
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 200: 200

Collectors live forever because they have lost a bet with the goddess of death and will never step into the kingdom of death. For millions of years, the collector and his wife and children lived on CygnusX-1, thinking about life while living. After another three billion years, his wife gave up her immortality because she was tired of longevity, and the collector was very sad.

After he felt that he needed a hobby to keep his sanity, he began to collect interesting cultural relics and life forms from all over the universe. Finally, his obsession with collecting reached a certain level, and he began to collect what he thought was rare or precious for pure collection.

Zod has always been very cautious because he is not sure whether he is in the comic universe or the movie universe.

He didn't even dare to leave the earth, after all, the earth was at least covered by two big men, Gu Yi Mage and Odin, and it was a very suitable novice village for development.

However, after awakening Doomsday and becoming Doomsday Superman, Zod ventured into the universe without saying a word.

After all, neither Superman Phoenix nor Superman Shenlong can give Zod the same sense of security as Superman.

"The Land of Nothingness, let's go over there and take a look."

Zod thought for a while, and thought it would be nice to take a look, even though Tiwan hasn't got the cosmic spiritual ball yet.

And Zod's purpose is only to get Cree scientists, and then help him develop the missing biological genetic engineering technology.

If he could be like Clark, with a spaceship storing 100,000 knowledge of the world, he wouldn't have to pursue the knowledge and technology of others.

Of course, Zod has the Tome of Life, and he can explode the Kryptonians if he thinks about it.

But Zod didn't want the whole world to be Kryptonians, and Kryptonians are also very dangerous. What if someone like Lay Bald uses the corpses or genes of Kryptonians to cultivate the day of destruction.

Although Zod is not afraid of Destruction Day, it does not mean that Destruction Day is not difficult to deal with.

"Can a fight in the Voidland?"

Asides asked with interest.

"No, don't think about fighting all day."

Zod said.

"Of course, if someone causes trouble, you can fight directly."

Zod added.

Based on the position of the star map, the spacecraft traversed more than a dozen space nodes and reached the place where the void is located.

It is more than 80,000 light-years away from the earth.

Directly in front of the spacecraft, the gloomy deep space of the universe was filled with a cluster of flocculent clouds, and the stars in the distance shed light, making the surface of the clouds reflect colorful, dreamlike, magnificent and magnificent.

In the center of the cloud, there is an extremely huge head floating. After countless years, this head has been unable to see its true face. The hollow eye sockets are more appropriate to call it a skull.

Everyone on the spacecraft was stunned and shocked to the extreme. The immersive sense of reality made their scalp numb.

However, because Zod is so knowledgeable, he has seen a lot of strange things in the DC Universe, so his reaction was dull.

"Zord, what is that?"

Tifa and Yan Ling Ji were shocked, and her first trip to the universe really opened her eyes.

"The head of the Celestial Group!"

"The Celestial Group...what is it?"

"A very powerful life form, similar to the creation gods of Pangu, Fuxi, and Taiyi. They can create lives on planets, and for those beings, they are the creation gods. "

Zod explained.

So Tifa and Yan Ling Ji were even more shocked.

Asides reacted quickly.

"I really want to know who killed it?"

Esther is eager to try and create a world of creator god? I don't know how strong it is, is there any Zod strong?

When Zod was about to control the spacecraft into the void, he suddenly felt uncomfortable all over his body.

This feeling is familiar to Zod... Is he going to have new abilities?

The light of the stars in the distance made Zord's body weaken, and Esthers, who sensed that Zord was wrong, quickly held him.

"Zord, how are you, your breathing is very short."

Esthers found that Zod was trembling all over, and he was short of breath, looking very horrible.

Zod could hear them, but couldn't answer, because a new mutation had begun.

The light from distant stars penetrated Zord's biological force field, ignoring the filtering effect of the biological force field on Zord's cells.

Then there was a very drastic and unbelievable change.

Zod only felt uncomfortable all over his body, as if staying up all night for three days and three nights and then being dragged to run for five kilometers.

A sense of tremendous force constantly surging from all ends of the body, and even the depths of the limbs. Like a stormy sea, it rushed into Zord's brain in an instant. Immediately afterwards, under the frustration that he could not reach the heights, he unwillingly retreated slowly from the occupied positions. With a more powerful force hidden in the tide, with an incomparably arrogant attitude, once again slammed the blood at the unattainable height ~www.mtlnovel.com~, boiling. The muscles are swelling.

Even under the shock, Zord's nearly lost ears seemed to hear the crisp sound of the bones in his body due to expansion and distortion. He clearly saw that his hands had lost their original appearance. On the surface of the violently bulging muscles, there are eye-catching dark blood vessels. They are so thick that they can clearly see the blood flowing in them.

Hot, hot, and bright red. An unspeakable power circulated in his body. Make him want to vent, want to destroy, want to be crazy.

Then, just when everything was about to explode, the body returned to calm, and the strength quickly disappeared.

Zod opened his eyes again, and he sat up.


Yan Lingji looked at him worriedly.

"I'm fine, it's just a new ability that has mutated."

Zod shook his head.

But this new ability is quite practical...if it is before the day of destruction.

Because this is a magic superman!

It has very strong resistance to all magical or mysterious powers, and also has strong resistance to spirit and soul, and the talent for learning magic is superb.

"Forget it, it's better than not, and I'm not afraid of soul gems and soul gems."

Zod stood up.

Although he has the power of the phoenix and the power of the dragon, but for the soul gem and soul gem, one more magic superman is guaranteed after all.

"Are you stronger again?"

Esther is very envious.

"Unfortunately, the feeling of getting stronger every time is dangerous."

Zod complained about the feeling of weakness, and he didn't know how to describe it.

It is estimated that no one wants to experience that feeling anyway, but it is a good thing to be able to become stronger.