
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 212: hammer

"The abnormal celestial phenomena caused by the appearance of the teleportation array and the warhammer, the scientific research personnel here recorded the data, quite professional equipment and technology" Coleson took off his sunglasses, that was the expression [I am all for your good].

"So, these data include equipment, which we expropriated."

"Hey! What are you doing? That's my thing." The blonde woman looked at these hand-designed, hand-tuned and installed all the instruments that were moved away, feeling like Jane Foster who had a child tore his wife. Screamed.

"This is confidential, and it is best for ordinary people not to touch too much."

Coleson is right.

There is no power and no power. If you want to deal with the Excalibur Bureau, which has more deterrence and power than the original S.H.I.E.L.D., the difficulty is probably nightmare level.

"I can sue you to seize my private property!" The entire studio was evacuated, and even the messy environment was cleaned up in a very orderly manner, but Miss Foster became more angry with this, and started An angry accusation.

"I'm sorry, Miss Foster, but we are good people."

Coleson took Miss Foster a long-prepared check and sent himself a good person card.

"So are we!" Foster suppressed his bad mood and resisted tearing up the check.

"We are about to make a major breakthrough in these data soon. You can't do this...Hello!"

Coleson paused for two seconds, keeping a business smile while pressing down slightly with **** that stretched out. Miss Foster walked behind two black-clad subordinates, and gave Foster the notebook in his hand. Take away.

"Give me back—hey!"

"Thank you for your cooperation!" Looking at Foster, who was dragged by his middle-aged male companion, Coleson made a gesture of gratitude very politely, but indeed, for this girl, encountered such a thing, the leader Coleson is undoubtedly an evil spirit.

The moving natural disaster brought disaster to Jane Foster.

To be honest, she felt that the last two days were terrible. First, she ran into a strange man while chasing the sky at night. Fortunately, she didn't kill him at the time, but she seemed to have knocked him stupid. He kept talking about strange things.

Son of Odin, Thor?

Is Thor who was shot by a stun gun?

Naturally, Miss Foster would not believe this kind of nagging things. It would be shameful to say that if Thor would be exposed to this level of electric shock, even the so-called force of the gods would be reduced to the extreme. ?

In fact, if Miss Foster would look at the myths and legends of Cthulhu, and see that the descendants of Bubbles would be killed by dogs, she probably wouldn't think that God really had such a thing as a compulsion.

The joint partner spent a lot of effort to send the man to the hospital, but then Miss Foster discovered that the hot man was the center of these data, but unexpectedly, she drove into the man again in the hospital. I went back to the studio halfway through the neglect and found that all the things I made by myself had been robbed. Although I left the money, what is the difference between the **** and Qiang [DATA EXPUNGED] and throwing you some money casually?

To be honest, Miss Foster gets along with those data instruments day and night, there is no doubt that there is a relationship, and even if she can, she doesn't mind spending the rest of her life with these things-but was robbed!

"I need a war horse!"

"Sorry, there are no horses here, only cats, dogs, birds..."

"Then only I can ride it!"

The young man at the front desk closed the book, looked at the blond man in front of him, and responded in the tone of the old driver.

"Man, besides the kind of professional ride nearby, the only thing left is the sow next door."

Miss Foster saw the man who had been hit by her car twice in a row showing up in the shop on the edge of the street, but was there something wrong in seeking a horse in the pet shop?

But there are some things she still wants to know, and the equipment that she treats as her husband, Miss Foster will never give up easily, so she once again found living research materials and was hit by a car and knocked down a blond man who claimed to be Thor. , To be serious, if the man's mind is normal, and only on figure and appearance, Miss Foster thinks this will be a very good companion.


The sirens sounded, and the dark clouds in the dark sky flickered with thunder. Neither the thunder nor the sirens were able to cover the fighting sound from the temporary research room.

"Attention everyone, there are intruders, repeat, there are intruders!"

The downpour fell, and through the almost transparent isolation cloth, you could see that many well-trained professionals were punched by Thor, like a child, like a child.

Then he was stopped...

If entering the land of no one is a joke, after all, Excalibur Game is different from S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau. There are a lot of people who can fight. Even after the two S-rank heroes have left, there are superheroes who will take over, and then this The superhero brought Thor down easily.

"Do not!"

Thor struggled, and he could feel the hammer close at hand.

"You have been arrested, sir, for a crime against humanity suspected of colluding with a weirdo."

The superhero who spoke righteously looked down at Thor and said.

"Mortal, you are insulting a god! I am the son of Odin, Thor!"

"Is there no way to communicate... Or you are pretending to be crazy and stupid? That kind of skill is not something a mental patient can have."

The superhero expressed his opinion to Coleson.

"Next, our people are in charge... Mr. Director!"

Coleson just wanted to say to take Thor down to torture, but in the downpour, Zordhis appeared in the dark knight armor, so Coleson saluted immediately.

The superhero also looked at Zod with a fanatical look at the idol.

The most mysterious and powerful superhero of Excalibur Bureau~www.mtlnovel.com~ has always been a beacon and savior in everyone's mind. When everyone is in despair, there will be a man who will turn the tide!

Almost all superheroes have fans, but their total number of fans can be compared to the number of fans of Zordhis alone.

"Let go of him, this time is a planetary diplomacy incident."

Zod said calmly, and then his men let go of Thor without hesitation.

"Chief, do you know him?"

Coulson saw something.

"To evacuate nearby residents, the standard is in accordance with dragon-level disasters."

Zod made Coulson and the people present pale with a single sentence. Of course, Thor didn't, because he didn't know what it meant.

"Prince Thor, you can find your hammer now."

Zod then said to Thor.