
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 211: Thor is coming

But at this time, the eldest son Thor was restless again, and ran to Jotunheim to fight the Frost Giant.

Odin didn't get angry, and planned to wait for him to come back, and then throw it to the earth.

Now that Zodhis is not on earth, it just happens to allow him to experience it.

Learn how to be a king.

Odin is a little taken for granted, or that the Asgard family actually cultivated children in this way?

There is a negative teaching material like Hela, but Odin still doesn't learn the lesson, that is, Thor has no brains and only likes recklessness, otherwise he will still raise a second Hela.

He seems to feel that without education, Thor can grow into what he wants...Where is his confidence?

In other words, why are you so confident?

Zordhis is indeed not on Earth, he hasn't been back to Earth for a long time.

Maybe I only go back when I remember it.

It's better to play Age of Empires for fun, now it's a live-action version of Age of Empires, and it's a universe map.

In addition to the gray knights and the black knights of the Burning Legion of the Kryptonian Empire, Zod also created a "berserk" court.

The so-called berserker is a melee master who does not carry any long-range weapons and relies entirely on power armor and cold weapons. The equipment of the whole body is made according to the predator.

But it's very luxurious.

For example, a wrist knife made of Edman alloy, or a sharp claw, is fitted on the wrist of a predator. It is the most conventional weapon of a predator. Any predator can be equipped with one hand or two hands.

There are also folding spears and whip blades (the mid-range cold weapon used by the "Lone Wolf". When using it, first throw the soft whip out of the wound target, and then recover the capacity to tear the target.)

Frisbees and darts, this is very classic, probably without explanation.

Then there are a series of weapons such as swords and hatchets.

All are made of Edman alloy, but the only warriors who can put on the Berserker mech.

In addition, it was Zod who made the exclusive weapon for the black knight, the black cutter.

The ax blade forged from Edman alloy, the stick and the grip are made of vibrating gold, which can reduce the shock to nothing. At the same time, it is a high-frequency vibration weapon, which is indestructible.

Even if it is used to slash the Black Knight Mecha, it is estimated that it can split the first layer of Edman alloy paint.

It is a well-deserved technological artifact!

You know that even if it is Thor's hammer, it will be damaged if it collides with Wolverine's Edman alloy steel claws, not to mention the Edman alloy that has become a high-frequency weapon?

I'm afraid that even Thor's Hammer would be split directly.

After finishing all these things, Zod returned to the earth.


When Uuld saw Zod, he couldn't help but hug him.

"Where have you been, why haven't you shown up for so long?"

Uuld asked.

"Long time?"

Zod was a little confused, but after a glance at the time, he knew it.

It was 2008 when he left to go to the universe, and it is now 2010.

The problem is that Zod himself doesn't think he has been away for so long.

It is estimated to be too far away, time is not waiting.

But it's actually been two years.

In the past two years, Zod has paid little attention to matters on Earth, so he looked at the records called by the extension of the Black Queen.

The battle between the Weird Association and the Excalibur Bureau lasted for two years without results, but more and more ghost-level weirdos were killed, and several dragon-level weirdos were also unfortunately killed.

It seems that the Excalibur Bureau will soon discover the headquarters of the Weird Association.


The headquarters of the Excalibur Bureau, the director has disappeared for two years... In fact, he has not disappeared, because the Black Queen's sub-intelligence handled it very well. Those people thought that Zod was always there. Who asked him to give the Dark Knight armor to this Sub-intelligent control.

At this moment, the energy detection device developed by Tony Stark detected strange data, and the data was located in New Mexico.

"Well, maybe something weird has come to the earth, so who of you is going to see it?"

Tony asked the S-class heroes wearing communicators.

"Let me go."

The Stone Man was spending his honeymoon with his new wife, so Dr. Banner chose to take the initiative to ask.

He and Hulk both enjoy the current life. Hulk will not cause him trouble, and there is no need to worry that Hulk will run out when he is too passionate with Betty. In fact, Hulk is too lazy to move even if his heartbeat exceeds the upper limit, unless It's time to play or to fight weirdos.

Of course, Zord had warned Dr. Banner before leaving that his gamma-ray radiation exceeded the standard. If you want to be too passionate with Betty, you must prepare a radiation-proof safety umbrella, otherwise Betty may be killed by him, or directly Become a harpy and a giant scarlet.

To be honest, in fact, Zod really wanted to see the Harpy or the Scarlet Giant, after all, it was the Hulk family.

But Betty is more likely to die~www.mtlnovel.com~Zod does not want to bet.

No one else had any opinions, but Bronsky proposed to go along with him, because he was also eager to fight and would never be absent if there was a fight.


Puente Antequera, New Mexico!

A town that emerged from mining has a small area and a population of only a thousand people.

The Excalibur Bureau moved very quickly and surrounded here.

"The abnormal celestial phenomenon that appeared in New Mexico. At present, two S-class heroes have arrived and sent me the traces left on the scene."

The screen in front of him showed a picture of a suspected magic circle, strange patterns and unrecognized text. Looking at this picture, Nick couldn't help falling into silence, Coleson added later.

"Three witnesses were there when the abnormal celestial phenomenon appeared, and they drove into a man who appeared to be accompanied by the abnormal celestial phenomenon."

"Tell me the response of the text group first." Nick Fury couldn't understand.

"That crazy man calls himself Odin's son, Thor." Coleson remained calm.

"The response of the script group is the Nordic script that seems to have fallen with the progress of civilization..."

Nick Fury hadn't finished digesting, and Coleson gave him another message.

"There is also the hammer that appeared with it. We have already applied for a crane, but we can't shake this hammer. We are currently preparing to dig it away along with the dirt under it."


Nick Fury looked at the hammer on the screen, lost in thought.

I thought there were some weird people or aliens, but it looked so weird.

"You are solely responsible for this."

In the end, Nick Fury could only be handed over to Coleson, a trusted man.

The man in black ordered by Coulson is moving the instrument out of someone else's studio.