms with the clothes he just bought, isn't it a bit like a newly-married couple?

To be honest, Tifa enjoys this plain feeling.

Riding the bicycle, Zod looked up and could see the spider silk Gwen fast passing by on a swing in the air, because it was too high, the spider silk Gwen did not notice Zod.

After she swept past, Super Spider-Man Peter Parker followed.

"Do you like coffee?"

Zod carried Tifa to a halt.

"I like tea more than coffee."

After the bicycle stopped, Tifa also got down from the back seat and smiled as he watched Zod playing with the car.

"...Two cups of coffee, thank you."

In the open-air cafe, pedestrians rushed around, and Zod was happy to see this sight.

"Although I am better at removing bones for others...I am bones. To be honest, I prefer to open a coffee shop. If I don't make money, I'm sitting in a coffee shop on a rainy day looking at the pedestrians hurrying out the window through the glass. There will be a very artistic conception."

Zod said with emotion.

"Why not open it now?"

Tifa said with interest.

"I don't necessarily have the energy to take care of it when I open it, and I guess my identity will be recognized instantly, and then it will be boring."

Zod shook his head.

Tifa did not insist.

After drinking the coffee, the one sitting on the bicycle was replaced by Yan Lingji.


Yan Lingji suddenly spoke.


Zod, who became a coachman, responded without looking back.

"I heard that there is a gem of time in the Supreme Master Gu Yi. Can you say if it can take me back to Baiyue at that time? I want to see there~www.mtlnovel.com~Han Ling Ji is nestling with Zod, and then Said.

Zord was taken aback.

"Han Lingji, you should know that this world is not the same world as ours."


"Then, even if you get the gem of time, it is impossible to return to the Baiyue you are familiar with, without high heels, no stockings, no gauze skirt, and no people and things you are familiar with."

Zodhis said quietly.

"I know... but don't we never go back to our original world forever."

Yan Lingji hugged Zod's waist and leaned her face on his back.

"...Will go back."

Zod thought for a while and said.

Not only to go back, but also to those worlds he wants to go. Since he can run from DC to Marvel, then there is no reason to go from Marvel to Qin Shimingyue, go to Bounce, go to the Holy Grail, go to Chaldea, go Final Fantasy...

Yan Lingji did not continue to speak.

Then it was Angel Yan's turn.

"Want to go to the movies?"

Zod asked.


Angel Yan squinted his eyes slightly, spread his hands lazily, stretched his waist comfortably, and looked a bit like being reborn.

"It's really good..."

Turning her head at a forty-five angle, the corner of the girl's mouth evoked a beautiful arc.

"In the afternoon."

The white neck and the delicate collarbone appeared in Zod's eyes, matched with the kind of side face with a lazy look, and the feeling of heartbeat followed.

Zod accelerated the speed of the bicycle.

After arriving at the movie theater, he was very curious about what movie Angel Yan, who he had created 100%, would choose to watch.

"Zod, let's see this."

Angel Yan said with a meaningful smile.