
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 207: Kryptonian Empire

"Attack! Free to fire and knock her out!"

With the command of the warship commander, the fleet turned on all firepower, aiming at the front cover and firing.

More than a dozen frigates were scattered, the main guns in front of the warships were charged, and the wings opened one by one, ejecting countless small airships. The locusts generally flared both sides, and the black pressure rushed in the direction of Tifa.

After the main battery of the battleship was charged, the secondary guns fired first, and the dense missiles completed the saturated coverage strike first.

Three rounds of attacks followed, and in an instant, beams of light suddenly lit up, forming a shining light curtain, illuminating the entire dark universe.

The overwhelming devastating blow is the military strength that the Kerry Empire is proud of, and it is also the basis for their rampage in the boundless starry sky.

But in the next second, Tifa disappeared without warning, and the previously shocking light beam, now as small as a pearl of rice, suddenly lit up and quickly extinguished.

The iron hoof of war, representing the beam of death, is vulnerable to Tifa's attack.

The Burning Legion only dispatched three people and swept the fleet of the Cree Empire, forcing the Cree to choose to negotiate.

This also coaxed the universe, allowing many people to see the power of the Burning Legion. Many Wanderers or forces wanted to join the Burning Legion, but the Burning Legion would not accept it.

"What do you want?"

The negotiators sent by the Cree met directly with Zodhis.

"Where is the Supreme Wisdom, isn't it coming to talk to me?"

Zod frowned.

"The Supreme Wisdom appoints me to handle it."

Opposite is the Captain of Cree's Surprise Team, Michael Weir.

Of course, the original Captain Marvel Zodhis is very familiar, but the setting is different from the comics and movies.

Carol ran to the universe to enforce justice, but the original Captain Marvel was still there?

Or is it just the same name and last name?

Surprise team followed the negotiating team to the Burning Legion. Obviously, the Supreme Intelligence wanted to make the Marvel team stun the Burning Legion.

It's a pity that it still doesn't know the strength of the Kryptonians, just like Captain Marvel, as long as he is not as strong as in the comics, any Kryptonian can solve their team.

"Captain Marvel, I have heard of your name, but what I want is simple, knowledge and talent."

Zodhis nodded, then said.

"This is impossible!"

Mike Will shook his head, then said firmly.

Zodhis knew his answer for a long time, so he looked at the negotiator.

"The Supreme Wisdom won't agree, but we don't need to hold accountable for those who have been arrested, so that's it.

The negotiator said something unexpected to Mywell.

"I disagree!"

Maiwell stood up.

But the next moment, his eyes flashed green.

Then he just stayed in place.

Obviously it was controlled by the Supreme Wisdom.

"The Supreme Wisdom? My request is actually very simple. All the scientific and technological knowledge and talents of the Cree Empire, if you don't give it, continue to fight."

Zod looked at Maywell and said.

The Burning Legion now prevails, not the Cree Empire.

Even if the number of the Burning Legion is small, the combat power is exploding, and Zodhis has now mastered the basic use of space gems, and can directly invest troops like the Rainbow Bridge in Asgard, without having to go through a long voyage. Can directly pass through the lines of defense and reach the opponent's home star.

If it really started fighting, Zod would drop Esthers and the others on the home planet of the Cree, to see how they could withstand the attack of the three Kryptonians.

Not to mention that the Cree Empire has to go to war with the Skrew Empire.

The Supreme Wisdom thought quickly, and then agreed to Zodhis' terms.

After the two parties reached a consensus, Supreme Wisdom arranged for people to send knowledge and talents, but due to security issues, it may take a lot of time to send them.

Zod agreed to this, and it didn't matter if they wanted to delay anyway.

"The rationality of artificial intelligence is really stronger than that of the living body. If I had spoken to the living body just now, it would have aroused the anger of the crowd, and then I would rather break it than be complete."

Zod pondered.

"The other party is more advanced than me."

The Black Queen also heard about the Supreme Wisdom.

That is the "Supreme Wisdom" of the life computer created by the Cree people. It embodies the highest wisdom of the Cree people, including all science, philosophy, military affairs, ideas, and so on.

Although the Supreme Wisdom basically cannot move, it has all the known psychic abilities, such as telepathy, telekinesis, cosmic consciousness, sensory connection, perception, foresight, etc.

The Supreme Wisdom has super intelligence, and it can also manipulate energy and matter. It created three robots to serve it. These robots are completely loyal to the supreme intelligence and have a certain degree of independence, which can act as the remote senses of the supreme intelligence.

The Supreme Wisdom generally appears in the form of a huge green amorphous face~www.mtlnovel.com~ sometimes also appears in the form of an orange dragon and a green octopus. It can communicate with agents distributed throughout the universe through hair-like tentacles. The Supreme Wisdom can also project its own mirror image to other spaces and astral planes.

After the Supreme Intelligence merges with an inert cosmic cube, its ability is further enhanced, able to manipulate reality within a limited distance, and can create portals between dimensions. At present, the Cosmos Cube is the true and independent bunker of the Supreme Intelligence. It has also created an organic computer prosthesis to confuse those assassins who attempt to attack it.

The Supreme Wisdom is a supercomputer system created by the Kerry Empire using the strongest brains of their greatest thinkers, generals, philosophers, and scientists. It is the highest leader of the Kerry people. It gives the Kerry people all Knowledge and spiritual power.

Originally, the Supreme Wisdom would not agree to the conditions of the Burning Legion, but after analyzing the strengths of Zodhis and the Burning Legion, it chose to make concessions.

Because the Burning Legion is too strong.

Even if the number of people is unknown, the three fighters and leaders alone give the supreme wisdom an unfathomable feeling.

In order to be able to deal with the Skrull Empire, the Supreme Wisdom chose to compromise. Now for it, the elimination of Skrull talents is the most important thing.

Of course Zordheath didn't make an inch, so he just closed it as soon as he saw it.

At the same time, it was also announced that the Krypton Empire was formally established, and the Burning Legion was just the army of the Krypton Empire.

Zodhis is the "emperor" of the Krypton Empire!

"Krypton Empire?"

"Who are the Kryptonians and why haven't they heard of it before?"

"What I care about is, are the Kryptonians as strong as the three major fighters of the Burning Legion?"