
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 213: Odin, Thor, Rocky

Zodhis is the director, and he is also the director with the same authority.

So even if it is unknown, it may be very important. Coulson can only follow Zod's words and start to evacuate the people around him and let Thor enter the place where the hammer is.

Thor was ecstatic, tore off the isolating tape and jumped directly into the pit, reaching out and grabbing the warhammer after two days of absence.

At that moment, he smiled like a child.

Thor, who is like a bear child, is far from mature enough. If he wants to inherit the position of Odin, that is, become the king of Asgard, he needs to experience enough tempering.

At this moment, Thor, who was smiling off the assembly line, knelt down on the ground and screamed in frustration before he was regained control.

"Chief, what's wrong with him?"

Nick Fury hurried over, and he told him intuitively that this matter was of great importance, and then he came to see such a scene.

"Next you don't have to worry about it, just watch it."

Zordhis said meaningfully.


"You may not know, I messed up everything, everything I did was wrong."

In the town at night, the hormones of men and women are distributed, and the most suitable place is nothing more than a place like a bar. Now, even though he is full of sadness and depression, Thor was brought here by Dr. Selvig and was overwhelmed by a drink. At the same time, there are some things I want to say to Thor, but it is Thor who first revealed his heart.

"This is the first time in my thousand years of life that I don't know what to do next..." The expression was all at a loss. Although he didn't cry, he appeared to be a 200-jin golden retriever who couldn't find the owner. Sub-like.

Loki ran out to fool Thor as in the original plot. He didn't know that Zordheath had seen through his disguise and was watching his performance throughout.

Their dialogue is very concise, and the summary means that the war between Asgard and the Frost Giant broke out under Thor's previous invasion as a prelude. Odin, due to his advanced age, is fighting the Frost Giant Lauffy. Although Zhong repulsed his opponent, he was seriously injured and fell even shortly after.

At present, Asgard's throne is handed over to Loki, but the Frost Giant's re-invasion is really hard to resist. The continuation of the war will inevitably bring more deaths, so Loki stepped into the Frost Giant's territory and signed with him After the armistice agreement, Lauphy, of course, also made a request-exile Thor!

Loki and his mother agreed to this request.

Thor is not qualified to blame their choice, because he caused these disasters. Even if Loki told him before leaving, his father did not blame him, but the confusion in his heart will inevitably be there, and he has lived long enough. However, Thor, whose xinxing has always been like a naive child, has changed his xinxing to a large extent in the pain of losing his father and joint permanent exile.

At least, he now knows how to take on such a vocabulary.

Want to be a hero? If you die first, let's talk about it?

"My father tried to teach me, but I couldn't listen at all. My mind was too slow."

"It is a good thing to be able to find the problem. The most feared thing is that you still don't know where you are wrong." Dr. Selvig decided to give Thor two mouthfuls of chicken soup as an elder.

"Maybe there is no way to remedy the mistakes you committed, but at least you need to recognize the road ahead, understand your direction, think more about it, and listen to what your family members say even if it is difficult to hear."

"Well, thank you for your help." Thor raised his hand and pressed his forehead. He used to hate hearing similar things, but now he wants to hear his father continue to talk to him.

"No, don't thank me, I just did it for Jane." Dr. Selvig pushed the wine from the bartender to Thor.

"It doesn't matter if you are a fantasist or something else, but I noticed it, the way Jane looks at you."

Similarly, Dr. Selvig can now clearly see Thor's eyes, sincere and sad and confused, and he can't help but sigh.

"I swear to you, I will never hurt her." Thor said very solemnly.

Thor's non-committal attitude caused Dr. Selvig to nod.

"Very well, now finish this cup, and then you leave the town overnight."

It's just that these two guys don't know that they are chatting across channels?


"kill him!"

"After I have done so many things for you, are you still the same? It disappoints me."

The position he was in was the kingdom of the Frost Giants. The first arrival was a powerful invasion led by Thor, and even hit the area where Laufey, the King of Frost Giants, is located, which can be referred to as the Frozen Throne.

Everything was caused by that invasion, whether it was Thor's exile to the earth, or Loki discovered that he was the son of the Frost Giant. Although Loki did not recognize the identity of the Frost Giant, he always believed that he was the son of Odin. , But he also conspired a lot, including this time.

But in the face of the request made by the frost giant Lauffy at this moment, Loki fell silent. To be honest, he did not want to kill Thor, the brother who had lived together for thousands of years. Loki clearly understood Thor's naivety and stupidity. Thor is not suitable for ruling Asgard and even this star field. He is indeed Asgard's bravest fighter, but he is only a fighter.

Suitable to be the king of Asgard, only me, only me Loki!

"Leave aside this, are you interested in killing Odin?"

Rocky said to Lauphy.

There is no doubt that Lauphy is definitely willing.

Loki used him to kill Odin as a condition ~www.mtlnovel.com~ opened the secret road from Jotunheim to Asgard, and was able to reach Odin's palace directly.

It's just that Loki's statement is that after Laufe killed Odin, they have nothing to do. Loki is still the new king of Asgard, and Laufe is the king of frost giants.

Lauphy agreed. He didn't expect that Loki didn't want to kill Odin at all. He just wanted to kill the invading frost giants in front of the **** queen and Odin, so that they could see that he had become The qualifications and abilities of the King of Gods.

Loki at this time, but still deeply in love with the maternal love given by the Queen of God, is also very longing for Odin, so that he will not admit that he is the son of the frost giant Lao Fei.

The Destroyer armor and the Eternal Spear are Loki's cards to kill the Frost Giant. Then he will activate the Rainbow Bridge and completely destroy Jotunheim to express his determination.


"Then, we will ask you some questions next. If you can, please answer us, just as a question to understand the situation." Coulson tried his best to speak up, after all, there was a bad thing about Thor and Foster before. Impression, forbid Thor will continue to be silent.