
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 205: Counterattack

"Poz, run!"

Tony hurriedly sent Poz into the basement.


Poz just wanted to say something.

The insect **** smashed through the wall and appeared in front of the two of them, and the concrete fragments spilled over them.

But Tony reached out and pressed his hand at this time, and his whole body was covered by nano armor.

He wrestled with the Worm God, and the Worm God randomly tossed Tony Stark weighing hundreds of catties away, and Tony Stark smashed the wall again.

"Jarvis, remind me next time to strengthen the walls of my house."

Tony shook his helmet, and concrete gravel fell from his body. He stood up again, and when he was ready to use the weapon against the insect god, the cutting king launched a surprise attack from the side, and the two knives cut on Tony in a flash.

The nano armor of Tony's arms was immediately cut off.

Fortunately, his nano armor was strong enough, and at the same time it was cut off, the cutting king's double knives didn't have the strength to continue cutting his arms.

However, this also made Tony a cold sweat and almost broke his hand.

"Ghost level weirdo insect **** and ghost level weirdo cutting king!"

Tony's database contains information on these two weirdos, but he didn't expect these two ghost-level weirs to attack.

When did the weirdo become so smart?

"And me, the wrestler Rhino!"

A huge rhino man ran and smashed through the walls of Tony Stark's house and appeared in front of him.

"Ghost-level weirdo, wrestler rhino????"

Tony's face in the nano armor is suddenly ugly. Under what circumstances, why are there three ghost-level weirdos?

Does the Weird Association take me so seriously?

Tony was swearing, but he was not incapable of dealing with the three ghost-level weirdos.

I've been dealing with weirdos for so long.

The nano armor of his arms recovered and then changed into weapons.

The blue laser fired from Tony's hand, and the cutting king was unknown, so he rushed up directly, but the blue laser easily penetrated his body.

Relying on his strong defensive power, Chongshen succeeded the Slicing King and punched Tony.

Tony's nano-armor on his right arm expanded rapidly, forming a heavy hammer, and then he had several jets on his right arm, swinging and hitting the insect god, sending it a home run.

The wrestler Rhino immediately grabbed Tony and was about to throw him to the ground.

As a result, Tony's feet turned into a cross and fixed on the ground. The wrestler Rhino couldn't shake him at once. Then Tony's left hand formed a sharp edge and turned around and cut with a sword.

However, the wrestler's rhino skin is thick and thick, and Tony's sword can only cut sparks and shallow blood marks on him. At this time, the cutting king has once again swung two knives and chopped over.

Tony opened a hole in his back and fired a few **** at the Slicing King. After hitting the Slicing King, these things spread quickly, forming nano armor, restraining the Slicing King's actions.

At the same time, facing the wrestler Rhino, Tony's chest lit up, and a chest energy cannon shot the wrestler Rhino flying out.

But Tony was also elbowed by the insect god.

"It's still too reluctant to face three ghost-level weirdos at once, Jarvis, why haven't the others arrived yet?"

Tony kept firing energy cannons to prevent the three ghost-level weirdos from approaching.

"Other S-rank heroes have rushed over in an emergency."

Jarvis replied.

"Well, it seems I have to find some helpers for myself first."

Tony started his own preset program.

Suddenly, several faces of the Iron Legion in the basement lit up with energy light.

While he was fighting, the Slicing King was suddenly hit by an energy bomb, and then vanished.

This shocked the insect **** and the wrestler rhino.

Then they saw an Iron Man holding something like a huge gun.

"It's Zodhis' strong melting gun!"

The insect **** and the wrestler rhino recognized this weapon.

"Oh, you actually know each other?"

Tony said unexpectedly.

Nonsense, of course the Weird Association knows that Zodhis is considered to be the strongest human being, and it is not simple.

But the weapons and equipment he developed, even the dragon-level weirdo, would be frightened. If nothing else, just say this strong melting gun, don't you see that the cutting king just disappeared without even humming.

You know, the Slicing King is a ghost-level weirdo!

In fact, Zod didn't expect Tony to be able to copy the fusion spear, or that he didn't announce the technique of the fusion spear, so Tony just got it out.

Then, a bullet with an arc shot from a distance. The horn of the wrestler Rhino was directly penetrated by the bullet. Then the bullet penetrated the wrestler Rhino's body, penetrated the floor, and collapsed half of Tony. Stark's villa!

The insect **** didn't react until the wrestler Rhino was killed and hid on the side.

"It's a bit too powerful."

Tony Stark said easily ~www.mtlnovel.com~ The electromagnetic kinetic energy gun fired secondary krypton gold projectiles, and the damage caused was enough to penetrate seven high-rise buildings.

However, considering that it was aimed at his own home, Tony Stark weakened his power.

But even so, the remaining Worm God's face turned pale.

Is this guy a fool?

"Well, what are you waiting for, let him go to hell."

With an order from Tony, dozens of steel legions drew electromagnetic railguns at the villa. Electromagnetic railguns and electromagnetic kinetic energy guns are different weapons. They emit electromagnetic waves, and their power is not as exaggerated as an electromagnetic kinetic energy gun. Can easily penetrate many armored targets.

Not to mention the intensive shooting now. The load-bearing pillars, walls, etc. of the villa were all shattered, and the house collapsed.

Insect God hid in the villa and was beaten to the ground. Little Pepper Boz was in shock. She was just covered in a steel suit and escaped. Now she saw the entire villa was gone and was razed to the ground. , Little Pepper Poz covered his forehead. Although New Stark Industries has made a lot of money now, such a villa is also a lot of money.

Not to mention that I just paid a real estate tax. It didn't take long before I demolished the house myself, and the insurance company didn't know whether it would be accepted or not.

"It's okay, Poz."

Tony thought that Pepper couldn't accept this kind of scene, so he hugged her and comforted him.

At this time, the army of the Excalibur Bureau finally arrived, the War Machine and the Iron Overlord surrounded the scene, and the S-rank heroes arrived without fail.

"Stark, are you okay!"

I won't have anything until you come.

Tony complained.

However, his attack has also attracted great attention from the Excalibur Bureau and other countries, and the Weird Association has indeed made a big move!