
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 206: Powerful Burning Legion

The attack by the weirdo also surprised them. The weirdo hadn't done it before, and suddenly came this way. Fortunately, Tony himself has an Iron Legion himself. The recent research on Zord's weapons also inspired him, otherwise it might be true. Will die under the siege of three ghost-level weirdos.

Even so, Tony was scared into a cold sweat.

Afterwards, he complained that the support speed of the Excalibur Bureau was too slow, and if something really happened, he died before the Excalibur Bureau arrived.

"Where is Zordhis? Why didn't he come?"

Tony was puzzled, he still wanted to show his achievements to Zordhis.

"In fact, he hasn't shown up for a long time."

Nick Fury's face was grim.

He felt that each of these geniuses was really not worrying.


Emperor Star, Zod has just watched the process of Tony fighting three ghost-level weirdos. He did not expect Tony actually copied his series of strong melting guns and electromagnetic weapons. As expected, everyone was forced out. Don't force it, Tony Stark. There will never be so many powerful weapons.

I feel that when Thanos comes, he can become the absolute main force.

In fact, Zod has always felt that the technology of the Marvel World seems to be crooked, mainly because the various powerful life forms seem to destroy the world, but in fact they seem to be unable to hold the technology weapons.

It's like Thanos, the eternal Titan clan, with thick skin and thick skin, not even afraid of a heavy blow from Thor's Hammer.

But...what about gravity collapse weapons?

What about high-frequency swords?

Where's the positron cannon?

What about the atomic cannon?

Although these weapons were nothing to Zod, Er Xianghu could probably ignore it now, but he doubted that Thanos could stop one shot.

But considering that this is the Marvel world after all, maybe Thanos, I think I can stop it, and then it really stops.

"The weirdos of the Weird Association can be considered as brains. They know that they are going to attack Tony Stark, the weakest guy, but wouldn't it be better to send dragon-level weirdos like bean sprouts? The battle can be ended in an instant. The three are just rough-skinned ghost-level weirdos. You can send a cockroach as fast as you can."

Zod complained that the tactical arrangement of the big piercing eyes is very problematic, but he is already watching a live-action movie. After these superheroes solve the Weird Association, it is estimated that the Zeta Rising will come.

So before that, you can also look at the Excalibur Bureau to fight the wits with the Weird Association.

On the other side, the Burning Legion is at war with the Cree Empire.

It can't be said to start a war, it's just that the Burning Legion wants to take advantage of the chaos to **** the scientists of the Cree Empire back to serve itself.

This is nothing, because not only the Burning Legion did this, many forces took advantage of the autumn wind when the Cree Empire and the Skrew Empire went to war, and picked up the bargain.

However, most of these people were killed, and when it was the turn of the Burning Legion, the Cree Empire suddenly discovered that the strength of the Burning Legion was beyond imagination!

The army sent to destroy the Burning Legion was annihilated by the entire Burning Legion, and then the Burning Legion took the opportunity to rob many Cree scientists to serve themselves.

These Cree scientists had no choice. People had to bow their heads under the eaves, but they also thought that the Cree Empire could come and save them.

However, as the war gradually extended and increased, there was no news that the Cree Empire had defeated the Burning Legion. Instead, the Burning Legion defeated the Cree Empire and retreated, so that the Cree Empire was fighting the Skrews. The war of the empire was also affected by this shot from behind, and the Skrews counterattacked many places.

The Kerry's giant warship slightly adjusted its hull, and the missile launching ports under its belly were all opened, densely packed with hundreds of them. The recharged beam cannon also extended, and all of it fired in an instant, dropping a magnificent barrage.

The small spaceships rushing from the surrounding locust version are also full of firepower, sprinkling green light spots all over the sky...

boom! boom! boom! boom!

However, a figure soared into the sky with gunfire, smashed through the giant battleship with a physical body, covered the sky in the blink of an eye, and the whole world was rendered blue.

The shield of the battleship surged, and the shock wave swept away wave after wave, like a hurricane that ruined the world and swept the whole field in an instant.

The shield of the giant battleship was barely supported, and the surrounding small spaceships were miserable. There were countless explosions. After a while, they all became fireballs and fell to the ground in the air.

Esdes hit the ground on his toes and instantly came to the front of the battleship. Every step he took, his momentum increased by one point. The cold eyes were transmitted to the battleship control room by the observer, making everyone look desperate, even breathing.

Monsters of the Burning Legion!

He has such a powerful force!

Her body seemed to be indestructible, and the Cree couldn't hurt Esders even if he used any attack method!

And such a powerful fighter, there are two more in the Burning Legion, and the unfathomable owner of the Burning Legion-Zod Heath!

In the clouds, ominous black clouds gathered, and strong energy radiation interfered with the magnetic field ~www.mtlnovel.com~, causing ripples in the space.

"General, a strong energy response was detected..."

In the command room, as soon as the voice fell, the continuous explosion shook everyone upside down, and the shield light curtain of the battleship reached the zero point, and it disappeared suddenly after hearing a crisp sound.

Esdes tore the external defensive armor, chiseled into the hull of the ship, and wrecked the structure.

boom! boom! boom

A Kryptonian leaped into the ship to cause explosive destruction, which is an unimaginable disaster for the warship.

Deafening explosions sounded continuously inside the battleship, triggering an irreversible continuous reaction, clusters of flame demon flowers bloomed, and billowing black clouds rose into the sky.

The hot shock wave caused secondary damage, and a large number of parts separated from the main body of the battleship, falling down like raindrops.

The black smoke that obscured the sky and the sun rose from the battleship, and the entire hull fell tilted towards the ground. Even if the isolation zone was activated, it could not stop the footsteps of Esther's attack.

The strong collision, the rampant energy shock wave shattered the void, and shook the spreading ripples.

The planet's atmosphere was affected by energy, igniting boundless hurricanes, thunder and lightning flashed below, and the clear blue sky became densely clouded. Like a black curtain, it was dark and could not even shine through the sun.

Soon, the dark clouds were torn apart, the hurricane hit the ground, and the dust was lifted up into the sky...

The people watching the battle nearby were all stunned. The Burning Legion was too powerful, right? When the Cree fleet arrived, they felt that the Burning Legion was dead. In the blink of an eye, it became the Cree fleet dead?

Finally, Esdes went deep into outer space and destroyed all eight warships.

The picture ended here, and it was finally fixed on the facial features enlarged by Esders, and his cold eyes were chilling.

Alien high-tech, clear picture quality, even the number of eyelashes can be counted.