
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 210: concern

Although this gave the outside world a sigh of relief, not everyone in the Kryptonian Empire was at the level of Asides.

But it is not much better, because the individual combat capability of the Kryptonian Empire is also very outrageous.

Their power armor technology seems to be very powerful, especially from the gray knights fighting ten civilizations, but not a single damaged member can be seen.

This is an interstellar war. The amount of troops invested is calculated in hundreds of millions. Civilizations that have the ability to cross their own star system are not easy to provoke. As a result, the Grey Knights swept through ten civilizations in one go, but there was not even one casualty. The mechas they wore were as indestructible, even if they were hit by a heavy weapon, they could get up as quickly as possible.

And the slow heavy weapons can't hit them.

After all, Zod perfectly restored the millisecond-level reaction speed of the interstellar warrior, making the gray knight mecha look thick and slow. In fact, the nerve reflex speed was enough to crush most races.

The Grey Knights faced a number of enemies far more than their own, and they bluntly killed the opponents and defeated them.

Killing blood flowed into a river, killing the other party himself collapsed.

Onlookers felt that the willpower and combat power of these mecha fighters were really outrageous, let alone facing their enemies in person.

They are like reefs in the rapids. They are still tenacious in the face of the waves. They feel as if they are indestructible and impossible to defeat. Therefore, even if the number of enemy troops is far more than them, they are still tenacious. Also defeated.

After conquering ten civilizations and gaining control over hundreds of planets, Zod did not continue to expand. He had to digest resources and expand his forces at the same time.

There are currently 10,000 Gray Knights, and there are 100 Black Knights among these 10,000 people, but they want to rule hundreds of planets. In addition, these planets still have rebellions, and it will be difficult to maintain their rule without expanding their forces.

But there are also benefits, because they have just been conquered, they dare not refuse to face the demands of the Kryptonian Empire, so Zord has obtained a lot of resources.


In the vast deep space universe, a cluster of nebula-like material condenses into crystals. On a huge foundation, the blue ocean flows toward the edge, turning into a spectacle like a waterfall.

In the middle of the ocean, the main hall and statues stand majestic, and the background is a rolling mountain. The colorful rainbow runs through the entire country, and being in it is like walking into a fairyland in a fairy tale.


The fairy palace in Nordic mythology, its owner is Odin, the king of the gods, but in the Marvel world, Asgard is a major force in the universe, and the gods are all cosmic people.

This fairy palace does not belong to any star system. It was moved into the deep space universe and became a floating continent.

High technology and magic have bred this magical continent together. There is no planetary rotation, but day and night. This is Asgard.

The golden hall is located under the mountain, solemn and majestic. An old man in golden armor overlooks the dense golden buildings below. Although he has only one eye, it is difficult to watch the panorama and needs to keep turning his head, but there are some flaws. Does not affect his domineering madness.

God King Odin!

After Odin took the stage, he changed from a tyrant to a benevolent monarch, and he was about to transform into a faint monarch, making it easy to make way for the next generation, but his two sons...none of them were suitable heirs.

In another country, the two princes might have brainstormed for the throne, but his two sons...a husband and a yin, the style of painting is completely different from that of other palaces.

The eldest son Thor is brave and good at fighting, and he is very prestigious in the army. Almost everyone supports him to inherit the rule, but he has a fatal injury.

He has never been merciful to the enemy, has no overall view of the situation in his manners, and does not like to use his brain when he is in trouble, or he has no brain at all. He has participated in numerous battles of various sizes and learned a trick.


Thor: Whatever you want to do with your head, just be reckless!

Odin wondered, if Thor becomes the next **** king, Asgard... nine out of ten days are at war, and one day is drunk.

In a few years, there will be no Asgard.

The second son, Loki, is the exact opposite of Thor. He thinks twice before doing anything. He can move his mouth and never hands. If he can BB, he won't hit people. If he can sneak attack from behind, he won't be stubborn.

This is not to say that Loki is smart, on the contrary, Loki has enough brains but not on the right path. He likes to play some insidious tricks that are not on the table. The methods are not decent enough, and there is no kingly grandeur.

If Loki inherits the rule, Asgard... there will be no Asgard that day, and the Frost Giant King Lao Fei can laugh alive.

An adopted child, not to mention the flaws in his personality, even if he is really the King of Eternal Ming, Odin will not pass on the throne to him.

At this time, Odin, the king of God, has just watched the war of the Krypton Empire sweeping ten civilizations~www.mtlnovel.com~ He also knows the "Emperor" of the Krypton Empire very well, because Gu Yi told him about Zord Heath thing.

A person who is not manipulated by fate, it is so mysterious that Gu Yi saw 10 million times in the future and there will be 10 million different results, so that Gu Yi was so confused that he could only be forced to keep certain key things. Being changed, Zordhis can do the rest.

Because it is very bad that Gu Yi discovered that if he intervenes, the possibility will increase millions of times in the future, and then there will be millions of different futures.

The result of expelling Zod will be even worse, because Zod can come back by himself. He has mastered the two basic forces and deduced the four basic forces, and then he will come up with a unified force field just around the corner. When the time comes, Zod will go wherever he wants Which universe is easier to come back to.

The reason Odin pays attention to Zod and his Kryptonian empire is because he wants to know whether Zod will threaten the Nine Worlds, or Asgard.

The situation is very bad. Although Zod looks like a man obsessed with beauty, he is very sensible and calm most of the time, which proves that he is very ambitious and will not be satisfied with the status quo.

Zod: "You misunderstood, what I'm not satisfied with is that there are too few hand girls."

He didn't know that Zod could control his hormone secretion. He spent most of his time in sage time. He was naturally sensible and calm, and very wise.

Otherwise, he may be in destruction and desire all the time, because the day of destruction is strong, the endless physical strength and energy are uncomfortable, and he wants to vent, want to destroy something, and want to be beaten or killed.

You won't have these feelings in the time of the sage.

Odin didn't know what he would do if Zodhis really pointed the front at Asgard.