
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 201: Morag

A place of nothingness!

The famous extra-legal place in the universe, a seemingly disordered and chaotic place, whether it is a wanted criminal in the universe or an interstellar predator, can show up grandiosely here, and no law will restrain them.

But it is only on the surface, it is not really disorderly in places outside the law, otherwise it would have been chaotic.

Collector Tiwan formulated the rules, where money is supreme, money can do anything in the void, even if you play blasting in the downtown area, no one will be held accountable as long as the fine is made up afterwards.

The spacecraft sailed in from the eye socket of the head of the Celestial Group. Tiwan discovered the head many years ago and immediately organized manpower for occupation and mining.

The bones, brain tissue, and spinal fluid from the Celestial Group are rare resources, and the price remains high on the black market of all galaxies.

Most of the head was hollowed out, and along with mining and construction, it attracted a large number of businessmen influx. Followed by the desperadoes, the various forces are entangled here and it is very chaotic.

As the spacecraft moved slowly, Zod and the others saw a lot of mining platforms, the heads of the Celestial Group were regarded as resources, and densely packed mining robots were working frantically.

"Are they digging this head?"

Yan Lingji felt unable to understand.

"It's normal, you can understand them as digging Taiyi or Pangu's head."

Zod shrugged.

Then Yan Lingji understood it, and she even wanted to dig a bit to see if she could dig something good.

"Is it possible to mine the same thing as Moxun?"

Tifa also asked curiously.

"No, but the head of the Celestial Group should be able to mine other good things."

Zod thought about it for a while and said, there shouldn't be anything in the head of the Celestial Group like Moxun.

when! !

With a soft sound, the spacecraft docked on the Xinggang apron.

When they got off the spaceship, Zod and the others went straight to the slave area. After a while, Zod and the others left the slave-trafficking block. They were a little disappointed. They thought they could buy everything with money, but the cruel facts told him that he was not a real person. Money man.

"Is the Cree Science Home so expensive?"

Zod had an unexpected expression on his face.

No way, it seems that the plan to buy slaves has failed.

The prices of the Cree scientists are crazy, and the universe spiritual ball is only a few billion, they dare to bid a billion.

Zord, who thought he was already rich, suddenly felt ashamed.

Unreasonable, I will return to Earth to pull the Burning Legion out and attack the Cree Empire. There will be as many Cree scientists as there are Cree scientists!

Of course, Zod is just talking about it.

Since you can't buy a Cree scientist, then simply stroll around in the void, and if you want to buy anything, there is no shortage of such a little money anyway.

After this round, the three of Esthers were very happy, and Zod was more and more depressed.

Why are entertainment products more expensive than scientific research products?

But he still sees it very openly. If the money is gone, you can easily make it back. It is the most important thing to make your own woman happy.

During this time, Zod heard the movement of Thanos' dark cult. They attacked the home star of the Zeta Rising, and they were smashed all the way. Now the Zeta Rising has become one of Thanos's crotch lackeys.

And this is something that just happened not long ago.

"According to the timeline, it seems to be right?"

Zod thought for a while, after all, it was only 2005 on the earth side, and it was three years before Iron Man was born in 2008. As a result, Tony had already produced nano armor that surpassed blood-side armor.

If the Zetaris dared to invade the earth, they would die miserably.

Because the earthlings have been trained in Zod's emergency training again and again with a strong battlefield response, and there are so many war machines and Iron Overlords.

After buying a lot of useless entertainment products, Zod took Esther and the others back to the spaceship.

The next target location, the universe spirit ball!

It's all coming to the universe, it's impossible to go back empty-handed, just as Zord still remembers where the universe spirit ball is.

Now the Guardians of the Galaxy don't even have a shadow. Was it uncomfortable for him to take the cosmic spiritual ball in the past?

There are power gems inside.

"Let me see, I remember the cosmic spirit ball seems to be on Morag star?"

Zod checked the star map. The coordinates of Morag's star also appeared on the star map. It seemed that it was not a very remote planet that no one knew.

Morag Star!

The planets surrounded by three natural satellites were once glorious, possessing interstellar exploration and colonization capabilities. But for some reason, the advanced civilization suddenly destroyed, and the planet of Morag became a forgotten abandoned star.

Zod drove the spaceship, shuttled through hundreds of space nodes in one breath, and then arrived here, just an hour has passed by the void.

Kryptonians are really promising as astronauts, because it takes at least ten and a half months for other aliens to play this way, while Kryptonians~www.mtlnovel.com~ can complete the journey in one hour.

Even Esthers and the others felt that it was not exciting enough. The oppressive feeling of dying in the space node was quickly adapted by them, and now it has become a tool for flirting.

The abandoned Morag star is desolate and desolate, the climate is complex and changeable, the surface of the planet is full of rocks, the surface of the planet collapses in a large area, from time to time with the backlog of groundwater, the temple is likely to be buried in the ground long ago.

The gusty winds of Morag, the clouded planet with lightning and thunder, the spacecraft entered the atmosphere, and Zod turned on the scanning system to establish a projection model of Morag.

"I want to find a temple in such a harsh environment..."

Flame Lingji felt very difficult.

Morag Star is full of bottomless abyss cracks, accompanied by frequent crustal movement, from time to time there are sprays that rush into the high altitude and turn into torrential rain.

"It's okay, all the Kryptonians are super detectors, and it's easy to find a temple."

Zod opened his super vision, and it didn't take long to find the temple.

The spacecraft freezes in mid-air for a few seconds, moves slowly in one direction, and finally stops on a relatively flat ground.

Directly in front of the spacecraft, the ruined palace was weathered and out of shape, and through half of the ruins, the glorious and magnificent past can be vaguely seen. This is a civilization that has been forgotten for many years.

Zod and Tifa got off the spaceship and then walked into the temple.

In the depths of the palace ruins, contrary to the dilapidation of the outside world, it is very well preserved. Except for a little dust, the long time seems to stand still here.

At the end, the huge stone gate was closed tightly, and countless intricate hollow patterns were carved on the stone gate and the wall. Between the gaps, a trace of energy traveled at a uniform speed.

It is unbelievable how many years Morag Star has been abandoned, and the energy array of the ruins can continue to operate.