
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 21: Cross-age weapons

After Norman left the blade technology industry and saw the mature super soldier animalized soldier of the world snake, he had given up in his heart the super soldier serum that he had not made progress.

   At the same time, if there is really hope of survival, Norman also wants to join the world snake!

  Since the snakes in the world have super soldiers such as the beast soldiers who are subverting the world, it is undoubtedly very promising to follow them.

  Zord only took a day to create the anti-retrocellular hyperplasia drug, but he didn't give it to Norman right away, but it took several days before it was sent to him.

   After receiving it, Norman opened the suitcase very excitedly.

   I saw a syringe and three medicaments filled with blue liquid, as well as instructions.

   It is injected once a month to suppress retrocellular hyperplasia. At the same time, in order to prevent retrocellular hyperplasia, it is best to check it every three months.

  It is impossible for any medicine to be effective with one shot, let alone a genetic disease, which itself is a manifestation of genetic defects.

Norman was not surprised. He took the suitcase and went to Connors. He needed Connors to help him monitor the situation after the injection of inhibitors. Although Connors didn't know where the inhibitors came from, and he didn't. Norman is not recommended to inject directly, the ghost knows if it will cause any accidents.

   But Norman couldn't wait, Connors had to obediently inject Norman with inhibitors after lying on the examination table.

   Norman fell asleep under the effect of the medicine, and then the inhibitor medicine started to repair his defective gene.

   After Norman regained consciousness, he found that the feeling of weakness in his body had disappeared. He felt that he was full of energy and his limbs were strong, and he felt better than ever.

   The genetic disease that Osborne Industries has been unable to solve with the efforts of generations has been solved by the World Snake!

   This also strengthened Norman's determination to join World Snake.

Norman originally thought that the next step would be to merge Osborne Industries into Blade Technology Industry and grow the industrial group. As a result, Zod kept him as it is. The reason is simple. Osborne Industries is not Norman's words, and there are many shareholders. There are many people with great skills and strength inside. It's not bad to insist, but that will waste too much time.

   The first thing Zord asked Norman to do was to go to Russia to find Ivan Vanke.

   For this Russian Maozi with only one name and simple information, Norman directly used his own capital power. In less than two days, Zod saw Ivan Vanke who had been packaged and sent.

   Oh, and his surviving father Anton Vanke.

   It was easy to get these two people. Zod didn't care about their needs, he went directly to the brainwashing device and washed them into loyal scientific researchers in the world.

   In order to prevent Anton Vanke from being too weak and dying in obscurity as in the original plot, Zod injected him with super animal serum, turning him into a animal soldier.

   In accordance with Zod's requirements, the two created a reduced controllable cold nuclear fusion arc reactor. At the same time, they also taught Zod. Zod quickly learned and improved.

It's just that palladium is still used. For new elements, for example, the periodic table of Krypton is different from the periodic table of the earth. Most of the elements are different, but that is caused by the different environment of Krypton. Without Krypton, there would naturally be no elements that Zod is familiar with, but the power of this miniature arc-shaped reactor is enough, and Zod is not trying to make a big thing.

   He just intends to get Tony Stark one step ahead and make a steel suit.

After registering the patent for the miniature arc reactor, Zod started his own imitation show. Oh, no, he made it first. Tony Stark's Mark 1 is still eight years away, so it will be Tony Stark from now on. Ke imitated him.

   "Uuld, inviting the five permanent members and capable national military and defense ministries to say that our Blade Technology Industry has another exhibition of new products, but this time it is not a material, but an epoch-making new weapon."

   Zod ordered his secretary.

   Urder was taken aback, so soon there is a new weapon that crosses the age?

The countries that have received the notice from Blade Technology Industry have attracted attention. After all, the changes brought about by secondary krypton gold have appeared in the world. At least half of human industries have achieved breakthroughs due to the emergence of secondary krypton gold. It can be said that Zod and his blade technology industry are now regarded as the most influential men in the world.

   And now Zod actually said there are cross-age weapons?

   Not only the country, but all groups and enterprises involved in the military industry have received this news.

   They are all very interested in the cross-age weapons of the Blade Technology Industry. Is it an electromagnetic kinetic energy weapon? Or is it laser weapons? Wouldn't it be a more sci-fi force field weapon?

On the day of the exhibition, I don't know how many celebrities, big names, and representatives of the military and defense of various countries gathered ~www.mtlnovel.com~ but Zodd Heath, who is the protagonist, has not been seen for a long time. After asking his secretary, Uuld was told, Zod will appear when the exhibition opens.

   "I didn't know that Zod had such a beautiful female secretary."

Tony Stark is also here. He is also interested in Zod's cross-age weapons. More importantly, he claims to be the smartest person in the world. He doesn't think the so-called cross-age weapons can be so powerful or in terms of materials. Forget it, but Tony Stark will never admit defeat in this regard.

   "Mr. Stark, welcome to our exhibition."

   Uuld said politely, she is almost out of business, to entertain representatives of various countries and a large number of big people who can't afford to offend, but Zod only said to give you a raise, and then left herself on the scene.

   Now Uuld doesn't know what Zod's cross-age weapon is, but she only knows that if Zod can't produce anything powerful in such a big battle, the Blade Technology Industry will suffer.

   "I wonder if after the end, can I invite you to dinner?"

   Tony has already taken a fancy to Uuld, ready to have a one-night stand.

   "Sorry, Mr. Stark, I have to greet others."

   Urder smiled apologetically, and then left.

  Although Tony Stark is also very handsome and attractive, he is more attractive than his own boss, no matter what.

   Just as everyone was seated and waiting for the opening of the exhibition, the surrounding lights suddenly went out.

   Although it was sudden, everyone present had seen the big scene, so there was no panic.