
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 217: Destroyer

"Destroyer!" Sif couldn't help exclaiming. As a fighter in Asgard, Sif naturally knew what the steel giant appeared at this moment. It has always been a war weapon operated by Odin, the father of the gods. Fire drive, if you don't get accurate instructions after drive, it is a weapon of war that will never stop.

However, even more surprised is still behind. After the smoke and dust have completely dispersed, you can see several frost giants standing behind the Destroyer. There is no need to say anything more about this situation, you can understand it with your toes. Loki and the Frost Giant reached an agreement to kill Thor here.

"The Destroyer is not a formidable opponent we can deal with, now all leave here!" If the power is still there, Thor has the confidence to fight the Destroyer, but everyone in the room may add up to just give away food.

The more you are good at conspiracy and trickery, the more you will find the pleasure of playing everyone in the applause, but the more you can feel the existence of this pleasure, the more you hate being deceived by others.

In Asgard, the brainless idiots who followed his brother Thor always questioned his strategy, and were always loyal to the stupid brother, and his father was also cheating on him. Odin, the king of the gods, did not The second son, he is just a frost giant raised up as a hostage.

The feeling of being betrayed by a family that has been with him for thousands of years makes Rocky's heart full of anger. The so-called family members are fake, and he is just a hostage taken from the Frost Giant by the father of the gods. Everything is fake, Loki wants revenge, revenge for everything he has done against him!

Especially those four guys and goalkeepers who were full of Tortor, and now they clearly showed their intentions against him. Loki could not bear this kind of violation. Now Odin fell asleep, full of muscles in his head. Your exile to earth is undoubtedly the best opportunity.

Loki, who temporarily acts as the King of Asgard, holding Odin's sharp gun, the eternal spear, who controls the opening and closing of the Rainbow Bridge, will also prepare to start the planned event, driving Odin's right, Loki Summoned a war weapon that only Odin can control.

"My stupid brother, four idiots, let me completely burn you guys to ashes this time!"

The steel giants made of metal gathered, and Loki took it to the Rainbow Bridge and joined the frost giant sent by King Lauphy. To be honest, Loki looked down on the frost giant, but since it can be used as a labor force, Loki will naturally not Too disgusting, although the original plan was to let them approach the sleeping Odin, and then use the Eternal Spear and Destroyer armor to kill them all to prove himself, but the plan couldn't keep up with the changes.

The four people secretly went to the earth and Rocky's plan had to be changed.

"Go, kill all the targets, and then bring back the body of my brother to me!"

Only holding Odin's sharp spear, not Odin himself, can unlock only part of the Destroyer's authority. It is undoubtedly extremely difficult to use the Destroyer to fight the gods like Odin, but only this This level is enough, and nothing can be done with the waste alone.

Loki thinks he is smarter than these guys with all muscles in their heads. He knows when to do what, even if he suffers from this kind of betrayal, he still thinks he is an Asgardian because the queen treats him very well. , So... he also made plans for Jotunheim.

However, Loki's choice is the wrong way of using Destroyer.

Facing the attack of the Destroyer and the Frost Giant, the residents of the town had been evacuated long ago. Under the dragon-level evacuation standard, some people had already gone abroad.

This is the evolution of mankind!

When danger comes, they evolve the instinct and physical function to run fast. Maybe their offspring will get the evolution of running 100 meters into ten seconds because of the various crises during this period.

"No time, get in the car!" I had to recognize the situation, and drove over and called Thor to get in the car. The anxious Coleson had already anticipated that the town would be blasted.

"Also, this is the battlefield of our earth. After regaining the power, return to Asgard to stop Loki." The appearance of righteous words, Zord's gesture for righteousness, made Asgard's fighters. They were very moved, only Coleson felt quite wrong.

Zodhis is a genius, but he is not the kind of genius who only knows that he is in the laboratory. On the contrary, he is also a genius in the human world. It can be seen from the birth of the Excalibur Bureau. Therefore, he cannot be so righteous. Looks like.

But don't care about him, anyway, it is the Asgardian who pitted him.

Then, Thor went to find the hammer to retrieve the lost power, but his subordinates stayed behind. Only three of the four Asgardian fighters chose to face Gang, but only the mindful Sif chose. After going around, it looks like there is a shield and an output. You can't lose even if you think about four hits and one?

Zod watched Jackie Chan, Robin Hood, and Viking being photographed in turn, and Sieff followed closely...

Are you too dishevelled?

The Frost Giant also launched a charge towards Zod and the others, and the Excalibur agent pointed the atomic pistol at them.

Then, accompanied by the deep blue meteor-shaped atomic energy bullet, the strength was so powerful that even the one-in-a-million warrior among the Frost Giants was directly blown to pieces.

Zod: Don't lie to me. I have read comics. The Frost Giant's threat to Asgard is actually the smallest. It's just that he was put on the table because he had been targeting and rebelling against Asgard!

In other words, the fighting power of the Frost Giants is very worrying. They are scum that belong to the ice method but have to follow the route of the ice tank.

Then they pointed the atomic pistol at the Destroyer armor~www.mtlnovel.com~ After the dark blue meteor hit the Destroyer armor, there was no explosion, but it was disintegrated.

After all, the Destroyer armor was worn by Odin and singled out the Celestial Team...

The dwarf king Ai Cui is responsible for forging, and the blessings of the gods are added after completion.

The gods here include heaven, heaven, Greece, Northern Europe, Egypt... and so on. A large group of heavenly fathers and gods have blessed the power. The Destroyer armor blessed with so many power blessings, even if it is worn by a pig Can obtain the power of the Almighty Father.

"It's a terrible situation."

Zod said blankly, if the Destroyer armor has the blessing of the gods, it means that the council of gods also exists, in the comic version of the world.

But he has Destroyer Superman, so you don't have to worry about it.

"Coleson, you are all leaving here, this time it is estimated to be a disaster of God's level."