
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 219: Gears of War 3rd Generation

Especially this time I also saw Zordhis.

He didn't expect that Zodhis would return to Earth.

What I didn't expect was that the youngest son's jealousy and arrogance also began, and occasionally he would want to sleep more when he was old. Even in his deep sleep, he could still hear and see many Odin. Feeling that his stupid son had returned to Asgard, he knew that he might be defeated even more sharply when he fell asleep, and it was time to wake up.

"So what is the situation now?"

After Zordhis returned, Nick Fury came to the door.

"The conflict in Asgard is actually not as horrible as you think. Because Odin is still alive, the flames of war cannot spread to the earth, but I want to report the existence of alien civilizations. Those military powers have already felt it. Threatened."

Fury's face suddenly darkened. Not only did he feel threatened, but at this moment even strategic nuclear missiles were ready, and he gave Fury a feeling that StarCraft was about to start.

"The crown prince of Asgard has a good sense of the earth, and has actually said that he will form an alliance with the earth."

As he said, Zod pointed his finger at Foster, who was sitting in front and staring at the sky in a daze.

"Because Thor likes this earthling. Asgardians are long-life species. Odin is destined not to let the short-born Foster become Thor's wife, but only for a hundred years... I don't think Odin is Would mind too much."

Fury looked deeply at Foster's back.

"In other words, Asgard will be the alliance of the earth for a hundred years, and it is Jane Foster that will stabilize the alliance."

The two prodigals on Asgard's side should be almost finished by now, but Thor can come back to see Foster if they don't. If it wasn't for the prodigals to smash the Rainbow Bridge, it would be necessary to deal with the kingdom's affairs. Foster's waiting looks like this, a little stupid, but so-called love is like this.

But Dr. Selviger was sad and said to take good care of Foster, but this fresh Chinese cabbage was actually picked up by aliens. By the way, Thor, don't you have Sif, your childhood sweetheart?

No, no, in fact, whether Foster or Sif, the biggest love rival is Rocky (laughs)

"Naturally, it will not be as reliable as you think. After all, whether it is friendly or not depends on the strength of the earth's civilization itself."

"It makes sense to have a hard fist."

"Yes, only if the fist is hard enough, others will calmly reason with you." Nick Fury suddenly smiled.

"It just so happens that we have a chance for improvement, don't we, the steel armor from Asgard, and the corpse of the frost giant."


Zod nodded, it was just a fake, he could just pull it away.

Then Zod was complained by Tony Stark.

"Why don't you wait for me?"

Stark was very dissatisfied.

"Do you really want to deal with the guys in Asgard?" Zod felt that Tony was more upset because he didn't play with him.

"Although it's really curious, can I just ask you these things?" Tony shook his head in denial, and then curled his lips.

"I'm just very upset, you guys didn't take me."

In fact, when Jarvis passed the satellite-monitored images to Tony, Tony quickly upgraded his armor. He took a hamburger for breakfast in the morning and a pizza for lunch in the afternoon, all looking at his mobile phone and waiting. There was a call from the Excalibur Bureau, but there was no help call from the Excalibur Bureau, and even Zod, whom he regarded as a good friend, did not call him.

Finally, when the Iron Destroyer appeared, Tony gave up the idea of ​​waiting for the call from Excalibur Bureau, and ordered Jarvis to prepare for the BGM and the most handsome pose. Even the line Tony was ready, so Tony put on the armor and wanted to As he flew away from New Mexico, only the satellite lost the surveillance picture for a short time...Then Jarvis reminded Tony that the battle was over.


These people have never thought of me Iron Man at all!

"The growth script written by the king of Asgard for his two sons is nothing worthy of attention. I also uploaded the information about Asgard to the tenth-level database of the Excalibur Bureau." Zod touched Putting on a pair of black-rimmed glasses, the whole person's expression changed in an instant.

"But Tony, you should be interested in the Destroyer armor, it's the flamethrower."

"It's quite interesting for the time being." Tony scratched his face, as if disgusted.

"It's just too ugly, it doesn't fit my low-key personality."

Yes, is the low-key of the golden red sao bag?

Zod shook his head. Thor 2 needs to wait for a while, at least after Loki and the army of Zetaru invaded.

However, this time the Zetaru army estimated that it would be difficult to deal with the earth.

Because after the Destroyer Armor incident, the Umbrella Company received a batch of orders for War Machine and Iron Overlord.

And this time it is very proud that all sub-Krypton gold orders are required.

Originally, the total number of war machines in the world had exceeded 10,000, and Iron Overlord also had two hundred.

This time, the war machine directly broke the fifty thousand mark, and the Iron Overlord also reached one thousand in one breath.

While the umbrella company is making a lot of money, Zodhis also developed the third generation of war machine against the Zetaru army that may come next.


The full set of weapon systems that dominate the sky, the shell of secondary krypton gold, has reached an unprecedented flight speed of Mach 9. It has exploded all aircraft on the earth, and its endurance and combat radius have reached a very exaggerated level.

Air-to-air weapons occupy the majority, and they are all energy weapons.

Air-to-ground missiles are still conventional, but they are much faster and more powerful than Hellfire missiles. They are also small and are more than enough to carry hundreds of missiles at one time.

A set of 3 billion US dollars is priced, but missiles are not included.

The missile has to be paid separately. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

However, seeing Decepticons' various magnificences and data on all current military weapons of mankind, the whole world was moved.

Isn't it 3 billion? Any country can take it out, and Zodhis is famous for its simple and easy-to-understand operation.

Because they are all connected and controlled by brain waves, weapons can also be directly controlled by brain waves or assisted by built-in artificial intelligence.

Therefore, even if the third brother bought it, there is no need to worry about the crash!

However, France may be acquiring 90% of the new Decepticons by all parties.

Sold 90% of the new "Decepticons"!

Just fell to the ground once!

The oil magnates of the Middle East spent billions of dollars and bought the Decepticons to take photos to show off.

Since the machine of war came out, the daily life of this group of people showing off their wealth has changed from a variety of luxury cars, fighter jets, airplanes, and yachts to war machines.